Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Mon, 29 Nov 21
[2111.12742] Yu Wang, Jin-Zhu Yu, Hiba Baroud: Generating Synthetic Systems of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Networks
[2111.12758] Jiawei Sun, Jiachen Wu, Nektarios Koukourakis et al.: Lensless multicore-fiber microendoscope for real-time tailored light field generation with phase encoder neural network (CoreNet)
[2111.12770] Tao E. Li, Abraham Nitzan, Joseph E. Subotnik: Polariton relaxation under vibrational strong coupling: Comparing cavity molecular dynamics simulations against Fermi's golden rule rate
[2111.12804] Aanjaneya Kumar, Sandeep Chowdhary, Valerio Capraro et al.: The evolution of honesty in higher-order social networks
[2111.12820] Diana Khoromskaia, Guillaume Salbreux: Active morphogenesis of patterned epithelial shells
[2111.12832] Zehua Chen, Yang Yang: Incorporating Nuclear Quantum Effects in Molecular Dynamics
[2111.12834] Marcus Seidel, Prannay Balla, Chen Li et al.: Factor 30 pulse compression by hybrid multi-pass multi-plate spectral broadening
[2111.12840] Farouk Mokhtar, Raghav Kansal, Daniel Diaz et al.: Explaining machine-learned particle-flow reconstruction
[2111.12849] Steven Tsan, Raghav Kansal, Anthony Aportela et al.: Particle Graph Autoencoders and Differentiable, Learned Energy Mover's Distance
[2111.12854] Tahir I. Yusufaly: Extending the Relative Seriality Formalism for Interpretable Deep Learning of Normal Tissue Complication Probability Models
[2111.12856] J. Colas, J. Billard, S. Ferriol et al.: Development of data processing and analysis pipeline for the RICOCHET experiment
[2111.12857] J. Colas, M. Calvo, J. Goupy et al.: Improvement of contact-less KID design using multilayered Al/Ti material for resonator
[2111.12884] Qi Liu, Bin Zhou, Jianyong Zhang et al.: A novel time delay estimation algorithm of acoustic pyrometry for furnace
[2111.12915] Yucang Ruan, Baolin Tian, Xinting Zhang et al.: On the supremum of the steepness parameter in self-adjusting steepness based schemes
[2111.12954] B. M. Roberts, P. G. Ranclaud, J. S. M. Ginges: The Bohr-Weisskopf effect: from hydrogenlike-ion experiments to heavy-atom calculations of the hyperfine structure
[2111.12964] Vladimir I. Korobov: Precision spectroscopy of the hydrogen molecular ions: present status of theory and experiment
[2111.12973] L. Alekseeva, A. Nokhrin, A. Orlova et al.: NaRe$_2$(PO$_4$)$_3$ phosphate-based ceramic with kosnarite structure as a matrix for technetium immobilization. Production. Properties
[2111.12979] Andris Berzins, Janis Smits, Andrejs Petruhins et al.: NV microscopy of thermally controlled stresses caused by Cr$_2$O$_3$ thin films
[2111.13001] Daniele Fiscaletti, Daniele Ragni, Edwin F.J. Overmars et al.: Tomographic long-distance microPIV to investigate the small scales of turbulence in a jet at high Reynolds number
[2111.13028] Nan Deng, Bernd R. Noack, Marek Morzyński et al.: Cluster-based hierarchical network model of the fluidic pinball -- Cartographing transient and post-transient, multi-frequency, multi-attractor...
[2111.13039] Dina Razafindralandy, Aziz Hamdouni: Group theoretic approach and analytical solutions of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations
[2111.13043] Juan Guzmán-Iñigo, Dong Yang, Renaud Gaudron et al.: On the scattering of entropy waves at sudden area expansions
[2111.13046] Wenjie Yao, Francesc Verdugo, Rasmus E. Christiansen et al.: Trace formulation for photonic inverse design with incoherent sources
[2111.13051] Tomasz Imielinski: Ranking by Momentum based on Pareto ordering of entities
[2111.13068] Cong Liu, Chen-Wu Wu: Invariant in variants
[2111.13072] Junbo Gong, Michael Friedrichs, Jens Oberrath et al.: Kinetic Simulation of the Ideal Multipole Resonance Probe
[2111.13096] Sergei Tomilov, Martin Hoffmann, Yicheng Wang et al.: Moving towards high-power thin-disk lasers in the 2-μm wavelength range
[2111.13098] Jialin Chen, Xiao Lin, Mingyuan Chen et al.: A perspective of twisted photonic structures
[2111.13123] K. Tyszka, M. Furman, R. Mirek et al.: Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Mechanism in Exciton-Polariton Condensates for Photonic Spiking Neurons
[2111.13126] Alexey D. Kondorskiy, Sergey S. Moritaka, Vladimir S. Lebedev: Manifestation of the anisotropic properties of the molecular J-aggregate shell in optical spectra of plexcitonic nanoparticles
[2111.13127] Natascha Leijnse, Younes Farhangi Barooji, Mohammad Reza Arastoo et al.: Filopodia rotate and coil by actively generating twist in their actin shaft
[2111.13146] Timothy J. Daas, Derk P. Kooi, Arthur J. A. F. Grooteman et al.: Gradient expansions for the large-coupling strength limit of the Møller-Plesset adiabatic connection
[2111.13150] H. Fanchiotti, C. A. Garcia Canal, M. Mayosky et al.: Measuring the Hannay geomatric phase
[2111.13168] Paulo C. Ventura, Eric K. Tokuda, Luciano da F. Costa et al.: A Markov chain for metapopulations of small sizes with attraction landscape
[2111.13182] Daniel Lawson, Daniel W. Hewak, Otto L. Muskens et al.: Time-resolved reversible optical switching of the ultralow-loss phase change material Sb2Se3
[2111.13183] Matheus Rodrigues Furlani, Sheila Medeiros de Carvalho, Milton Sergio Fernandes de Lima: Effect of laser surface hardening on a low carbon steel substrate wear and hardness
[2111.13191] Pratik Mullick, Aymeric Duigou-Majumdar, Cécile Appert-Rolland et al.: Analysis of emergent patterns in crossing flows of pedestrians reveals an invariant of `stripe' formation in human data
[2111.13194] Vyacheslav Li, Fritz Diorico, Onur Hosten: Laser frequency offset locking at 10-Hz-level instability using hybrid electronic filters
[2111.13210] Christopher Haggard, Vijay Ganesh Sadhasivam, George Trenins et al.: Testing the quasicentroid molecular dynamics method on gas-phase ammonia
[2111.13234] Luise Wanner, Marc Calaf, Matthias Mauder: Incorporating the effect of heterogeneous surface heating into a semi-empirical model of the surface energy balance closure
[2111.13243] Andrew Longman, Robert Fedosejevs: Kilo-Tesla axial magnetic field generation with high intensity spin and orbital angular momentum beams
[2111.13251] Eamon Duede, James Evans: The Social Abduction of Science
[2111.13262] Mohammad S. Jamal, Abeeb A. Awotunde, Mohammed S. Al-Kobaisi et al.: Interwell Simulation Model for the Advection Dispersion Equation (ISADE)
[2111.13264] Charles A. Kang, Mark W. McClure, Somasekhar Reddy: Description of ResFrac automated history matching and optimization workflow
[2111.13275] Pierce C. Qureshi, Vincent Ng, Farhan Azeem et al.: Soliton linear-wave scattering in a Kerr microresonator
[2111.13290] Luís F Seoane, Jorge Mira: Are Dutch and French languages miscible?
[2111.13298] Tiago F. Silva, Cleber L. Rodrigues, Manfredo H. Tabacniks et al.: Bias and synergy in the self-consistent approach of data analysis of ion beam techniques
[2111.13348] Michael Andreas Klatt, Klaus Mecke: Detecting structured sources in noisy images via Minkowski maps
[2111.13371] Yuqing Cheng, Mengtao Sun: Understanding scattering properties of strongly coupled metallic nanoparticle chains based on a coupling classic harmonic oscillator model
[2111.13376] M.A. Pinault-Thaury, Marie-Amandine Pinault-Thaury, François Jomard: Nitrogen investigation by SIMS in two wide band-gap semiconductors: Diamond and Silicon Carbide
[2111.13387] M.G. Stojanovic, S. Gundogdu, D. Leykam et al.: Nonlinear compact localized modes in flux-dressed octagonal-diamond photonic lattice
[2111.13396] Aashish Kumar Gupta, Prabhu R. Nott: Analysis of the flow of granular materials through a screw conveyor
[2111.13404] Corentin Martens, Antonin Rovai, Daniele Bonatto et al.: Deep Learning for Reaction-Diffusion Glioma Growth Modelling: Towards a Fully Personalised Model?
[2111.13408] Hsuan-Jui Su, Jia-You Liou, I-Chun Lin et al.: Optimizing the Rydberg EIT spectrum in a thermal vapor
[2111.13426] Kevin Vynck, Romain Pacanowski, Arthur Dufay et al.: Stunning visual appearances of disordered optical metasurfaces
[2111.13429] Ievgeniia Chaban, Radoslaw Deska, Gael Privault et al.: Nonlinear optical absorption in nanoscale films revealed through ultrafast acoustics
[2111.13441] Angus Gale, Chi Li, Yongliang Chen et al.: Deterministic fabrication of blue quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride
[2111.13444] Denis S. Grebenkov, Ralf Metzler, Gleb Oshanin: Distribution of first-reaction times with target regions on boundaries of shell-like domains
[2111.13469] Xuxiang Sun, Wenbo Cao, Yilang Liu et al.: High Reynolds number airfoil turbulence modeling method based on machine learning technique
[2111.13478] Carsten Killer, Philipp Drews, Olaf Grulke et al.: Reciprocating probe measurements in the test divertor operation phase of Wendelstein 7-X
[2111.13494] Jian-Hong Lin, Emiliano Marchese, Claudio J. Tessone et al.: The Weighted Bitcoin Lightning Network
[2111.13509] G. Dujany, K. Adamczyk, L. Aggarwal et al.: The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment
[2111.13512] Krzysztof Pachucki, Jacek Komasa: Nonrelativistic energy of tritium-containing hydrogen molecule isotopologues
[2111.13535] F. Lafont, B. Guerard, R. Hall-Wilton et al.: Uniformity of response of Uranium fission chambers used as neutron beam monitors
[2111.13548] Diba Dehmeshki, Erich Frahm, Roger Rusack et al.: A Sub-Picosecond Digitally-Controlled Phase Delay
[2111.13567] Quan Zhao, Shixin Xu, Weiqing Ren: A Level Set Method for the Simulation of Moving Contact Lines in Three Dimensions
[2111.13569] R.A. Tinguely, N. Fil, P.G. Puglia et al.: A novel measurement of marginal Alfvén Eigenmode stability during high power auxiliary heating in JET
[2111.13574] Francesco S. Piccioli, Alexander Szameit, Iacopo Carusotto: Topologically protected frequency control of broadband signals in dynamically modulated waveguide arrays
[2111.13580] Zeynep Tuna Deger, Gulsen Taskin Kaya: Glass-box model representation of seismic failure mode prediction for conventional RC shear walls
[2111.13581] Honggeun Jo, Yongchae Cho, Michael J. Pyrcz et al.: Machine learning-based porosity estimation from spectral decomposed seismic data
[2111.13582] Jason Olsthoorn, Edmund W. Tedford, Gregory A. Lawrence: Brine rejection leads to salt-fingers in seasonally ice-covered lakes
[2111.13584] Ezra Y. S. Tjung, Kenichi Soga: Liquefaction-Induced Dam Failure Simulation -- A Case for the Material Point Method
[2111.13586] Navid Bani Hassan, Fahimeh Dehkhoda, Enyuan Xie et al.: Ultra-high frame rate digital light projector using chipscale LED-on-CMOS technology
[2111.13627] Satoshi Kume: Short Review: Pathology of the image big data era using electron microscopy
[2111.13637] Daria V. Bochek, Nikolay S. Solodovchenko, Denis A. Yavsin et al.: Material and radiation losses in structures with bound states in the continuum: Ge2Sb2Te5 as an example
[2111.13643] Elisa Simó-Soler, Eloy Peña-Asensio: From impact refugees to deterritorialized states: foresighting extreme legal-policy cases in asteroid impact scenarios
[2111.13645] Johannes von Lindheim, Abhishek Harikrishnan, Tom Dörffel et al.: Definition, detection, and tracking of persistent structures in atmospheric flows
[2111.13655] Ahai Chen, David Lauvergnat: ElVibRot-MPI: parallel quantum dynamics with Smolyak algorithm for general molecular simulation
[2111.13667] Alexander Luce, Ali Mahdavi, Florian Marquardt et al.: TMM-Fast: A Transfer Matrix Computation Package for Multilayer Thin-Film Optimization
[2111.13671] David Ayuso: New opportunities for ultrafast and highly enantio-sensitive imaging and control of chiral nuclear dynamics: towards enantio-selective attochemistry
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Mon, 29 Nov 21","img":""}