Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 13 Jul 20
[2007.04987] Q. Ni, W. N. Brandt, G. Yang et al.: Revealing the relation between black-hole growth and host-galaxy compactness among star-forming galaxies
[2007.04988] Peter Behroozi, Charlie Conroy, Risa H. Wechsler et al.: The Universe at z>10: Predictions for JWST from the UniverseMachine DR1
[2007.04992] Núria Miret-Roig, Nuria Huélamo, Hervé Bouy: Searching for debris discs in the 30 Myr open cluster IC 4665
[2007.04993] Khaled Said, Matthew Colless, Christina Magoulas et al.: Joint analysis of 6dFGS and SDSS peculiar velocities for the growth rate of cosmic structure and tests of gravity
[2007.04996] B. Vulcani, B. M. Poggianti, S. Tonnesen et al.: GASP XXX. The spatially resolved SFR-Mass relation in stripping galaxies in the local universe
[2007.04997] Planck Collaboration: Y. Akrami, K. J. Andersen, M. Ashdown et al.: Planck intermediate results. LVII. Joint Planck LFI and HFI data processing
[2007.04998] A. L. Thakur, S. Dichiara, E. Troja et al.: A search for optical and near-infrared counterparts of the compact binary merger GW190814
[2007.04999] T. Pasini, M. Brūggen, F. de Gasperin et al.: The relation between the diffuse X-ray luminosity and the radio power of the central AGN in galaxy groups
[2007.05000] Hiroki Nagakura, Adam Burrows, David Vartanyan et al.: Core-collapse supernova neutrino emission and detection informed by state-of-the-art three-dimensional numerical models
[2007.05011] Alan W. McConnachie, Kim A. Venn: Revised and new proper motions for confirmed and candidate Milky Way dwarf galaxies
[2007.05021] Bahar Bidaran, Anna Pasquali, Thorsten Lisker et al.: On the accretion of a new group of galaxies onto Virgo: I. Internal kinematics of nine in-falling dEs
[2007.05022] Rebecca G. Martin, Zhaohuan Zhu, Philip J. Armitage: A fast-growing tilt instability of detached circumplanetary disks
[2007.05023] Cara Battersby, Eric Keto, Daniel Walker et al.: CMZoom: Survey Overview and First Data Release
[2007.05040] Serafina Di Gioia, Stefano Cristiani, Gabriella De Lucia et al.: Damped Lyman-$α$ absorbers and atomic hydrogen in galaxies: the view of the GAEA model
[2007.05058] T. Velusamy, T. B. H Kuiper, S. M. Levin R. Dorcey et al.: Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope Observations of 2012 Solar Eclipse: A Multi-wavelength study of cm-wavelength Gyroresonance Emissio...
[2007.05101] F. Kirsten, M. Snelders, M. Jenkins et al.: Detection of two bright FRB-like radio bursts from magnetar SGR 1935+2154 during a multi-frequency monitoring campaign
[2007.05132] Zhen Yuan, Jiang Chang, Timothy C. Beers et al.: A Low-Mass Stellar-Debris Stream Associated with a Globular Cluster Pair in the Halo
[2007.05138] M.R. Combi, T. Mäkinen, J.-L. Bertaux et al.: Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak, 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajduskova, and 46P/Wirtanen: Water Production Activity over 21 Years with SOHO/SWAN
[2007.05144] Y. Su, Y. Zhang, G. Liang et al.: A Machine Learning Approach to the Census of Galaxy Clusters
[2007.05153] Bokyoung Kim, Sebastien Lépine, Ilija Medan: A Catalog of 531 White Dwarf Candidates in the Local Galactic Halo from Gaia Data Release 2
[2007.05160] K. Kinemuchi, Patrick B. Hall, Ian McGreer et al.: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Photometric g and I Light Curves
[2007.05173] Pin-Gao Gu, Che-Yu Chen: The Drag Instability in a 1D Isothermal C-Shock
[2007.05187] E. V. Polyachenko, I. G. Shukhman: The Lynden-Bell bar formation mechanism in simple and realistic galactic models
[2007.05199] I. Marini, A. Saro, S. Borgani et al.: On the phase-space structure of galaxy clusters from cosmological simulations
[2007.05204] Cheongho Han, In-Gu Shin, Youn Kil Jung et al.: KMT-2018-BLG-0748Lb: Sub-Saturn Microlensing Planet Orbiting an Ultracool Host
[2007.05218] Max P. Katz, Ann Almgren, Maria Barrios Sazo et al.: Preparing Nuclear Astrophysics for Exascale
[2007.05219] Tom Kimpson, Kinwah Wu, Silvia Zane: Orbital spin dynamics of a millisecond pulsar around a massive black hole with an general mass quadrupole
[2007.05229] Shen Wang, Zhiyuan Ren, Di Li et al.: Hyperfine Group Ratio (HFGR): A Recipe for Deriving Kinetic Temperature from Ammonia Inversion Lines
[2007.05231] Hirdesh Kumar, Brajesh Kumar: On the seismic emission in sunspots associated with Lorentz force changes accompanying major solar flares
[2007.05240] Chao-Jian Wu, Hong Wu, Wei Zhang et al.: LAMOST Medium-Resolution Spectral Survey of Galactic Nebula (LAMOST MRS-N): An overview of Scientific goals and Survey plan
[2007.05249] Daniel V. Cotton, Jeremy Bailey, Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer et al.: Phase-locked polarization by photospheric reflection in the semidetached eclipsing binary $μ^1$ Sco
[2007.05268] V.V. Bobylev, A.T. Bajkova: Estimation of the Gould Belt scale height from T Tauri type stars in the Gaia DR2 catalogue
[2007.05273] Anuvab Banerjee, Ayan Bhattacharjee, Debjit Chatterjee et al.: Accretion Flow Properties of GRS 1915+105 During Its $θ$ Class Using AstroSat Data
[2007.05274] C. Ginski, F. Ménard, Ch. Rab et al.: Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): A close low mass companion to ET Cha
[2007.05310] Hugh S. Hudson, Paulo J. A. Simoes, Lyndsay Fletcher et al.: Hot X-ray Onsets of Solar Flares
[2007.05317] G. Foster, K. Poppenhaeger, J. D. Alvarado-Gómez et al.: The corona of GJ 1151 in the context of star-planet interaction
[2007.05333] D. Yu. Tsvetkov, N. N. Pavlyuk, V.A. Echeistov: Photometric observations of two type Ic-BL Supernovae: 2016coi and 2018ebt
[2007.05349] Thomas Kupfer, Evan B. Bauer, Kevin B. Burdge et al.: A new class of Roche lobe-filling hot subdwarf binaries
[2007.05360] Miguel Aparicio Resco, Antonio L. Maroto: The Fisher gAlaxy suRvey cOde ($\texttt{FARO}$)
[2007.05366] Vladimir Đošović, Bojan Novaković, Branislav Vukotić et al.: Water transport throughout the TRAPPIST-1 system: the role of planetesimals
[2007.05376] A. Arbey, J.-F. Coupechoux: Unifying dark matter, dark energy and inflation with a fuzzy dark fluid
[2007.05407] L. Dimare, A. Del Vigna, D. Bracali Cioci et al.: Use of the Semilinear Method to predict the Impact Corridor on Ground
[2007.05412] Scott Guzewich J.B. Abshire. M.M. Baker, J.M. Battalio, T. Bertrand et al.: Measuring Mars Atmospheric Winds From Orbit
[2007.05415] B. Benmahi, T. Cavalié, M. Dobrijevic et al.: 18-year long monitoring of the evolution of H2O vapor in the stratosphere of Jupiter with the Odin space telescope
[2007.05442] A. Jorissen, H. Van Winckel, L. Siess et al.: Li-rich K giants, dust excess, and binarity
[2007.05457] Thomas Montandon, Guillaume Patanchon, Bartjan van Tent: Isocurvature modes: joint analysis of the CMB power spectrum and bispectrum
[2007.05468] E. J. Marchesini, A. Paggi, F. Massaro et al.: The $γ$-ray sky seen at X-ray energies II: the Swift hunt of Fermi BL Lac objects among unidentified gamma-ray sources
[2007.05484] N. Clerc, C. C. Kirkpatrick, A. Finoguenov et al.: SPIDERS: overview of the X-ray galaxy cluster follow-up and the final spectroscopic data release
[2007.05488] V. Gomez-Llanos, C. Morisset, J. Garcia-Rojas et al.: The impact of strong recombination on temperature determination in planetary nebulae
[2007.05491] Abel Méndez, Edgard G. Rivera-Valentín, Dirk Schulze-Makuch et al.: Habitability Models for Planetary Sciences
[2007.05504] Atsushi Taruya, Takahiro Nishimichi, Donghui Jeong: The covariance of the matter power spectrum including the survey window function effect: N-body simulations vs. fifth-order perturbation theory o...
[2007.05508] Stevanus K. Nugroho, Neale P. Gibson, Ernst J. W. de Mooij et al.: Detection of Fe\,{\sc i} Emission in the Day-side Spectrum of WASP-33b
[2007.05514] Vedad Kunovac Hodžić, Amaury H.M.J. Triaud, David V. Martin et al.: The EBLM project. VII. Spin-orbit alignment for the circumbinary planet host EBLM J0608-59 A/TOI-1338 A
[2007.05517] Peter Athron, Csaba Balázs, Ankit Beniwal et al.: Global fits of axion-like particles to XENON1T and astrophysical data
[2007.05519] Anahita Alavi, James Colbert, Harry I. Teplitz et al.: Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction from Low-mass Starbursts at z=1.3
[2007.05526] Antonios Tsokaros, Milton Ruiz, Stuart L. Shapiro: GW190814: Spin and equation of state of a neutron star companion
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 13 Jul 20","img":""}
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