Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Thu, 30 Sep 21
[2109.13939] Robert B. Mann, Sebastian Murk, Daniel R. Terno: Paradoxes before the paradox: setting up the information loss problem
[2109.13949] Oscar J.C. Dias, Mahdi Godazgar, Jorge E. Santos et al.: Eigenvalue repulsions in the quasinormal spectra of the Kerr-Newman black hole
[2109.13961] Gregorio Carullo, Danny Laghi, Nathan K. Johnson-McDaniel et al.: Splitting the third hair: constraints on Kerr-Newman black holes from merger-ringdown gravitational-wave observations
[2109.14042] Ahmet Çevik, Zeki Seskir: On the Cardinality of Possible Worlds in Discrete Spacetime Structures
[2109.14183] Bo-Hung Chen, Dah-Wei Chiou: Response of the Unruh-DeWitt detector in a gravitational wave background
[2109.14225] N. Malsawmtluangi: $e^+e^-$ annihilation on the stochastic background of squeezed primordial gravitational waves
[2109.14254] Alvin J. K. Chua, Curt J. Cutler: Non-local parameter degeneracy in the intrinsic space of gravitational-wave signals from extreme-mass-ratio inspirals
[2109.14258] Pradip Mukherjee, Anirban Saha, Amit Singha Roy: Energy momentum tensor of a non-minimally coupled scalar from the equivalence of the Einstein and Jordan frames
[2109.14319] Conghua Liu, Jin Wang: Path integral and instantons for the process and phase transition rate of the RNAdS black hole
[2109.14400] Cyril Renevey, Killian Martineau, Aurélien Barrau: Cosmological implications of generalized holonomy corrections
[2109.14457] Petr V. Tretyakov: Bianchi I cosmological solutions in teleparallel gravity
[2109.14496] Mikhail S. Volkov: Stationary generalizations for the Bronnikov-Ellis wormhole and for the vacuum ring wormhole
[2109.14507] Albert Much: Make Deformation Quantization Physical Again; Applications to QFT in Curved Spacetimes
[2109.14511] Alireza Rashti, Francesco Maria Fabbri, Bernd Brügmann et al.: Elliptica: a new pseudo-spectral code for the construction of initial data
[2109.14571] Alan M. Knee, Jess McIver, Miriam Cabero: Prospects for measuring off-axis spins of binary black holes with Plus-era gravitational-wave detectors
[2109.14601] Benito A. Juárez-Aubry, Jorma Louko: Quantum kicks near a Cauchy horizon
[2109.14607] Vojtěch Witzany: Einstein gravity as a theory with a SL(2,C) connection double copy
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Thu, 30 Sep 21","img":""}
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