Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 7 Dec 21
[2112.02112] Eyal Leviatan, David F. Mross: Quantum criticality and confinement in weak Mott insulators
[2112.02113] Prashant Kumar, F. D. M. Haldane: Neutral Excitations of Quantum Hall States: a Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study
[2112.02123] Rahul Rao, Michael A. Susner: Phonon anharmonicity in Cu-based layered thiophosphates
[2112.02124] Manuel Weber, David J. Luitz, Fakher F. Assaad: Dissipation-induced order: the $S=1/2$ quantum spin chain coupled to an ohmic bath
[2112.02131] Roman Lucrezi, Simone Di Cataldo, Wolfgang von der Linden et al.: In-silico synthesis of novel lowest-pressure high-$T_\text{c}$ ternary superhydrides
[2112.02137] Xie Chen, Arpit Dua, Po-Shen Hsin et al.: Loops in 4+1d Topological Phases
[2112.02146] E. Iroulart, H. D. Rosales: Skyrmion-skyrmion interaction induced by itinerant electrons in a ferromagnetic strip
[2112.02173] Sahbi El Hog, Fumitake Kato, Satoshi Hongo et al.: Stability of 3D skyrmions under mechanical stress studied via Monte Carlo calculations
[2112.02187] Hao Xu, Hao Shi, Ettore Vitali et al.: Stripes and spin-density waves in the doped two-dimensional Hubbard model: ground state phase diagram
[2112.02192] Jose Mario Galicia Hernandez, J. Guerrero Sanchez, R. Ponce Perez et al.: Self-energy corrected band-gap tuning induced by strain in the hexagonal boron phosphide monolayer
[2112.02201] Philipp Stegmann, Satyendra Nath Gupta, Gilad Haran et al.: Higher-order photon statistics as a new tool to reveal hidden excited states in a plasmonic cavity
[2112.02216] Hirokazu Kobayashi, Haruki Watanabe: Vanishing and non-vanishing persistent currents of various conserved quantities
[2112.02235] Abhishek Kejriwal, Bhaskaran Muralidharan: Can non-local conductance spectra conclusively signal Majorana zero modes? -- Insights from von Neumann entropy
[2112.02239] Joshua J Sanchez, Paul Malinowski, Jong-Woo Kim et al.: Quantitative relationship between structural orthorhombicity, shear modulus and heat capacity anomaly of the nematic transition in iron...
[2112.02245] Amal Mathew, Kerem Y Camsari, Bhaskaran Muralidharan: Proposal for a solid-state magnetoresistive Larmor quantum clock
[2112.02276] Kosuke Miura, Yuki Izumida, Koji Okuda: Achieving Carnot efficiency in finite-power Brownian Carnot cycle with arbitrary temperature difference
[2112.02296] William S. Fall, Hima Bindu Kolli, Biswaroop Mukherjee et al.: Canonical Simulation Methodology to Extract Phase Boundaries of Liquid Crystalline Polymer Mixtures
[2112.02319] Xiao-Huan Lv, Meng-Qi Wu, Yin-Ti Ren et al.: Hole- and electron-injection driven phase transitions in transition metal dichalcogenides and beyond: A unified understanding
[2112.02320] Jianfeng Guo, Huan Wang, Xueyun Wang et al.: Coexisting Ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic Phase and Manipulation in Magnetic Topological Insulator MnBi4Te7
[2112.02323] Zhoutao Lei, Yuangang Deng, Chaohong Lee: Unpaired Topological Triply Degenerate Point for Spin-Tensor-Momentum-Coupled Ultracold Atoms
[2112.02326] Xu Miaoting, Cuicui Wang, Benjamin J. Morgan et al.: Hydride Ion Intercalation and Conduction in the Electride Sr$_3$CrN$_3$
[2112.02332] Yucen Han, James Dalby, Benjamin MGD Carter et al.: Transition Pathways of One-Dimensional Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
[2112.02344] Marco Zoli: Mesoscopic helical models for nucleic acids
[2112.02360] M. Espinosa, L. Alonso-LLanes, R. Herrero et al.: Experiments in the penetration of cuboid intruders near walls into granular matter
[2112.02388] Kapil Motla, Pavan Meena, Arushi et al.: Superconducting and normal state properties of high entropy alloy Nb-Re-Hf-Zr-Tiinvestigated by muon spin relaxation and rotation
[2112.02391] Nurlan Almassov, Bauyrzhan Rakhadilov, Nurzhan Serik et al.: Electron beam irradiation effects on the structure and mechanical properties of PEEK. Part 1
[2112.02410] Jiao Wang, Giulio Casati, Giuliano Benenti: Classical physics and the blackbody radiation
[2112.02463] Hao-Wen Liu, Wen-Hao Liu, Zhao-Jun Suo et al.: Uniting the order and disorder dynamics in photoexcited VO2
[2112.02473] Conrad Rizal: Microstructure, Surface Plasmon, Magneto-optic Surface Plasmon, and Sensitivity Properties of Magneto-plasmonic Co/Au Multilayers
[2112.02474] Eldad Bettelheim, Naftali R. Smith, Baruch Meerson: Inverse Scattering Method Solves the Problem of Full Statistics of Nonstationary Heat Transfer in the Kipnis-Marchioro-Presutti Model
[2112.02484] Matteo Rossi, Motoki Osada, Jaewon Choi et al.: A Broken Translational Symmetry State in an Infinite-Layer Nickelate
[2112.02485] Ranjith R Kumar, Nilanjan Roy, Y R Kartik et al.: Topological phase transition at quantum criticality
[2112.02489] T. Irie, R. Yamaguchi, S. Watanabe et al.: Deformation of a rotated granular pile governed by body-force-dependent friction
[2112.02491] S. Hata, M. Katsura, H. Katsuragi: History-dependent growth and reduction of the ripples formed on a swept granular track
[2112.02492] T. Irie, R. Yamaguchi, S. Watanabe et al.: History-dependent deformation of a rotated granular pile governed by granular friction
[2112.02495] Qian Zhao, Si Wu, Yinghao Zhu et al.: Insights into the structural symmetry of single-crystal YCrO$_3$ from synchrotron X-ray diffraction
[2112.02503] Arvin Shadravan, Mahmood Amani, Peisean Goh et al.: Fouling in thin film nanocomposite membranes for power generation through pressure retarded osmosis
[2112.02540] George T. Fortune, Nuno M. Oliveira, Raymond E. Goldstein: Biofilm Growth Under Elastic Confinement
[2112.02544] Mengjuan Mi, Xingwen Zheng, Shilei Wang et al.: Variation between Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism in NiPS3 by Electron Doping
[2112.02549] Jean-François de Kemmeter, Timoteo Carletti, Malbor Asllani: Emergence of metacommunities in niches landscapes driven by self-recruitment segregation
[2112.02551] Yasuhiro Tada: Revisiting Anderson-Higgs mechanism: application of Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem
[2112.02559] Q. Stahl, D. Chen, T. Ritschel et al.: Temperature-driven reorganization of electronic order in CsV$_3$Sb$_5$
[2112.02562] Iksu Jang, Ki-Seok Kim: Effects of general non-magnetic quenched disorder on a spin-density-wave quantum critical metallic system in two spatial dimension
[2112.02574] Matteo Lulli, Luca Biferale, Giacomo Falcucci et al.: Mesoscale Modelling of the Tolman Length in Multi-component Systems
[2112.02587] Stephen A. Giles, Debasis Sengupta, Scott R. Broderick et al.: Machine-Learning-Based Intelligent Framework for Discovering Refractory High-Entropy Alloys with Improved High-Temperature Yield...
[2112.02590] Sebastian Selter, Yuliia Shemerliuk, Kranthi K. Bestha et al.: Crystal Growth, Exfoliation and Magnetic Phase Diagram of Quaternary Quasi-Two-Dimensional CuCrP$_2$S$_6$
[2112.02602] A.O. Shilov, S.S. Savchenko, A.S. Vokhmintsev et al.: Temperature dependence of self-trapped exciton luminescence in nanostructured hafnia powder
[2112.02603] M. Reza Shaebani, Zeinab Sadjadi: Kinematics of Persistent Random Walkers with Distinct Modes of Motion
[2112.02610] Chen Lu, Lun-Hui Hu, Yu Wang et al.: Two-orbital model for possible superconductivity pairing mechanism in nickelates
[2112.02614] Chrisy Xiyu Du, Hanyu Alice Zhang, Tanner Pearson et al.: Programming Interactions in Magnetic Handshake Materials
[2112.02616] F. Bougamha, S. Selter, Y. Shemerliuk et al.: ${}^{31}$P NMR investigation of quasi-two-dimensional magnetic correlations in $T_2$P$_2$S$_6$ ($T$ = Mn & Ni)
[2112.02617] Jeffrey J. Fredberg: On the origin of order
[2112.02619] Santhosh Kumar R, Bhaskar Sen Gupta: Shear Induced Fluidization Of Thermal Amorphous Solids
[2112.02630] Gang Chen, Congjun Wu: Mott insulators with large local Hilbert spaces in quantum materials and ultracold atoms
[2112.02642] Álvaro Adrián Carrasco Álvarez, Sébastien Petit, Lucia Iglesias et al.: Structural instabilities of infinite-layer nickelates from first-principles simulations
[2112.02652] Natalia Ruiz-Pino, Antonio Prados: Optimal control of uniformly heated granular fluids in linear response
[2112.02697] Chamkor Singh: Guided run-and-tumble active particles: wall accumulation and preferential deposition
[2112.02709] Xi Chen, Jianghui Pan, Jiahao Dong et al.: Abnormal heavy-flux flow in cuprate superconductors
[2112.02720] Pawan Khanal, Karthik R Peddireddy, Juexin Marfai et al.: Ring DNA confers enhanced bulk elasticity and restricted macromolecular diffusion in DNA-dextran blends
[2112.02726] Yuan-Tao Chen, Peng-Lai Gong, Yin-Ti Ren et al.: Interlayer Quasi-Bonding Interactions in 2D Layered Materials: A Classification According to the Occupancy of Involved Energy Bands
[2112.02730] Hisato Komatsu: Analysis of finite-size effect of infinite-range Ising model under Glauber dynamics
[2112.02784] Sayan Maity, Suraj Verm, Lavanya M. Ramaniah et al.: Deciphering the nature of temperature-induced structural phases of MAPbBr3 by ab initio molecular dynamics
[2112.02791] Kazuki Yokomizo, Taiki Yoda, Shuichi Murakami: Non-Hermitian waves in a continuous periodic model and application to photonic crystals
[2112.02798] Maciej P. Polak, Robert Kudrawiec, Ryan Jacobs et al.: Modified Band Alignment Method to Obtain Hybrid Functional Accuracy from Standard DFT: Application to Defects in Highly Mismatched III-V...
[2112.02808] Hai-Yang Ma, Jianpeng Liu: First principles theory for the magnetic and charge instabilities in AV$_3$Sb$_5$ systems
[2112.02826] Lalita Saini, Siva Sankar Nemala, Aparna Rathi et al.: Selective transport of water molecules through interlayer spaces in graphite
[2112.02832] Salik A. Sultan, Mehrana R. Nejad, Amin Doostmohammadi: Quadrupolar active stress induces exotic phases of defect motion in active nematics
[2112.02881] Léo Gaspard, Jan M. Tomczak: Timescale of local moment screening across and above the Mott transition
[2112.02886] Jie Yang, Jun Zhou, Jing Lu et al.: Sliding Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions
[2112.02888] Julius Degünther, Timur Koyuk, Udo Seifert: Phase shift in periodically driven non-equilibrium systems: Its identification and a bound
[2112.02898] D. Takegami, C. Y. Kuo, K. Kasebayashi et al.: CaCu$_3$Ru$_4$O$_{12}$: a high Kondo-temperature transition metal oxide
[2112.02901] Tommaso Comparin, Alvin Opler, Elia Macaluso et al.: A measurable fractional spin for quantum Hall quasiparticles on the disk
[2112.02903] Clemens Watzenböck, Martina Fellinger, Karsten Held et al.: Long-term memory magnetic correlations in the Hubbard model: A dynamical mean-field theory analysis
[2112.02904] Ade Fahriza, Trengginas E P Sutantyo, Zulfi Abdullah: Optimizations of Multilevel Quantum Heat Engine with N Noninteracting Fermions Based on Lenoir Cycle
[2112.02908] Alexander E. Khudozhitkov, Peter Stange, Alexander G. Stepanov et al.: Structure, hydrogen bond dynamics and phase transition in a prototypical ionic liquid electrolyte
[2112.02915] Sreemayee Aditya, Sutapa Samanta, Arnab Sen et al.: Dynamical relaxation of correlators in periodically driven integrable quantum systems
[2112.02930] Aamir Ahmad Makki, Souvik Bandyopadhyay, Somnath Maity et al.: Dynamical crossover behaviour in the relaxation of quenched quantum many-body systems
[2112.02946] Virgile Guemard, Aurélien Manchon: Unified formulation of interfacial magnonic pumping from non-collinear magnets
[2112.02957] M. Vladimirova, S. Cronenberger, A. Colombier et al.: Simultaneous measurements of nuclear spin heat capacity, temperature and relaxation in GaAs microstructures
[2112.02964] Juewen Fan, Bingyan Jiang, Jiaji Zhao et al.: Homointerface planar Josephson junction based on inverse proximity effect
[2112.02966] Enrico Bianchetti, Cristiana Di Valentin: Mechanism of spin ordering in $Fe_{3}O_{4}$ nanoparticles by surface coating with organic acids
[2112.02975] Monalisa Chatterjee, Santanu Pal, Manoranjan Kumar: Quantum phases of ferromagnetically coupled dimers on Shastry-Sutherland lattice
[2112.02983] Pascal Naidon, Ludovic Pricoupenko, Christiane Schmickler: Shallow Trimers of Two Identical Fermions and One Particle in Resonant Regimes
[2112.03015] Michele Vodret, Alessio Chiocchetta, Andrea Gambassi: Universal amplitudes ratios for critical aging via functional renormalization group
[2112.03017] Zhentao Liu, Zhaochu Luo, Stanislas Rohart et al.: Engineering of Intrinsic Chiral Torques in Magnetic Thin Films Based on the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction
[2112.03022] Zh. Alsar, B. Rakhadilov, N. Almasov et al.: Physical-chemical characterization of a PEEK surface irradiated with electron beams
[2112.03023] Wangkun Jia, Ming-C. Cheng: A Methodology for Thermal Simulation of Interconnects Enabled by Model Reduction with Material Property Variation
[2112.03027] Sruthil Lal S.B, D Murali, Matthias Posselt et al.: Quasiparticle electronic structure and optical response ($G_0W_0$+BSE) of anatase TiO$_2$ starting from modified HSE06 functionals
[2112.03064] Gabriel P. Martins, Oleg L. Berman, Godfrey Gumbs et al.: Quantum entanglement between excitons in two-dimensional materials
[2112.03065] Géry de Saxcé: A non incremental variational principle for brittle fracture
[2112.03068] Van Hao Can, Cristian Giardinà, Claudio Giberti et al.: Annealed inhomogeneities in random ferromagnets
[2112.03069] Shangfeng Liu, Ye Yuan, Lijie Huang et al.: Drive high power UVC-LED wafer into low-cost 4-inch era: effect of strain modulation
[2112.03072] T Martinez Ostormujof, Rrp Purushottam Raj Purohit, S Breumier et al.: Deep Learning for automated phase segmentation in EBSD maps. A case study in Dual Phase steel microstructures
[2112.03078] Alan R. Bowman, Samuel D. Stranks, Bartomeu Monserrat: A study of singlet fission-halide perovskite interfaces
[2112.03080] Jiawei Zang, Jie Wang, Jennifer Cano et al.: Dynamical mean field theory of moiré bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides: phase diagram, resistivity, and quantum criticality
[2112.03098] O. E. Alon, L. S. Cederbaum: Effects Beyond Center-of-Mass Separability in a Trapped Bosonic Mixture: Exact Results
[2112.03128] M Bulakhov, A S Peletminskii, S V Peletminskii et al.: Broken-axisymmetry state and magnetic state diagram of spin-1 condensate through the prism of quadrupole degrees of freedom
[2112.03132] M. Schøbitz, O. Novotny, B. Trapp et al.: A material view on extrinsic magnetic domain wall pinning in cylindrical CoNi nanowires
[2112.03135] Dominik Christiansen, Malte Selig, Mariana Rossi et al.: Excitonic insulator states in molecular functionalized atomically-thin semiconductors
[2112.03138] D. Chen, S. Cai, N.-W. Hsu et al.: Density dependence of the excitation gaps in an undoped Si/SiGe double-quantum-well heterostructure
[2112.03167] Takumi Bessho, Ken Mochizuki, Hideaki Obuse et al.: Extrinsic topology of Floquet anomalous boundary states in quantum walks
[2112.03192] Jakub Spiechowicz, Peter Hänggi, Jerzy Łuczka: Velocity multistability vs ergodicity breaking in a biased periodic potential
[2112.03209] Chase Austyn Brisbois, Mónica Olvera de la Cruz: Locomotion of magnetoelastic membranes in viscous fluids
[2112.03249] Willmor J. Peña Ccoa, Glen M. Hocky: Assessing models of force-dependent unbinding rates via infrequent metadynamics
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 7 Dec 21","img":""}
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