Global warming and its effects on earth - take the quiz

What is the main cause of global warming?
Greenhouse gas emissions
Solar radiation
Volcanic eruptions
Ozone depletion
How much has the average global temperature risen since pre-industrial times?
Which of these gases are responsible for trapping heat in the atmosphere and contributing to global warming?
Carbon dioxide
What percentage of greenhouse gas emissions come from human activities?
What is the most effective way to reduce global warming?
Reducing fossil fuel use
Planting trees
Increasing renewable energy sources
All of the above
What is the name of the Paris Agreement on climate change?
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The Kyoto Protocol
The Montreal Protocol
The Paris Accord
What is the goal of the Paris Agreement?
To limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C
To eliminate all greenhouse gas emissions
To reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 80%
To increase renewable energy sources
What is the biggest contributor to global warming?
Burning fossil fuels
Industrial agriculture
Livestock farming
What is ocean acidification?
A decrease in the pH of the ocean due to increased levels of carbon dioxide
An increase in the salinity of the ocean
A decrease in the oxygen content of the ocean
A decrease in the temperature of the ocean
What is the primary cause of ocean acidification?
Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide
Ocean currents
What is the difference between weather and climate?
Weather is short-term changes in the environment while climate is long-term patterns over time
Weather is hot while climate is cold
Weather is caused by humans while climate is natural
Weather is unpredictable while climate is predictable
What is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)?
An international body that assesses scientific information related to climate change
A group of scientists who study climate change
A political organization dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions
A research institute focused on renewable energy sources
What is the difference between climate change and global warming?
Global warming is an increase in average global temperatures while climate change is a broader term that includes other effects such as extreme weather events
Global warming is caused by humans while climate change is natural
Global warming is reversible while climate change is not
Global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels while climate change is caused by deforestation
What is the “greenhouse effect”?
The process by which certain gases trap heat in the atmosphere
The process by which plants absorb carbon dioxide
The process by which solar radiation is reflected back into space
The process by which water vapor condenses into clouds
What is the melting of polar ice caps?
The process by which glaciers and sea ice melt due to rising temperatures
The process by which oceans become more acidic
The process by which land becomes desertified
The process by which forests are destroyed
What is the difference between mitigation and adaptation when it comes to climate change?
Mitigation involves reducing or preventing the causes of climate change while adaptation involves preparing for and responding to its impacts
Mitigation involves reducing emissions while adaptation involves increasing renewable energy sources
Mitigation involves planting trees while adaptation involves protecting ecosystems
Mitigation involves changing lifestyles while adaptation involves technological solutions
What is the “albedo effect”?
The process by which light is reflected off surfaces like snow and ice
The process by which carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants
The process by which methane is released from wetlands
The process by which ozone is depleted in the stratosphere
What is the “urban heat island effect”?
The phenomenon where cities experience higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas due to the presence of buildings and pavement
The phenomenon where coastal regions experience higher temperatures due to ocean currents
The phenomenon where deserts experience higher temperatures due to lack of vegetation
The phenomenon where mountains experience higher temperatures due to altitude
What is the “jet stream”?
A fast-moving river of air in the upper atmosphere that influences weather systems
A slow-moving river of air in the lower atmosphere that influences climate
A fast-moving river of water in the ocean that influences ocean currents
A slow-moving river of water in the ocean that influences marine life
What is the “Arctic amplification”?
The phenomenon where Arctic temperatures are rising at twice the rate of the rest of the world
The phenomenon where Arctic sea ice is melting faster than expected
The phenomenon where Arctic wildlife is migrating southward
The phenomenon where Arctic permafrost is thawing
{"name":"Global warming and its effects on earth - take the quiz", "url":"","txt":"What is the main cause of global warming?, How much has the average global temperature risen since pre-industrial times?, Which of these gases are responsible for trapping heat in the atmosphere and contributing to global warming?","img":""}
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