Types of food (vitamin)

A bright and colorful infographic representing various vitamins and their sources, including fruits, vegetables, and supplements.

Vitamin Knowledge Quiz

Test your knowledge about vitamins and their importance in our diet with this engaging quiz! Understand the various types of vitamins and their chemical names, as well as the deficiencies that can lead to health issues.

  • 5 Multiple Choice Questions
  • Learn about Vitamins A, B, D, E, and more!
  • Perfect for anyone interested in nutrition and health
5 Questions1 MinutesCreated by LearningLeaf42
কঢ়তালঢ়পতা কোন ভিটামিনের অভাবে হয়?
িটামিন B12
িটামিন B1
িটামিন B7
িটামিন B3
িয়াসিন কোন ভিটামিনের রাসায়নিক নাম?
িটামিন B1
িটামিন B3
িটামিন B7
িটামিন B12
ীচের কোনটি ফঢ়যাটে দঢ়রবণীয় ভিটামিন?
িটামিন A
িটামিন D
িটামিন E
পরের সবকটি
োন ভিটামিনের অভাবে রাতকানা রোগ হয়?
িটামিন A
িটামিন D
িটামিন E
িটামিন K
িটামিন D ঝর রাসায়নিক নাম কী?
ঢ়যাসকরবিক অঢ়যাসিড
{"name":"Types of food (vitamin)", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge about vitamins and their importance in our diet with this engaging quiz! Understand the various types of vitamins and their chemical names, as well as the deficiencies that can lead to health issues.5 Multiple Choice QuestionsLearn about Vitamins A, B, D, E, and more!Perfect for anyone interested in nutrition and health","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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