L-03-01-P52 - Effects of Cancer

A detailed illustration of cancer cells and tumors under a microscope, highlighting differences between benign and malignant cells, with educational labels and arrows.

Understanding the Effects of Cancer

Test your knowledge about cancer and its effects with this comprehensive quiz! Explore the complexities of lung cancer, the characteristics of benign and malignant tumors, and the genetic nature of cancerous cells.

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • True or false statements
  • Checkbox questions for extra assessment
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ExploringHealth204
17. Lung cancer is especially lethal because:
A. The cancer cells are extremely large in size
B. The cancer immediately spreads to both lungs when it occurs
C. It is a silent cancer
D. It always results in fracture of the trachea
E. It can be diagnosed early
18. The two main characteristics of cancer cells are:
A. They can reproduce despite normal constraints that inhibit cell proliferation and clonal expansion & cancer cells invade and colonize territories normally reserved for other cells
B. They are not immortal & they can penetrate most tissues in the body
C. They are arrested in the G0 phase of the cell cycle & only undergo apoptosis when given chemotherapy
D. They have the ability to migrate to other parts of the body & epithelial cancer cannot pass through the basal lamina
E. They mostly begin as malignant cancers & can become benign when in the dormant state
19. True or False: Cancer is caused by the accumulation of genetic alterations that confer a survival advantage to the cancer cell.
20.The genetic nature of cancer is reflected in the clonal nature of the cancer cells, such as:
A. The cancer cell’s ability to proliferate uncontrollably
B. The cancer cell’s ability to differentiate into numerous cell types
C. The cancer cell’s ability to spread via the bloodstream and lymphatic system
D. The cancer cell’s ability to make foreign proteins to further damage the tissue in the body
E. The cancer cells ability to inherit the properties and genetic abnormalities of the mother cell
21. Which of the following is not a characteristic of cancer cells?
A. Being able to undergo cell transformation
B. Cancer cells do not look like normal cells
C. In highly malignant cancers, it is impossible to tell the cell or origin
D. Having an enlarged nucleus
E. Cancer cells do not contain a cytoplasm
22. Benign tumours (more than 1 answer):
A. Appear under a microscope like the tissues they came from
B. Grow a little bit faster than normal cells
C. Remain localized and do not spread
D. Can be surgically removed regardless of where they grow
E. Cannot occur in the brain
23. Malignant cancers (more than 1 answer):
A. Do not resemble the tissue or cell of origin
B. Are often tumours “carcinoma”
C. Often have irregular structures, large variable nucleus, little cytoplasm, evidence of mitosis, little specialized structures (since they don’t differentiate well)
D. Only spread through the bloodstream or lymphatic system
E. Have larger nuclei than benign cancers
Questions 24 and 25 relate to this diagram.
Questions 24 and 25 relate to this diagram.
24. Compared to the normal slide, slide A below most likely suggests:
A. Carcinoma
B. Metastasis
C. Benign Cancer
D. Malignant Cancer
E. Normal
25. Compared to the normal slide, slide B below most likely suggests:
A. Dysphasia
B. Haemonoma
C. Kilson’s Syndrome
D. Malignant Cancer
E. Normal
26. Effects of cancer do not include:
A. Displacement of normal healthy cells
B. Deteriorating function of organs
C. Increased specialization
D. Blockage of vital passages
E. Enlargement of tumour
F. High metabolic rate of the cells
G. Competition for nutrients & blood supply (between cancer and healthy cells)
H. Cachexia
I. Non-metastatic manifestations & hormone secretions
27. True or False: In pre-angiogenesis metastatic stage, cancer cells cannot sit dormant.
28. Which of the following is not a result of cancer spreading to bone:
A. Severe pain
B. Weak bone
C. Pathological fractures
D. Hypocalcaemia
E. Bone deformities
29. Which of the following is correct about cancer dormancy:
A. Several studies have suggested cancer dormancy may result from failure of the cancer micro-metastasis to develop its own blood vessels – therefore the tumour may survive but not expand
B. Chondriolic pressure can cause dormancy
C. Cancer dormancy often causes high blood pressure
D. Cancer dormancy dilates blood vessels
E. Novel therapeutic strategies in anti-angiogenic therapies have shown to be infective in stopping tumour proliferation in cancer dormancy
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