WoH Sorting

WoH Sorting Quiz
Welcome to the WoH Sorting Quiz! This engaging quiz is designed to help you discover your unique personality style and how it influences your approach to teamwork, challenges, and personal growth. Answer a series of thought-provoking questions to find out more about yourself!
- Understand your team dynamics
- Explore your personal strengths
- Learn how you can connect with others
Today’s the first day of school and the welcome ceremony has just ended. Groups of people are clustering and talking to each other. What kind of group do you join?
A group that seems to be talking about something serious…
A group that is talking very loudly and laughing a lot. They use lots of hand gestures and body language along with their loud voices, and they seem to be having a lot of fun.
A group that is making plans for preparing for the year and talking calmly about some trivial things.
A group that is assessing the school and talking about what they like about it and what they don’t like about it.
You just had your first quiz of the year and you look at your rankings. You had scored lower than your expectations. How do you feel?
Mildly disappointed, this was the result, and you can’t do anything about it, but you can make the next one better
Motivated, this time didn’t work out and next time, it will!
A bit confused, you had studied really hard and knew all the answers. Well, all you could do is prepare for the next test better.
Annoyed, if only you hadn’t messed up.
You are given a study period and the teacher is absent. What are you going to do?
Do one of your hobbies by yourself or with your close friends quietly so that you don’t disturb others
You’re really excited and talk with your friends.
Continue doing your work/do homework/study. This is a good opportunity.
Do whatever, as long as you get the score you need on the test, you’re fine
What’s the vacation listed below most similar to your ideal vacation?
Achieving some of the goals you want- the satisfaction is priceless
A brave adventure, exhilarating!
A whole planned out vacation to a place you would like to visit, it’s gonna go perfect
Anything fun, as long as it’s enjoyable
You’re in the library, and your assignment is to write a short essay on a topic that interests you. What kind of book do you decide to base your essay on?
A heroic war story
A super fun novel
A book you know is great for the essay (an upperclassman used it and told you about it)
A random book you find. It doesn’t matter what book as long as you get a good grade on the essay
You finally get to hand in your club application form, and how do you greet the captain?
A concise and respectful greeting
Genuinely glad to meet them kind of greeting
A respectful and humble introduction
A standard greeting. It does its job well
You finally get your uniform. How do you feel?
Proud that you’re on the team
Super excited; you finally made it on!
Accomplished; it’s from your hard work and sticking to your plan that you earned this spot
Deserving; you worked for this and you got it. Duh.
It’s your first practice match, and it’s about to start. How do you feel?
Nervous-ready; you’re a bit nervous since it’s your first match, but you’re confident that you can do your job right.
Super Nervous or excited; you have been waiting for this moment for forever. You’re in the spotlight now.
Focused, there’s one thing you need to do and it is to do your job right.
It doesn’t matter. As long as we win, it’s fine.
You’re just about to start regionals. It’s your first tournament with your new team, and you’ve been practicing with them for a few months. How do you feel?
Ready, you’ve been practicing with them for months already and are familiar with their play style.
Super excited, nervous, and almost malfunctioning from emotion; First tournament, it’s so real omg
Nervous, anxious; go over the plan once more and it’ll be okay, you tell yourself
Focused; you are going to win. No doubt. If you don’t, then screwed. But you are going to win. That’s all that matters.
It’s exam week and you haven’t studied at all. What do you do?
Start studying now.
Freak out
Do whatever you need to do. But by the end of it, you’ll feel you got it.
It’s lunch time and you’re so hungry. How are you eating your food?
Eat it at a steady pace, it’s not like you haven’t eaten in a week
Eat it as fast as you can!!
Stuff your mouth
Eat it however you end up eating it
You are watching a game at nationals. How are you watching it?
Eating as you’re watching and analyzing the game. Gotta get the most out of it.
You’re amazed at the player’s skills and they just go “bwam!” and “Zubaa!”
You analyze the game and tweak your own plans based on the ideas you see from them.
You don’t care and aren’t paying attention to the game, unless you need to for some reason.
It’s training camp with other schools!!! What are you most excited about?
Training with others is a great opportunity to test and improve your skills.
Watching others play and picking up stuff from them
Some other thing.
What’s your favorite part of being on the team?
Having people to support you and you to support them so you can all grow as people and players
They’re awesome people to hang out and play with!!!
They’re people you play with and can relate to. We play together and support each other while playing, but we also open up to each other about other things too.
Being able to win. Without being on a team, you can’t properly play, so being on one allows you to win.
You’re injured from practice and you can’t attend the practice match. How do you feel?
At ease. Your team has this and you believe in them. While you do believe you are a valuable asset, they can still win without you.
Super frustrated; you totally wanted to play and you can’t believe you can’t play now.
Lonely; you trust your team that they would win and would do their best without you, but you still wanted to join in on the fun.
Super frustrated; how could you win if you can’t even play?
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