How addicted to coffee are you?

What time of day do you drink coffee?
Lunch time
All day, every day
Where is your favorite place to get coffee?
Coffee shop
The office
At home
All three, I need a steady supply
How do you drink your coffee?
With cream and sugar
Flavored latte
Cold brew
Which tastes better?
Coffee maker brew
K-cup coffee
Do you have a favorite coffee mug?
Yes, and don’t you dare steal it.
No, just give me the coffee.
Which factor is most important when determining how good a cup of coffee is?
Brew strength
Whether or not I have my favorite creamer
All coffee is good coffee
{"name":"How addicted to coffee are you?", "url":"","txt":"What time of day do you drink coffee?, Where is your favorite place to get coffee?, How do you drink your coffee?","img":""}
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