Dental Surgery Knowledge Quiz

Generate an image of a dentist in a bright clinic setting, engaged in a surgery while consulting a digital tablet with medical diagrams, focusing on dental extraction techniques.

Dental Surgery Knowledge Quiz

Test your knowledge on dental procedures, antibiotics, and surgical techniques with our comprehensive quiz designed for dental professionals and students alike.

Challenge yourself with questions that cover various important topics including:

  • Antibiotic usage
  • Dental anatomy
  • Extraction techniques
  • Postoperative care
29 Questions7 MinutesCreated by AssessingTooth24
51. Amoxycilline + clavolanic acide combination?
Inhibits beta lactamase
Acts against S Aureus , H influenza and E coli
Both of above
Non of above
52. Proper dose of antibiotic is given by?
Above the MIC level
Below the MIC level
Equal the MIC level
Eight times the MIC level
53. Amoxicillin is in the group?
54. Mandibular canal has the same meaning to?
Inferior dental canal
Warton canal
Bifid canal
Warton canal and Bifid canal
55. Inferior dental canal has the same meaning to?
Mandibular canal
Bifid nerve canal
Warton canal
B and C is correct
56. Inferior alveolar nerve coming out of the mandible at the foramen?
Infraorbiltal foramen
Mental foramen
Rotumdum foramen
Ovale foramen
57. Inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) have the same meaning to?
Inferior Mental nerve
Inferior dental nerve
Inferior dental artery
Inferior dental border
76. What are the best stages of root development which is good for transplantation?
Stage 1 and 2.
Stage 3 and 4
Stage 5 and 6
All above
77. ATT created by itself of:?
IDP grow (interdental papilla )
Attach gingival surrounding ATT
Knife edge of attach gingival
All above
81. Preoperation evaluation for Third molar Transplant ?
Have no infection or pericoronitis ( 38,48)
Good position easy to remove, size, shape, crown and root position
Good Oral hygiene
All above
82. Why recipient side has to be done first, before extraction donor tooth?
Because, Waiting for blood clots in the recipient side socket
Because, Preventing from donor tooth expose to environment, that cause damage to periodontium cell
Prevent the damage to the socket of donor teeth
Bleeding control at the recipient side
83. Gold standard of success Autogenous teeth transplantation (ATT) are?
Decrease mobility
No pocket formation or losing attachment
Pulp obliteration
No evident of inflammation
All above
84. How to clean and take away the follicle in the cervical of the tooth?
Cut by scissor
Peal off
Wipe with gauze
Clean by Sodium Hypochloride
85. An absolute contraindication for extraction of teeth is:?
MI after 4 months
86. Elective dental extraction on a patient who has had a MI, 2 months prior are best:?
Performed under oral sedative.
Performed using epinephrine free injection.
Performed using oral sedative and epinephrine free injection.
Postponed until at least till 6 months have relapsed
87. Root tip elevator utilizes which principle: ?
Wheel and axel
None of All
88. One day after complete mouth extraction blue black spots are seen on neck of patient. These spots indicate:?
Therombocytopenic purpura
Postoperative ecchymosis
Impaired blood circulation
89. In extraction best time to administer analgesic is:?
Before anesthesia wears off
Prior to extraction
When pain is moderate to severe
After anesthesia wears off
90. Extraction of a tooth during acute infection:?
Can cause extensive spread of infection
Helps drainage and relieves pain if proper AB is given and its adequate blood level is reached
Can cause sudden death due to pulmonary embolism
Can lead to trigeminal neuralgia in postoperative of period
91. Most important principle during extraction:?
Least trauma to bone while extracting whole tooth out
Least trauma to mucosa while extracting whole tooth out
Least trauma bone and mucosa while extracting whole tooth out
None of All
92. When a forcep is to be utilized for removal of tooth, the 1st direction for tooth to be applied is:?
93. The ideal treatment of alveolar osteitis after dental extraction is:?
Topical antibiotics
Systemic antibiotics
Debridement of socket and sedative dressing
Curettage to induce fresh bleeding
94. Elevator can be used to advantage when?
Tooth to be extracted is isolated
Adjacent tooth bone is used as fulcrum
Adjacent tooth is not to be extracted
Multiple adjacent teeth are to be extracted
95. Basic principles of extraction are all except:?
No trauma to bone and mucosa
Expansion of bony socket
Application of lever and fulcrum
Insertion of wedge
96. Cowhorn forcep are specially designed to extract:?
Maxillary 1st and 2nd premolar
Mandibular central incisor
Mandibular molar
Maxillary molar
97. Diagnosis of dry socket is done by:?
Clinical examination.
None of All
98. The extraoral assessment includes inspection of the:?
Face, head, and neck
Floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate
Head and buccal mucosa
Any enlargement on lymph node
99. Cells with the highest activity at the early phase of inflammation:?
100. All are factors delay wound healing, except:?
Systemic diseases
Ionizing radiation
Healthy with proteins, vit. A, Vit. C, Zn, Fe
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