Now Now here we go

In which state was Elle born?
New York
How did Elle have the drug talk with Elijah?
Passive aggressive threatening.
Heartfelt real life stories about the dangers of narcotics.
€�Drugs are bad m’kay?”
€�Drugs gives you an excuse to be bored, go have fun instead okay?”
What are the names of Elle’s ex partners?
Joseph, Rataxes, Dorothy
Jared, Franklin, Joseph, Dorothy
Dorothy, Stephanie, Gabrielle, Rataxes
Joseph, Rataxes, Damien, Dorothy
What is Elle’s given name?
Patrick Carl Redwood
Roger Patrick Redwood
Torsten Flink
Roger Patrick Thompson
What is Elijah’s full name?
Elijah Roger Redwood
Elijah Joseph Redwood
Elijah Nightingale Redwood
Carl Elijah Redwood
How big age difference did Elle and Rataxes have?
15 years
11 years
7 years
They were the same age
Which of Alexander’s body parts was paralyzed after he had been in the white room?
His tongue
His arms
His legs
He was completely paralyzed.
In total how many people were kept in the birdcage over the years?
Where did Elle propose to Dorothy?
Empire State Building
Puerto Rico
At home
What kind of car does Elle drive?
A red porsche
A white cab
A blue BWM
A frikking monstertruck
What is the name of Elle’s hairdresser?
Where did Elle move after having been in prison?
Los Angeles
For how long was Elle in prison?
About 3 months
About 1 year
About 1 month
About 6 months
Where is Elijah buried?
St. Raymond's Catholic Cemetery
Long Island's Christian Cemetery
Long Island's Catholic Memorial
St. Patrick's Catholic Cemetery
Why did Elijah never get a dog?
Elijah was allergic to fur.
Elle is allergic to fur.
Elle hates dogs.
Trick question, Elijah did get a dog.
Why did Rataxes approach Elle when they first met?
He recognized him from a poster.
He was drinking whiskey.
He thought he was a cute girl.
Elle offered him a drink.
Which is Elle's favorite TV-show?
Family Guy
South Park
How I Met Your Mother
What hair colors have Elle had?
Orange, Black and Purple
Blue, Red and Purple
Orange, Green and Purple
Blue, Orange and Purple
Where did Elijah live when Elle lost custody of him?
With his mother.
With his uncle.
With his grandma.
With Dorothy.
Why did Elle lose custody of Elijah?
For neglecting him.
He had an alcohol problem.
For taking him out of school.
Because Elijah got into drugs.
How many siblings does Elle have?
He's a lone child.
As a 14 year old Elle went to New York with his school and...
Had a lot of fun!
Ran away.
Got too drunk.
Killed a guy.
Martin deSilva used to invite Elle over to...
Do drugs.
Watch TV.
Dress up.
Write new songs.
Why is Elle's hair purple?
Because purple is Damiens favorite color.
Because he's having a midlife chrisis.
Because he can't get it away.
Because purple is his favorite color.
What happened with Damien after Elle had shown him the bird cage?
He was locked up there.
He started helping out there.
Damien went to prison.
Damien killed himself.
What is Rataxes and Chrystal's daughter called?
Why will Rataxes stay locked up even if he gets better?
Because he's a deserter.
Because he beat Chrystal and she reported him.
Because he killed a friend in a fight.
Because he was convicted for pedophilia.
How did Rataxes figure out who Elle was?
He recognized him on a poster.
He stalked him.
Elle stalked him.
He accidentally ended up on one of Elle's concerts.
Why did Elle accept a part in a sitcom?
Because he's just sunken that low.
To get away from Dorothy.
Dorothy threw him out.
He wanted to be with Franklin.
When is Elle's birthday?
13st of September
15th of September
17th of September
19th of September
How old is Franklin?
What was Elle's first single called?
Be Mine
Summer Love
Spring Break
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