Catalog Test

Prices of diagnostics fluctuate because of supply and demand. Choose all the factors that apply?
The number of manufacturers that make the product
Shortage in raw materials
Timing of when distributors buy and sell product
Your pricing is too high! Choose all acceptable rebuttals
We offer tier pricing which allows for greater discounts based on quantity
We offer rewards points which can be used to further discount your purchase
Pricing is high everywhere
Why are some prices not listed in the catalog?
Some prices are not listed in the catalog due to the availability of tier pricing
They are not listed because they change too often
We should not use rewards points to get a practice to try new products.
We should wait until after we detail all the products and then close.
When discussing catalog products with the buyer we should hand them the catalog and walk them through the sections.
When discussing catalog products we should lead with Proparacaine, Tropicamide 1%, and Flurox.
I noticed you haven't ordered irrigating solution in a while, I'm going to order 12 more for you. This is an example of what type of close?
Alternate Choice
I noticed you haven't ordered irrigating solution in a while, would you like me to send you 12 or 24? This is an example of what type of close?
Alternate Choice
I noticed you haven't ordered irrigating solution in a while, can I send you 12? This is an example of what type of close?
Alternate Choice
{"name":"Catalog Test", "url":"","txt":"Prices of diagnostics fluctuate because of supply and demand. Choose all the factors that apply?, Your pricing is too high! Choose all acceptable rebutals, Why are some prices not listed in teh catalog?","img":""}
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