OSF Feud - Survey 1

Name an animal mentioned in the Bible.
Name something you usually carry in your pocket
Name something you borrow from a coworker at work, but never tell them about
Name a sport that is NOT played with a ball
Name something you like to save
Name a phrase that most people fear hearing from their boss
Name a colleague's most annoying habit
If I could upgrade one item in my workspace, it would be this
Name a phrase beginning with the word "paper"
Name something you do to pass time at work
This survey will be used for a Family Feud style game that will be played at Corporate Ministries 2018 at St. Coletta of Wisconsin. Thank you for your participation.
This survey will be used for a Family Feud style game that will be played at Corporate Ministries 2018 at St. Coletta of Wisconsin. Thank you for your participation.
{"name":"OSF Feud - Survey 1", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Name an animal mentioned in the Bible., Name something you usually carry in your pocket, Name something you borrow from a coworker at work, but never tell them about","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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