What dinosaur are you

Would you rather eat:
You are walking alone in the street and someone is following u what do you do?
Meh it's normal
Turn around and beat the hell out of him
Find a croud and stay with them
You feel a murdoures carnivor at your presence choose a wepon
My fists are a weapon
a pistol
A Bad ass A-k47
There is a raptor infront of u and it is angry what do you do?
Calm it down
Run and scream like a coward
Fight it
Shoot it
Throw bait somewhere and run
Finally if there are a couple of bullys surrounding u waht will u do
Punch them until they beg for mercy
Do nothing
{"name":"What dinosaur are you", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"would you rather eat:, you are walking alone in the street and someone is following u what do you do?, you feel a murdoures carnivor at your presence choose a wepon","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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