Are you REALLY the better driver

If you are driving in a construction zone, you:
Drive 25 mph
Do the speed limit
Do 80 like you normally do
Ride bumpers if it's 1 lane
More than one of the above
If you are driving in a school crossing/ school zone, you:
Watch closely for students
Hit the steering wheel in anger, you should've known there was a school on this street
Do 25 mph like it asks
Do 80 like you normally do
Do the speed limit
Someone is biking in front of you on the road when there is a bike lane directly next to them, you:
Drive slowly behind them, you're not about the road rage life
Yell at them but stay behind them
Speed around them at first chance, honk at them, flip them of, and tell at them more when they throw their hands up like they don't know what they did
Cut them off at first chance
The light has turned green but nobody goes, you:
Honk .5283828 seconds after the light has changed
Lay on the horn
Lightly honk if nobody goes after 3 seconds
Honk, yell at the first person, "one right after another", speed around everyone once you've turned
More than one of the above
A semi has chosen the fast lane to drive in, you:
Ask why he's in the lane even though you know he can't hear you
Speed past and honk whilst looking at him stupid
Cut him of and point to the lane he should be in
Calmly cruise by him and get in front of him once at a safe proximity
More than one of the above
Someone refuses to turn on red, you:
Calmly wait and go when the light turns green
Honk, honk, and honk some more
Honk and then get salty when you see them throw their hands up
More than one of the above
Someone is cruising in the fast lane, you:
Speed past and make sure they see your angry face
Honk and flash them
Ride their bumper until they get over
Talk about how they're wrong while doing the previous choice
Calmly go past them in the next lane and get over in front of them
More than one of the above
You are wait for someone to pull out of a parking space, someone pulls in from the other side, you:
Honk at them so they know you're mad but let it slide
Let it slide and look for a new one, your a good person
Put your car in park because your going to hurt somebody
Pull up real close and cuss them out
You need to get over but someone is in the lane you want, they aren't coming up on you quick but are close, you:
Cut them off, YOLO
Cut them off with a turn signal
How many accidents (your fault) do you get in per year:
More then 10, I'm crazy
None! It's always the idiots hitting me
Can you drive a stick:
How do you feel about The Fast & The Furious 7:
How many accidents (not your fault) do you get in annually:
More then 10, these people are crazy
You see a cop coming up in ahead of you in the emergency lane, you:
Slam on your breaks, your not getting a ticket today
Quickly get over
Forget him, this is nascar
"I ain't afraid of no cop, I have a license"
Slow down gradually
More than one of the above
You think you see a cop on the road, you:
Keep your distance
Slam on your breaks
Make sure everyone in the car knows you think that's a cop
Slow down if you're doing over the speed limit
Go past him as long as it's legal
Someone is mad and break checks you, you:
Stop and don't run up on them again, you've learned your lesson
Get in a different lane
Pass them, cut them off then speed away
Someone challenges you to a race at a red light, you:
Prepare yourself, they're gonna lose
Prepare yourself, you're gonna lose
Don't race
Revv your engine, scare them
Let them go, at least I'm not getting pulled over
Do maintain an appropriate distance from other vehicles most of the time:
Heck to the no, they need to go on
Yes, I can't make them go any faster
Do you use headlights in dark weather:
Of course, I'm not crazy
Have you ever hit a person (a human body):
Do you think you are the better driver:
I don't think, I know
To be honest I don't care
{"name":"Are you REALLY the better driver", "url":"","txt":"If you are driving in a construction zone, you:, If you are driving in a school crossing\/ school zone, you:, Someone is biking in front of you on the road when there is a bike lane directly next to them, you:","img":""}
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