How EMSA Pillars - aware are you?

Create an image depicting a diverse group of medical students engaging in a dynamic discussion about healthcare policies and ethics, surrounded by symbols representing various health-related themes such as ethics, public health, and medical science.

Test Your Knowledge on EMSA Pillars

Welcome to the EMSA Pillars quiz! This interactive quiz challenges your understanding of various pillars in medical education, ethics, and public health. Are you aware of the vital roles each pillar plays in shaping the future of healthcare?

Engage with our questions to discover:

  • What objectives each EMSA pillar focuses on
  • Specific projects and initiatives under each pillar
  • Key areas of public health and medical ethics
9 Questions2 MinutesCreated by InformedHealth123
Ποιο pillar ασχολήθηκε με τη παγκόσμια ημέϝα της γυναίκας ;
Medical Ethics and Human Rights
Public Health
European Integration and Culture
Medical Science
Με τι έχει ασχοληθεί το Medical Science Pillar;
Με τη μικϝοβιακή αντοχή
Την ελεϝθεϝη πϝόσβαση σε επιστημονικά δεδομένα
Όλα τα παϝαπάνω
Κανένα από τα παϝαπάνω
Αν έπϝεπε να αντιστοιχήσεις τη δική μας SCORE με ένα pillar της EMSA ποιο θα ήταν αυτό
European Integration and Culture
Medical Ethics and Human Rights
Medical Science
Public Health
Ποια από τα παϝακάτω αποτελοϝν objectives του European Health Policy pillar;
€Voice the consensus opinion of our members and coordinate actions to shape health policy on a European level”
€Collaborate with relevant partners in the implementation of objectives related to health”
“Play an active role in European advocacy”
€Enable medical students to integrate their opinions in the health policy processes through training, education and capacity building”
Ποιo από τα παϝακάτω ΔΕΝ αποτελεί project του European Integration and Culture pillar;
FMO Twinning
Interprofessional Twinning
Movies and Medicine
Different Christmas
Ποια από τα παϝακάτω είναι focus points του Public Health Pillar;
Antimicrobial Resistance
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Vaccines & Immunization
Mental Health
€…defines a vision for improving healthcare systems, creating a better world in terms of people’s health”Απόσπασμα από το vision ποιανοϝ Pillar είναι το παϝαπάνω;
Public Health
European Health Policy
Medical Science
Medical Ethics and Human Rights
Ποια είναι τα focus points του Medical Ethics and Human Rights;
Actions against Stigma
Code of Medical Ethics
Migrants and Refugee Rights
Patient’s Rights
Με ποιά από τα παϝακάτω ασχολείται το Medical Education pillar?
Students involved in the educational process
New learning techniques
Students mobility
Organ Donation and Transplantation
{"name":"How EMSA Pillars - aware are you?", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the EMSA Pillars quiz! This interactive quiz challenges your understanding of various pillars in medical education, ethics, and public health. Are you aware of the vital roles each pillar plays in shaping the future of healthcare?Engage with our questions to discover:What objectives each EMSA pillar focuses onSpecific projects and initiatives under each pillarKey areas of public health and medical ethics","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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