Microbiology Test 1 - Lecture 1-11

What colour will Gram negative bacteria appear after being subject to the Gram stain?
Bacterial growth in normally expressed as ......... In turbidimetric measurements?
Cell per mL
Colony forming units (cfu) per ml
Optical density
Mg N2 per mL
None of the above
The analysis of what component has led to the classification of life into three domains by Carl Woese?
Structure of nucleus
Protein content
DNA structure
Which of the following statements about Archaea is false?
Archaea contain a membrane bound nucleus.
Archaea form one of the three domains of life.
Some Archaea are able to grow at temperatures above 95 degrees ( ̊C)
Archaea divide by binary fission
Archaea are often considered the ‘extremophiles'
What are flagella?
A bacterial appendage that is used for the exchange of chromosomal DNA
A bacterial appendage that is mainly used for attachment
A bacterial appendage that is used for the exchange of plasmids between bacteria
A bacterial appendage for nutrient uptake
A bacterial appendage that allows for bacterial movement
Which of the following can NOT be used to grow viruses?
Chicken eggs
Specific cell line
Fresh meat
Whole organisms
Living plant leaves
Fungi are important to food webs because:
They are photoautotrophs
They serve as key decomposers of living organism
They serve as key decomposers of dead organic matter
They generate antibiotics that kill competing plants and animals
They do not cause disease
Gram positive cells:-
Contain tetraethers in their cell wall
Contain large amounts of teichoic acids
Contain large amounts of lipopolysaccharide
Possess an outer membrane
All of the above
Which of the following asexual and sexual spores are characteristic of the Basidiomycota?
Arthrospores and Ascospore
Ascospores and Zygospores
Arthrospores and Basidiospore
Sporangiospores and Zygospore
Sporangiospores and Zoospore
Which of the following is NOT one of the four main groups of protozoa
Which of these elements is NOT required during viral infection?
Amino acids provided by the host cell
Ribosomes provided by the host cell
Genomic nucleic acid provided by virus
Ribosomes provided by the virus
Energy such as GTP or ATP provided by the host cell
Which of the following statement is FALSE?
A) Viral capsids are important for packaging the viral genome
B) Viral capsids can interact with host cell receptors
C) Viral capsids are important for the intracellular trafficking of viruses
D) Viral capsids protect the viral genome
E) Each virus adopts a unique structure
Which of the following can be used to vaccinate people against viral disease?
Weakened viruses
Nucleic acid of a virus
Viral fragments
Dead viruses
All of the above
What is currently the main measure effective in containing an Ebola outbreak
Containment and isolation of patient
Antibiotic treatment
Antiviral treatment
None of the above
Which of the following is NOT a constituent of enveloped viruses?
In a microbial culture the growth limiting substrate is:-
The last nutrient to become exhausted
The first nutrient to become exhausted
The source of silicon
A product of secondary metabolism
A product of primary metabolism
An organism in the Deuteromycotahas all the following EXCEPT:
Asexual spores
Sexual spores
Membrane-bound organelles
Absorptive nutrition
What process was involved in the evolution of Eukaryotic cells?
Lichens are symbiotic associations between:-
Plants and bacteria
Plants and animals
Bacteria and algae
Fungi and photosynthetic cells
Plants and fungi
Which of the following diseases is caused by a protozoan pathogen?
Slime mould
Which of these statements is TRUE?
During infection of a host cell, new virus particles are assembled from newly-synthesised viral proteins and nucleic acids.
During infection of a host cell, viruses can grow and divide to produce new infectious particle
During infection of a host cell, viruses can multiply to produce new infectious particles
During infection of a host cell, new viral particles are assembled using viral proteins released from the incoming virus
During infection of a host cell, new viral particles are assembled using pre-existing cellular proteins and viral genetic material
Which organism is an example of a photoautotroph?
Pathogenic bacteria
The function of superoxide dismutase is to:
Limit bacterial growth during aerobic respiration
Limit bacterial growth during anaerobic respiration
Protect bacterial cells growing under high salt concentrations
Convert oxygen radicals to less toxic forms during aerobic respiration
Convert CO2 to organic carbon compounds
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Hepatitis C virus targets the liver
Yellow Fever virus targets the liver
Norovirus targets the intestinal tract
Influenza virus targets the respiratory tract
Rabies virus targets the liver
Are unable to grow when oxygen is present
Are unaffected by oxygen
Grow best at atmospheric oxygen concentrations
Grow best at reduced atmospheric oxygen concentrations
Grow best at enriched oxygen concentrations
The infective stage of Plasmodium vivax passed from vector to human is the:
Whose experiments finally discounted the theory of spontaneous generation?
Francesco Redi
Louis Pasteur
Robert Koch
Robert Hooke
Antonievan Leeuwenhoek
Which of the following metabolic or physiologic mechanisms explains the scientific basis behind wine production?
Ethanol is produced by the grapes during the grape growing season
Yeasts are induced by high concentrations of ethanol
Penicilliumgrows very rapidly on high molecular weight sugars
The ratio of malic acid to sucrose needs to reach an optimum value during the grape growing season
Penicilliumgrows very slowly on low molecular weight sugars
A strategy to promote the growth of a filamentous fungus in pelleted morphology is normally used for the production of:
Alpha ketoglutarate
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Citric Acid
{"name":"Microbiology Test 1 - Lecture 1-11", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What colour will Gram negative bacteria appear after being subject to the Gram stain?, Bacterial growth in normally expressed as ......... in turbidimetric measurements?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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