School life

Full name :
Gender :
Rather not say
1- School for you :
I don't know , okay I guess
I love it !
I'd rather go to Azkaban
I didn't go to school
2- If you could change one thing at school , what would it be ? :
Time tables
The number of compulsory subjects
the whole educational system
Date and content and even importance of exams
3- What do you think of the educational system in Tunisia ? :
It's wonderful ! *note the sarcasm*
I think it's good
Needs some changings
I don't know
If you had the choice, where would you want to study ?:
Tunisia , of course ! I'm loyal to my country
What do you think of the current minister of Education ? :
He's good
I don't even know him
The previous one was better
None of them is good . I should be minister !
What is the most important subject for you ? :
Maths , obviously
Languages and literatture
Biology , chemistry , physics and everything about nature and human beings
Technology and computer science . Mechanics are the future
P.E . We should all be athletics
All subjects are important for me
Do you read books without being told to ?
Nope . I have more important things to do
Sometimes ,if the book relates to what I'm studying at school
Yes ,I'm a bookworm
How do think of parents' reactions when children get Fs ?
Parents can be annoying considering children grades
I think parents' nugging is necessary for children success
I don't get Fs
My parents are understanding , they don't get mad when I get an F
Straight As ?
I would kiss Donald Trump's ass if I got one
I used to have them at middle school
I am still a straight A student
Religious education ?
Se have to study it , it's about our religion !
I think we should study about other religions like Americans study Islam
We should not make it obligatory
What about friends a school ?
There's always the wrong crowd and we should stay away from them
I'm from the wrong crowd xD
No school has perfect students , even in the USA
Extra-cullecular activities ?
I'm participating in a lot of them
My school organizes some extra activities after school but I don't participate in them
We barely finish normal school activities , our school doesn't organize extra ones
Your opinion about paid extra lessons
I think they're essential in a student's school life
I think they're only necessary when a student thinks he needs them . We don't have to force students into things they feel uncomfortable about
They're not necessary . We can develop ourselves by working harder
How many paid extra lessons do you have per week
Only 1
2 to 4
More than 5
Which subject do you think needs paid extra lessons the most ?
Languages and literature
Chemistry and biology
How many hours do you spend on social media per week ?
5 hours or less
Between 5 and 10 hours
Between 10 and 20 hours
More than 20
Any hobbies ?
Playing an instrument
Reading and writing
Painting and arts
Just listening to music or watching TV
Everything on the internet
I don't have time for hobbies
Your opinion about teachers ?
I wonder how did some teachers become teachers
All teachers are good
We always have that one teacher whom we feel slightly uncomfortable around
I love my teachers and without them I would've been nothing
I wish it was legal to slaughter some teachers
Thinking of your senior (or 9th grade ) prank already ?
We don't pull pranks in Tunisia
Yeah of course , it would be the best prank in the history of time
I wish I could convince my coward class mates to do it
No ,pranks are a waste of time
Thank you all for voting:* . This is the last question : If you had the choice , would you go to school ?
Yeah of course . I love school !
I would go because it's the only way to have a good future , also to see my friends
Nope , I would stay home and play Happy wheels
{"name":"School life", "url":"","txt":"full name :, Gender :, 1- School for you :","img":""}
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