Bio Exam 2

A highly detailed and visually appealing illustration of a cell, highlighting its organelles like the nucleus, mitochondria, and Golgi apparatus, with vibrant colors and labels for educational purposes.

Bio Exam 2 Quiz

Test your knowledge of cellular biology with our comprehensive Bio Exam 2 quiz! This quiz covers key concepts related to cell structure, function, and processes, providing a great opportunity for students and biology enthusiasts alike.


  • 73 questions covering various aspects of cellular biology
  • Multiple choice and checkbox formats for a varied quiz experience
  • Score tracking to gauge your knowledge and progress
73 Questions18 MinutesCreated by StudyingCell5
In rder to digest materials within a cel, the material to be digested must fuse with?
The golgi apparatus
A secretory vesicle
A lysosome
Smooth er
The cytoskeleton is involved in which of the following?
Movement of organelles
Movement of cells
Anchoring organelles in place
Secretion of hormones from cells
According to cell theory..
The smallest unit of life is a nucleus
A multicellular organism is composed of many cells
New cells arise only from preexisting cells
All organisms are composed of tissues
Which of the following structures are NOT found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells?
The nucleus..
Stores genetic material
Contains chromatin
Is the only organelle containing DNA
Has a double membrane
Can live independently of a cell
Is found in bacteria
Cellular respiration is best associated with the
Golgi apparatus
Which type of cells will have modifications that increase the surface-area-to-volume ratio?
Cells that secrete lipids
Cells that secrete proteins
Cells that specialize in absorption
Cells that form a waterproof barrier
The endosymbiotic theory argues that prokaryotes became some of the organelles of early eukaryotic cells. All of the following support this hypothesis EXCEPT
The vacuoles can "come and go" across the plasma membrane.
Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA.
Mitochondria and chloroplasts are nearly identical to some free-living prokaryotes.
The mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA and are nearly identical to some free-living prokaryotes.
Mitochondria and chloroplasts divide by splitting.
In moving from the inside of a bacterial cell to the outside one would encounter parts in which order?
Nucleus - cytoplasm - plasma membrane - cell wall - capsule
Capsule - plasma membrane - cell wall - capsule
Cytoplasm - cristae - cell wall - capsule
Cytoplasm - plasma membrane - cell wall - capsule
Proteins are processed and modified in the interior of the
Rough endoplasmic reticulum.
All of the following are possible origins of cell organelles in eukaryotes EXCEPT
Incorporation of engulfed autotrophic cyanobacteria to form chloroplasts.
A symbiotic relationship between a host cell and a prokaryote that was taken up but not destroyed.
Incorporation of engulfed heterotrophic bacteria to form mitochondria.
Groups of prokaryotic cells begin to live in a small group, sharing products of metabolism.
Invagination of the plasma membrane to form endoplasmic reticulum.
This organelle absorbs and converts oxygen while releasing CO2 and water?
Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
In order to digest materials within a cell, the material to be digested must fuse with
A lysosome.
The Golgi apparatus.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
A secretory vesicle.
Which cellular structure is responsible for packaging materials with the cell?
Golgi apparatus
The cell theory states
All organisms are composed of only one cell AND organelles are the basic living unit of structure and function of organisms.
All organisms are composed of only one cell.
All cells come only from other cells.
Organelles are the basic living unit of structure and function of organisms.
Allows molecules to move through a membrane through space provided by the protein
Channel protein
Carrier protein
Cell recognition protein
Receptor protein
Enzymatic protein
Interacts and binds to a molecule to help it move across a membrane, usually requiring a change in protein shape
Enzymatic protein
Receptor protein
Cell recognition protein
Carrier protein
Channel protein
Glycoproteins that allow cells of the immune systems determine if a cell belongs in the body or is an invader
Carrier protein
Channel protein
Cell recognition protein
Receptor protein
Enzymatic protein
Binds to a specific extracellular molecule to bring about a change within the cell
Channel protein
Carrier protein
Cell recognition protein
Receptor protein
Enzymatic protein
Catalyze specific reactions at the cell membrane
Receptor protein
Cell recognition protein
Carrier protein
Enzymatic protein
Channel protein
Which of the following refers to materials only leaving the cell?
If a cell lacks ATP, which of the following processes would cease to operate immediately?
Sodium/potassium pump
Facilitated diffusion
If you have a 10% sugar solution and a 35% sugar solution, how does the 10% solution compare to the 35% solution?
What will happen to dye crystals if placed in the bottom of a beaker of water over a long period of time?
They will all diffuse to the top of the beaker.
They will diffuse equally throughout the beaker.
They will undergo active transport to a different location.
They will stay at the bottom of the beaker.
They will undergo osmosis to a different location.
The term hypertonic means
A lower solute concentration.
An equal solute concentration.
To gain water.
A higher solute concentration.
To lose water.
Which condition must be met for diffusion to occur?
A true solution
A differentially permeable membrane
A concentration difference
A non-permeable membrane
Which statement is FALSE concerning movement of molecules across the cell membrane?
Charged molecules do not pass through easily.
Lipid molecules do not pass through easily.
Large molecules do not pass through easily.
Small uncharged molecules pass through easily.
Which is true of facilitated transport by carrier proteins?
Facilitated transport only applies to small and lipid soluble molecules.
After a carrier has transported a molecule, it is unable to transport any more.
It is represented by the glucose carrier that can transport hundreds of molecules a second.
Facilitated transport requires expenditure of chemical energy and is therefore active transport.
One carrier protein can carry a variety of different molecules.
The plasma membrane is composed of
Lipids and proteins.
Lipids and actin filaments.
Proteins and microtubules.
Proteins and actin filaments.
Lipids and microtubules.
If A -> B -> C -> D -> E represents a metabolic pathway, then letter E would be
A substrate.
A product.
An enzyme.
An enzyme-substrate complex.
Enzymes are specific. This means that they
Have a preferred temperature.
Have a preferred pH.
Have a particular substrate.
Are only in certain cells.
The function of an enzyme is to
Raise the energy of activation for a reaction.
Change the direction of metabolic reactions.
Provide the energy for metabolic reactions.
Increase the rate of a metabolic reaction.
If an enzymatic reaction was controlled by feedback inhibition, we would expect it to stop
As soon as a critical level of end product builds up.
Only if the substrate was exhausted.
When the product changed the pH.
When the cofactors are exhausted.
The location in which the enzyme and substrate complexes is called the
Enzyme-substrate complex.
Active site.
Inhibitor site.
Receptor site.
The main reason that ATP is considered the energy currency in cells is because it
Contains an adenine base.
Contains accessible energy in phosphate bonds.
Carries a positive charge.
Contains a sugar ring.
If you wished to increase enzyme activity, you would do all of the following except
Change to optimum pH for the reaction.
Increase the concentration of substrate.
Decrease the temperature.
Increase the temperature moderately.
Which statement most accurately describes the second law of thermodynamics?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Energy cannot be changed from one form to another without a loss of usable energy.
One usable form of energy can be completely converted into another usable form.
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but it can be changed from one form to another.
Occasionally someone claims to have built a machine that can run forever, producing as much energy as it consumes. This has always been disproved because it violates
Coupled reaction equations.
The first law of thermodynamics.
Laws preventing any conversion between types of energy.
The second law of thermodynamics.
Chemical reactions that require the input of energy are
Coupled reactions.
Endergonic reactions.
Catabolic reactions.
Exergonic reactions.
Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about the second law of thermodynamics and entropy?
Carbon dioxide and water form glucose without the input of energy.
Living cells without energy would become less organized.
To maintain organization of a cell, a continual input of energy is required.
The amount of disorder in the universe is always increasing.
The high energy bond in ATP that is used by cells is found in or between
The adenine base.
The phosphate groups.
The adenine and the ribose.
The adenine and the phosphates.
The production of ATP as a result of an electrochemical gradient is called
Substrate-level phosphorylation.
Oxidative phosphorylation.
Why do organisms without oxygen need to convert pyruvate to lactate?
In order to regenerate NAD+
Because pyruvate is toxic to the cells
In order to use lactate in the citric acid cycle
Because lactate is needed to produce ATP
Which molecules are the reactants or substrates for aerobic respiration?
Carbon dioxide and water
Glucose and carbon dioxide
Oxygen and glucose
Glucose and water
Pyruvate can be converted to lactate instead of going to the preparatory reaction. Why does this occur?
Oxygen is not available.
There is a shortage of glucose.
The cells need lactate to produce ATP.
The cells doing the reaction are prokaryotes.
What role does NAD+ play in cellular respiration?
It is a coenzyme.
It is an enzyme.
It provides the energy.
It provides the oxygen.
Which of the following statements about glycolysis is true?
Glycolysis is a cyclical reaction.
Glycolysis is a reduction reaction where only glucose is reduced.
Glycolysis breaks glucose down to two pyruvate molecules.
Glycolysis occurs twice per glucose molecule.
Glycolysis results in the release of carbon dioxide.
The largest number of ATP molecules is produced in which phase of cellular respiration?
Preparation reaction
Citric acid cycle
Electron transport chain
Pyruvate is converted to a two-carbon acetyl group attached to coenzyme A (CoA), and CO2 is given off. This phase is called
Substrate-level ATP synthesis.
The preparatory reaction.
The citric acid cycle.
Cellular respiration does NOT include which of the following events?
Preparatory reaction (prep)
Electron transport chain
Light reactions
Citric acid cycle
Muscles undergo fermentation when
No pyruvate is available.
No oxygen is available.
No carbon dioxide is available.
No ATP is available.
The final products of glycolysis are
ATP and NADH + H+.
Pyruvate, ATP, and NADH + H+.
Pyruvate and ATP.
Pyruvate and NADH + H+.
Why do organisms without oxygen need to convert pyruvate to lactate?
In order to use lactate in the citric acid cycle
Because pyruvate is toxic to the cells
Because lactate is needed to produce ATP
In order to regenerate NAD+
Where does glycolysis take place within the cell?
Endoplasmic reticulum
Mitochondrial matrix
Mitochondrial membrane
Cellular respiration does NOT include which of the following events?
Electron transport chain
Preparatory reaction (prep)
Citric acid cycle
Light reactions
Which molecules are the products of aerobic respiration?
Lactate and carbon dioxide
Glucose and oxygen
Carbon dioxide and water
Glucose and water
Which stage(s) will produce carbon dioxide in cellular respiration?
Preparatory reaction
Citric acid cycle
Both glycolysis and the electron transport chain
Both the preparatory reaction and the citric acid cycle
Which pathway in cellular respiration will produce ATP, NADH2, and carbon dioxide?
Citric acid cycle
Electron transport chain
Preparatory reaction
What are the products of photosynthesis?
Water and carbon dioxide
Carbohydrate and water
Carbon dioxide and carbohydrate
Oxygen and carbohydrate
The substance that initially traps solar energy in photosynthesis is
Why are plant leaves green?
They absorb only green wavelengths of light.
They reflect green wavelengths of light.
They reflect yellow and blue wavelengths of light.
They absorb only yellow and blue wavelengths of light.
Which of the following statements is false?
During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is used.
During cellular respiration, mitochondria release carbon dioxide.
During cellular respiration, carbohydrate energy is converted into ATP.
During photosynthesis, oxygen is used.
At the cellular level, photosynthesis occurs within
Both chloroplasts and mitochondria.
The chloroplast.
The cristae of the mitochondria.
All plant cell organelles.
The light reactions could be viewed as analogous to a hydro-electric dam. In that case, the water stored in the reservoir above the dam would be analogous to…
The thylakoid space.
Hydrogen ions (protons).
ATP synthase.
The thylakoid membrane.
Which molecule would you need to radioactively label in order to produce radioactive oxygen during photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide
What are the two sets of reactions for photosynthesis?
Light reactions, glycolysis
Electron transport chain, light reactions
Calvin cycle reactions, citric acid cycle
Light reactions, Calvin cycle reactions
The metabolic events that move electrons from water to NADP+ are referred to as what?
CO2 reduction phase of Calvin cycle reactions
Citric acid cycle
Noncyclic electron pathway
CO2 fixation stage of Calvin cycle reactions
What are the stages of the Calvin cycle?
Carbon dioxide fixation, carbon dioxide reduction, and regeneration of RuBP
Carbon dioxide fixation, carbon dioxide reduction, and regeneration of RuBP
The noncyclic electron pathway and the cyclic electron pathway
The light reactions, regeneration of RuBP, and cyclic electron pathway
Carbon dioxide fixation and regeneration of RuBP
Which statement about photosynthesis and cellular respiration is TRUE?
Photosynthesis occurs in mitochondria, while cellular respiration occurs in chloroplasts.
Photosynthesis requires oxygen, while cellular respiration requires sunlight.
Photosynthesis produces oxygen, while cellular respiration uses oxygen.
Photosynthesis breaks down carbohydrates, while cellular respiration produces carbohydrates.
NADPH and ATP are used in the
Citric acid cycle.
Calvin cycle reactions.
Noncyclic electron pathway.
Light reactions.
Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning sunlight radiation used for photosynthesis?
All of the sunlight that hits the atmosphere is used for photosynthesis.
Only the highest energy wavelengths are used for photosynthesis.
Only the green visible light is used for photosynthesis.
Only the red, blue, and violet wavelengths of visible light are used for photosynthesis.
Water is split and oxygen is released in
Photosystem I.
The Calvin cycle reactions.
The noncyclic electron pathway.
The citric acid cycle.
The raw materials or reactants of the photosynthetic process include
Glucose and oxygen.
Glucose and water.
Carbon dioxide and glucose.
Carbon dioxide and water.
{"name":"Bio Exam 2", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of cellular biology with our comprehensive Bio Exam 2 quiz! This quiz covers key concepts related to cell structure, function, and processes, providing a great opportunity for students and biology enthusiasts alike.Featuring:73 questions covering various aspects of cellular biologyMultiple choice and checkbox formats for a varied quiz experienceScore tracking to gauge your knowledge and progress","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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