Game of Plovers...Which plover will take the throne?

The Iron Throne sits empty, who is most deserving of the crown?
A strategist and a thinker
A leader who does not seek to make friends
The good-looking one with the facial scar
The best warrior
A fair and honest ruler
If you could design a badge (sigil) for House Plover, what symbol would you most prefer?
Ripples on the sand
Waves lapping the shoreline
Two plover silhouettes in front of a burning sun
A barrel wave
Speckled eggs
All of the plovers appear to be allies against the Summer Walkers. However, could they really live in harmony? Who would win in a battle of the plovers?
Hood Snow, brave and strong
The Masked Hound, indifferent and realistic
Melodus Targaryen, resilient and ambitious
Lady of Summerfell, calm under pressure
Plover Greyjoy, young and hopeful
Which plover has the qualities of a true leader?
Fierce Melodus Targaryen
Strategic Tyrion Red-Cap
Fearless Yara Plover Greyjoy
Honest Hood Snow
Resilient Dromas of Summerfell
What would your weapon be to fight the Summer Walkers?
If you were Hand to the King or Queen, what would strategy would you advise for conquering the Summer Walkers?
Use trickery
Learn more about the enemy
Use brute force
Outnumber the enemy
The Summer Walkers are now only a few miles away. What will your final meal be?
Vegetables, you’re a vegetarian after all
Nothing, you can’t eat at a time like this
A steak, you’re a carnivore through and through
Coffee, did someone say coffee
In your last minutes before battle, you:
Tell your plover missus you love her
Swallow one last amphipod
Cuddle your chicks close to your feathery breast
Upload an heroic selfie to Instagram
Exercise your best courtship display
You stand side by side with plovers from each of the Great Plover Kingdoms. What is going through your mind?
He’s much taller than I am and more good-looking
Together we can outwit and overcome the summer walkers
Is it wrong to find my cousin attractive?
We don’t stand a chance
Bring it on
{"name":"Game of Plovers...Which plover will take the throne?", "url":"","txt":"The iron throne sits empty, who is most deserving of the crown?, If you could design a badge (sigil) for House Plover, what symbol would you most prefer?, All of the plovers appear to be allies against the summer walkers. However, could they really live in harmony? Who would win in a battle of the plovers?","img":""}
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