The delicate balance of equality and the distribution of justice
What is the mascot of Delta Lambda Phi?
The Lambda Centaur
What does the lower case lambda represent?
The gay rights movement
What do the shaking hands represent?
The transition from the past to the future; Friendship and understanding extended to all
What symbol represents that Delta Lambda Phi is a non secret society?
The open visor
What does the chevron represent?
An unclosed division with the past and the accomplishments of gay, bisexual and progressive men
What is the chapter designation for deceased brothers?
Alpha Omega (ΑΩ)
What represents the persecution of gays by the Nazis and their continued persecution today?
The inverse triangle
What two meanings do the three stars represent?
The first three chapters
Our founding purposes
Name one of the informal mottos of Delta Lambda Phi.
Party with a Lambda Man
Making Our Presence Make a Difference
Who is the founder of Delta Lambda Phi?
Vernon L. Strickland, III
What is the initiation date of the Alpha Chapter’s first pledge class?
April 10th, 1987
What is the first purpose?
What is the second purpose?
What is the third purpose?
When was Delta Lambda Phi Founded?
October 15, 1986
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