What type of extreme leftist are you?

A colorful illustration depicting diverse extreme leftist symbols and ideas, including revolutionary imagery, political flags, and thoughtful individuals engaging in discussion, set against a dynamic urban backdrop.

What Type of Extreme Leftist Are You?

Discover your ideological stance within the realm of extreme leftist thought with our comprehensive quiz. This detailed questionnaire covers a variety of topics from revolution strategies to personal beliefs about democracy.

  • 29 thought-provoking questions
  • Understand your position on key issues
  • Engage with fellow ideologues
29 Questions7 MinutesCreated by RadicalThought207
What will happen to the state in a post-revolutionary society?
The state will be eternal in my post-revolutionary society.
The state will wither away after a short transition period (months or a few years).
The state will wither away after a long transition period (several years).
The state will wither away after a long transition period (after achieving world socialism).
The state will be abolished immediately after the revolution.
I'm not sure.
How can we achieve the revolution?
Through individual insurrection.
Through mass strike.
Through the vanguard party.
Through vertical syndicalism.
Through horizontal syndicalism.
Through the aliens of other planets.
Through small communities of my ideas.
Through cooperatives.
Through a cybernetic blackout.
Through Foquism.
Through People's Protracted War.
Through cultural hegemony.
Through a coup d'état.
Through an union of egoists.
Through a mass insurrection.
Through expropriation.
Through nationalization.
Through entryism.
Through education.
Through speaking to people and convincing them.
Through little local fights.
Through propaganda of the deed.
Through magnicide.
I'm not sure.
In which territory can we achieve keep the revolution going on?
In local cities or rural zones.
In all my little country.
In all my big country/big union/continent.
In my specifically designed autarkic zone.
Only in the whole world simultaneously.
I'm not sure.
What do you think of state secrets?
They have to be abolished completely from the beginning of the post-revolutionary society.
The have to be kept in the transition period of the post-revolutionary society.
They should stay forever.
I'm not sure.
If you have a transition period, how will you handle it respecting to the masses?
I don't have a transition period.
I will let the masses get their problems to the party so it can interpret it in the language of my ideas to solve the problems.
I won't let the masses influence the party or participate in it until the transition period is over.
I won't let the masses influence the party or participate in it even after the transition period is over.
I'm not sure.
What do you think of national oppression?
The nation is a bourgeois construct so there can't be national oppression.
The nation is a community of people with common culture, customs, language (and others) which can be oppressed by other ones (and this oppression is bad).
The nation is a community of people with common language which can be oppressed by other ones (and this oppression is bad).
The nation is a community of people with common culture, customs, language (and others) which can be oppressed by other ones (and this oppression is good).
The nation is a community of people with common language which can be oppressed by other ones (and this oppression is good).
I'm not sure.
What kind of democracy do you want for your future society?
I don't want democracy.
I want liberal representative democracy (parliamentarism).
I want liberal representative democracy (presidentialism).
I want a delegative democracy.
I want a delegative democracy (electronic).
I want a direct democracy.
I want a consensus democracy.
I want a democracy in which there are different factions.
My democracy only obeys my class (dictatorship of the proletariat).
My democracy obeys all classes.
My democracy gives a platform to fascists and other reactionaries.
My democracy gives a platform to pro-capitalists.
I'm not sure.
What do you think of guns in a post-revolutionary society?
All guns should be outlawed, including for forces of the state.
All guns should be outlawed for citizens, except the forces of the state.
Citizens can carry guns with a license based on training.
Citizens can carry guns with a license based on training with weekly/monthly/other psychological tests.
Citizens can carry guns freely except for some type of guns.
Citizens can carry guns of all types freely.
I'm not sure.
What kind of economy do you want for your future society?
A centrally planned economy.
A decentrally planned economy.
The Fundamental Principles of communist production and distribution.
Market socialism (with state).
Mutualism (no state).
Neo-mutualism (no state).
Participatory economics.
A gift economy.
A command economy.
State capitalism.
Social democracy.
A centrally planned economy, with special economic zones (until our ideas are achieved in the whole world).
A decentrally planned economy, with special economic zones (until our ideas are achieved in the whole world).
A centrally planned economy, with special economic zones (eternal).
A decentrally planned economy, with special economic zones (eternal).
I'm not sure.
What do you think of the environment?
It should be respected, further than sustainable development; we should get back to hunter-gatherer society.
It should be respected, further than sustainable development; we should organize the society in little ecological communes.
It should be respected, further than sustainable development; we should organize the society in little ecological communes that include new technological advancements.
It should be respected, further than sustainable development.
We don't have to care for sustainable development, technology and progress will fix it.
I want to destroy the environment for a post-apocalyptic scenario.
I want to destroy the environment to reach transhumanism.
I want to end this world so life becomes extinct and we all rest in peace.
Ending the world here isn't enough, we should destroy other worlds before killing ourselves.
I'm not sure.
What do you think of feminism?
All people should be equal, capitalism harms women and positive discrimination is good in an unequal society.
All people should be equal, capitalism harms women but positive discrimination isn't fair.
All people should be equal, but positive discrimination isn't fair.
I think there are natural differences between men and women that make feminism unreasonable.
I'm not sure.
What do you think of abortion?
It should be totally legal and free.
It should be legal until the development of the consciousness (last weeks).
It should be illegal, except in cases of rape, risk of mother's life or fetal defects.
It should be illegal, except in cases of rape or risk of mother's life
It should be illegal, except in cases of rape or fetal defects.
It should be illegal, except in cases of rape.
It should be illegal, except in cases of risk of mother's life or fetal defects.
It should be illegal, except in cases of risk of mother's life.
It should be illegal, except in cases of fetal defects.
It should be illegal in all cases.
It should be totally free, included post-birth abortions.
I'm not sure.
How will the revolution be?
A mix of both.
I'm not sure.
What do you think of euthanasia in a post-revolutionary society?
It should be totally legal and instant.
It should be legal but for people who isn't deppressed or other sick people who could change the decision after some time.
It should be legal only for the terminally ill.
It should be illegal.
I'm not sure.
What's your position about the attitude towards religion in the post-revolutionary society?
We should proclaim atheism official in the government and prosecute all religions.
We should prosecute only reactionary religions with a secular state.
We shouldn't prosecute any religion, with a secular state.
We should collaborate with main religions.
We should make a religion official.
We should establish a theocratic government.
I'm not sure.
What do you think of drugs in a post-revolutionary society?
We should forbid all of them, included medicinal ones, sending the governments' forces.
We should forbid them except medicinal ones, sending the governments' forces.
We should forbid them all in agreement with the kind of economy, avoiding the necessity of prosecution.
We should forbid them except the medicinal ones in agreement with the kind of economy, avoiding the necessity of prosecution.
We should forbid the hard ones, and legalize the soft ones.
We should legalize all drugs, but disencourage consume through education.
We should legalize all drugs.
We should legalize all drugs, and encourage the consume.
We should forbid all of them, included medicinal ones, sending the governments' forces and educating about them.
We should forbid them except medicinal ones, sending the governments' forces and educating about them.
We should forbid them all in agreement with the kind of economy, avoiding the necessity of prosecution and educating about them.
We should forbid them except the medicinal ones in agreement with the kind of economy, avoiding the necessity of prosecution and educating about them.
We should forbid the hard ones, and legalize the soft ones and educating about them.
We should legalize all drugs and educating about them.
We should legalize all drugs, and encourage the consume educating about them.
I'm not sure.
What do you think of veganism in a post-revolutionary society?
Mandatory carnism.
It's a personal individual decision, we don't have to educate about it.
It should be mandatory, sending the governments' forces if necessary.
It should be mandatory, with my kind of economy we can just eliminate animal products and it'll avoid the unnecessary prosecution of governments' forces.
Vegetarianism should be mandatory, sending the governments' forces if necessary.
Vegetarianism should be mandatory, with my kind of economy we can just eliminate animal products and it'll avoid the unnecessary prosecution of governments' forces.
It's a personal individual decision, but we have to educate about it.
I'm not sure.
What do you think about foreign policy about exporting the revolution?
We should focus on exporting the revolution on all circumstances, funding foreign revolutionaries.
We should focus on exporting the revolution in some circumstances, funding foreign revolutionaries.
We should focus on expansion under all circumstances, even if the people of the foreign country don't want it.
We should practice isolationism and not intervention.
I don't have to think that, because my approach is a simultaneous revolution in all the world.
I'm not sure.
In which period does the betrayal of socialism in the USSR occur?
Never, there was never socialism in the USSR, there was state capitalism.
Never, there was never socialism in the USSR, there was social-democracy.
Never, there was never socialism in the USSR, there was neither capitalism or socialism.
The councils betrayed socialism.
The revolution was betrayed in the period of Lenin.
The revolution was betrayed by Trotsky against the USSR.
The revolution was betrayed by the bolsheviks against the Makhnovtchina.
The revolution was betrayed in the period of Stalin.
The revolution was betrayed in the period of Khruschev.
The revolution was betrayed in the period of Gorbachov.
The revolution was betrayed in the period of Stalin, forming a degenerated workers' state.
The revolution was betrayed in the period of Stalin, forming a deformed workers' state.
I'm not sure.
What is your foreign policy regarding other countries?
We must isolate ourselves from the rest of the world even if there were countries with the same principles.
We have only to establish alliances with countries that fill all of our principles.
We have only to establish alliances with countries that fill the principle of socialism/communism/anarchism.
We have to establish alliances with those in our bloc against the dominant imperialist bloc.
We have to establish alliances with all the countries possible.
We have to practice a total peaceful coexistence with all the world.
I'm not sure.
What do you think about the attitude of the government in the Internet?
The government has to surveil it all to remove all the crime.
The government has to intervene but not with excessive methods that could harm privacy.
The government only has to intervene in very serious crimes.
The government never has to intervene in the Internet, even if that means allowing disgusting or criminal stuff online.
I'm not sure.
What do you think of transhumanism?
In all circumstances, it leads to a dystopia in which an elite rules above everyone.
Only anarchotranshumanism, when all the people can agree with it and there's no hierarchy, can ensure a safe transhumanism.
I think transhumanism is good even in a hierarhic society.
We should encourage transhumanism for the elite alone.
I'm not sure.
What do you think about LGBT+ rights?
I support gender abolitionism.
I support queer theory.
We should give full LGBT+ rights.
We shouldn't give full LGBT+ rights.
There are only two genders.
Gender is a social construct.
LGBT+ isn't natural.
Scales of classification based in gay/hetero are too narrow, we should amplify them with feminine/masculine identities.
Sex is a social construct, but it can be shaped in a way that it's totally scientific.
Sex is a social construct and we can't shape it in a scientific way.
Sex isn't a social construct.
Gender isn't a social construct.
Feminine/masculine is a parcial social construct.
Feminine/masculine is a total social construct.
Feminine/masculine isn't a social construct.
Gender roles are a social construct.
Gender roles aren't a social construct.
I'm not sure.
What do you think of class struggle?
Classes don't exist, only individual struggle.
Class struggle is above other kind of struggles like anti-racism or feminism in all circumstances.
Class struggle is above other kind of struggles like anti-racism or feminism in some circumstances.
Class struggle is as important as other kind of liberation struggles.
I'm not sure.
What kind of democracy do you practice in your organizations before revolution?
Direct democracy.
Consensus democracy.
Democratic centralism.
Organic centralism.
Vertical dirigism.
I'm not sure.
What do you think about taxes?
They have to be raised.
They have to be lowered.
They have to be abolished completely.
They have to be abolished progressively.
They have to be raised or lowered according to the circumstances.
I'm not sure.
Should we glorify workers' and work?
I'm not sure.
Do you care for the others?
I care for me alone.
I care for the others as much as I do and I think I'm being altruist.
I care for the others as much as I do except for some moments and I think I'm being truly egoist.
I'm not sure.
Should we conserve the family?
No, we should go towards its abolition with alternatives like communal raising.
Yes, it's a good way to organize society.
I'm not sure.
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