Memory and Cognition

Caitlin, a fifth grader, is asked to remember her second-grade teacher's name. What measure of retention will Caitlin use to answer this question?
Working memory is most active during which portion of the information-processing model?
Short term memory
Sensory memory
Long term memory
Your memory of which of the following is an example of implicit memory?
What you had for breakfast yesterday
The need to spend some time reviewing for an upcoming psychology quiz
Which way to turn the car key to start the engine
That George Washington was the first President
How exciting it was to get the best birthday present ever
Which of the following is the most accurate description of the capacity of short-term and working memory?
Lasts for about 2 days in most circumstances
Lasts for less than half a minute unless you rehearse the information
Is thought to be unlimited - there is always room for more information
Can handle about a half dozen items for each of the tasks you are working on at any time
Can handle about a half dozen items total
Which of the following is most likely to lead to semantic encoding of a list of words?
Thinking about how the owrds relate to your own life
Practicing the words for a single extended period
Breaking up the practice into several relatively short sessions
Noticing where in a sentence the words appear
Focusing on the number of vowels and consonants in the words
What two parts of the brain are most involved in explicit memory?
Frontal lobes and basal ganglia
Anygdala and hippocampus
Amygdala and cerebellum
Cerebellum and basal ganglia
Frontal lobes and hippocampus
Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the relationship between emotions and memory?
Emotion blocks memory, and it is generally true that we are unable to recall highly emotional events
Excitement tends to increase the chance that an event will be remembered, but stress decreases the chance that an event will be remembered
Stress tends to increase the chance that an event will be remembered, but excitement decreases the chance that an event will be remembered
The effect of emotion on memory depends on the interpretation of the event in the frontal lobes
Emotion enhances memory because it is important for our survival to remember events that make us emotional
Which of the following is an example of flashbulb memory?
Barry remembers an especially bright sunrise because he was by the ocean and the sunlight reflected off the water
Robert remembers that correlation does not prove a cause-effect relationship because his teacher ephasized this fact over and over agains
Anna remembers when her father returned from an overseas military deployment because the day was very emotional for her
Kris has stronger memories of her second grade teacher than she does of her third grade teacher because her second grade teacher has the same name as her neighbor
Anton remembers a moment from his last homecoming dance because a strobe light seemed to freeze the scene in his imagination
Juan returns to his grandparents' house after a 10-year absence. The flood of memories about his childhood visits is best explained by which of the following?
Explicit memory
The serial position effect
Flashbulb memory
Which of the following is an example of the primacy effect?
Remembering the ost important assignment you have to complete for school tomorrow
Remembering the skills you learned early in life, such as walking
Remembering the last thing your English teacher talked about in class yesterday, but nothing from earlier in the class period
Remembering the names of the first two co-workers you met on the first day of your new job
Remembering that your clocks must be moved ahead one hour when daylight savings time begins in the spring
Which of the following is an example of anterograde amnesia?
Halle has no memories of the first 10 years of her life
William has lost his memory of the 2 weeks before he had surgery to remove a benign brain tumor
Louis can remember his past, but has not been able to form new long-term memoriessince experiencing a brain infection 4 years ago
Maddie can't remeber the details of when she was mugged downtown 6 months ago
Kalund struggles in school because he constantly misremembers what his teachers said in class
Muhammad has been in his school cafeteria hundreds of times. It is a large room, and there are nine free-standing pillars that support the roof. One day, to illustrate the nature of forgetting, Muhammad's teacher asks him how many pillars are in the cafeteria. Muhammad has difficulty answering the question, but finally replies that he thinks there are six pillars. What memory concept does this example illustrate?
Storage decay
Retrograde amnesia
Proactive interference
Retroactive interference
Encoding Failure
What does Hermann Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve show about the nature of storage decay?
The rate of forgetting increases as time goes on
The rate of forgetting decreases as time goes on
The rate of forgetting does not change as time goes on
The rate of forgetting varies according to the motivation of the learner
The rate of forgetting varies according to the emotional state of the learner
Which of the following is an example of proactive interference?
You can't recall your locker combination from sixth grade because your current locker combination interferes
You can't recall your new cell phone number because your old number interferes
You can't recall what you studied in first period because what you studied in fourth period interferes
You can't recall what you studied on Monday because what you studied on Tuesday interferes
You can't recall who won the state swim meet last year because the winner of this year's meet interferes
The text discusses therapist guided "recovered" memories. Which of the following statements represents an appropriate conclusion about this issue?
Therapists who use hypnosis are likely to help their patients retrieve repressed memories
Statistics indicate that childhood sexual abuse rarely occurs; therefore, recovered memories of such abuse must be false
Memories are only rarely recovered; once you are unable to retrieve a memory you will probably never be able to retrieve it
One indicator of whether a recovered memory is true is the patient's emotional response; only true recovered memories are emotionally upsetting
Since the brain is not sufficiently mature to store accurate memories of events before the age of 3, memories from the first 3 years of life are not reliable
{"name":"Memory and Cognition", "url":"","txt":"Caitlin, a fifth grader, is asked to remember her second-grade teacher's name. What measure of retention will Caitlin use to answer this question?, Working memory is most active during which portion of the information-processing model?, Your memory of which of the following is an example of implicit memory?","img":""}
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