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{"name":"Are you able to pass?", "url":"","txt":"What is the right thing to do if your friend have cancer?, If you are a star, and at the start of your career what do you do?, Translate : Vous avez traduit ceci","img":""}
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Data Centre Talent Shortage Survey
Data Centre sector continues to report a pressing global skills shortage. However, data to identify what skills are lacking, why labour is in short supply and what impact this is having on organisations within the sector is scant.
It is known that the sector has a shortage of data centre specific skills driven by rapid technological development, a labour shortage as qualified people are drawn away by more well-known sectors, and a diversity problem in that our labour pool is limited and without a dedicated pipeline. However, we have little robust evidence to devise informed responses to these issues.
This survey aims to gather key data to inform interventions that are targeted and effective.
Participation in the survey is anonymous and all identifying material will be removed before publication.
Consolidated results and research output will be made available to education institutions, industry associations and industry partners. This is not a commercial activity.
Questions can be directed to Dr Theresa Simpkin, Higher and Further Education Principal, CNet Training -
Your participation is voluntary, anonymous (if required) and much appreciated.
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