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New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 13 Oct 20
[2010.04721] Tomasz Komorowski, Stefano Olla: Thermal boundaries in kinetic and hydrodynamic limits
[2010.04730] Julian Arnold, Frank Schäfer, Martin Žonda et al.: Interpretable and unsupervised phase classification
[2010.04731] Daniel Schultz, Adarsh S. Patri, Yong Baek Kim: Rise and Fall of Non-Fermi Liquid Fixed Points in Multipolar Kondo Problems
[2010.04735] Lingyuan Kong, Lu Cao, Shiyu Zhu et al.: Tunable vortex Majorana zero modes in LiFeAs superconductor
[2010.04742] T. Tula, G. Möller, J. Quintanilla et al.: Machine Learning approach to muon spectroscopy analysis
[2010.04766] Shaowen Xu, Fanhao Jia, Guodong Zhao et al.: Tunable Magnetism and Insulator-Metal Transition in Bilayer Perovskites
[2010.04772] Fei Xue, Paul M. Haney: Staggered spin Hall conductivity
[2010.04779] Megan J. McCarthy, Timothy J. Rupert: Alloying induces directionally-dependent mobility and alters migration mechanisms of faceted grain boundaries
[2010.04783] Adina Luican-Mayer, Justin Boddison-Chouinard, Samantha Scarfe et al.: Falttening van der waals heterostructure interfaces by local thermal treatment
[2010.04784] Ben L. Levy-Wendt, Brenden R. Ortiz, Lìdia C. Gomes et al.: Understanding Cu Incorporation in the $\mathrm{Cu_{2x}Hg_{2-x}GeTe_4}$ Structure using Resonant X-ray Diffraction
[2010.04815] Heejung Chung, Rodrigo Freitas, Gowoon Cheon et al.: A data-centric framework for crystal structure identification in atomistic simulations using machine learning
[2010.04818] Edward H. Chen, Kate Raach, Andrew Pan et al.: Detuning Axis Pulsed Spectroscopy of Valley-Orbital States in Si/SiGe Quantum Dots
[2010.04843] Francois Leyvraz: Exact asymptotic solution of an aggregation model with a bell-shaped distribution
[2010.04854] Daniela Frömberg, Felix Höfling: Generalized master equation for first-passage problems in partitioned spaces
[2010.04860] R. Mincigrucci, Jeremy Rouxel, Barbara Rossi et al.: Element- and enantiomer-selective visualization of ibuprofen dimer vibrations
[2010.04869] Dohyun Kim, Jongwoo Kim, Jonggeun Hwang et al.: Direct Measurement of Curvature-Dependent Surface Tension in a Capillary-Condensed Alcohol Nanomeniscus
[2010.04901] Shenyang Huang, Fanjie Wang, Guowei Zhang et al.: From Anomalous to Normal: Temperature Dependence of the Band Gap in Two-Dimensional Black Phosphorus
[2010.04905] J. Austin Ellis, Attila Cangi, Normand A. Modine et al.: Accelerating Finite-temperature Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory with Deep Neural Networks
[2010.04915] P. Padmanabhan, F. L. Buessen, R. Tutchton et al.: Coherent Helicity-Dependent Spin-Phonon Oscillations in the Ferromagnetic van der Waals Crystal CrI3
[2010.04923] Jianzhou Zhao, Weikang Wu, Jiaojiao Zhu et al.: Highly anisotropic two-dimensional metal in monolayer MoOCl$_2$
[2010.04945] Hiroyuki Shima: Simple approximate formulas for postbuckling deflection of heavy elastic columns
[2010.04964] Tanmay Bhore, Siddharth Chaini, Siddharth Bachoti et al.: Thermodynamic Properties of Ice: A Monte Carlo Study
[2010.04983] Duanduan Wan, Sharon C. Glotzer: Randomness in self-assembled colloidal crystals can widen photonic band gaps through particle shape and internal structure
[2010.04984] V Ryzhii, T Otsuji, M Ryzhii et al.: Theoretical analysis of injection driven thermal light emitters based on graphene encapsulated by hexagonal boron nitride
[2010.04986] Ning Ding, Jun Chen, Shuai Dong et al.: Ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism in VOI$_2$ monolayer: the role of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
[2010.04998] J. P. Santos Pires, B. Amorim, Aires Ferreira et al.: Destabilization of a 3D Dirac semimetal by diluted spherical impurities
[2010.05019] Sergey Kovalev, Tao Dong, Li-Yu Shi et al.: Band-Selective Third-Harmonic Generation in Superconducting MgB$_2$: Evidence for Higgs Amplitude Mode in the Dirty Limit
[2010.05022] Rui Wang, Yilin Wang, Y. X. Zhao et al.: Kondo signatures in Dirac spin liquids: Non-Abelian bosonization after Chern-Simons fermionization
[2010.05032] B. Santhosh Kumar, Rajesh Narayana Perumal, C.Venkateswaran: Concurrence of ferroelectric, dielectric and magnetic behaviour in Tb2Ti2O7 pyrochlore
[2010.05062] D. Afanasiev, J.R. Hortensius, M. Matthiesen et al.: Controlling the anisotropy of a van der Waals antiferromagnet with light
[2010.05089] Rhys M. Kennard, Clayton J. Dahlman, Ryan A. DeCrescent et al.: Ferroelastic Hysteresis in Thin Films of Methylammonium Lead Iodide
[2010.05104] Youseung Lee, Sara Fiore, Mathieu Luisier: Ab initio mobility of mono-layer MoS2 and WS2: comparison to experiments and impact on the device characteristics
[2010.05112] Kozo Hiranuma, Satoshi Fujimoto: Paragamnetic effects of j-electron superconductivity and application to UTe2
[2010.05121] Movaffaq Kateb: Stencil growth of metallic nanorod: An atomistic simulation
[2010.05135] Ren Zhang, Chenwei Lv, Yangqian Yan et al.: Efimov-like states and quantum funneling effects on synthetic hyperbolic surfaces
[2010.05136] Gerrit E. W. Bauer, Ryo Iguchi, amd Ken-ichi Uchida: Theory of Transport in Ferroelectric Capacitors
[2010.05140] Brian Zutter, Hyunseok Kim, William Hubbard et al.: Mapping Charge Recombination and the Effect of Point Defect Insertion in Gallium Arsenide Nanowire Heterojunctions
[2010.05182] Maayan Vizner Stern, Yuval Waschitz, Wei Cao et al.: Interfacial Ferroelectricity by van-der-Waals Sliding
[2010.05191] Xiaolei Yi, Xiangzhuo Xing, Lingyao Qin et al.: Hydrothermal synthesis and complete phase diagram of FeSe$_{1-x}$S$_{x}$ $(0 \leq x \leq 1)$ single crystals
[2010.05200] Ryuta Yamamoto, Hideki Ozawa, David C. Nak et al.: Single-site-resolved imaging of ultracold atoms in a triangular optical lattice
[2010.05205] Giada Franceschi, Michael Schmid, Ulrike Diebold et al.: 2D Surface Phase Diagram of a Multicomponent Perovskite Oxide: La$_{0.8}$Sr$_{0.2}$MnO$_3$(110)
[2010.05211] A. Yu. Zakharov, M. A. Zakharov: Relativism versus statistics in the microscopic foundation of thermodynamics
[2010.05219] Yu Wu, Bowen Hou, Ying Chen et al.: Towards Accurate Predictions of Carrier Mobilities and Thermoelectric Performances in 2D Materials
[2010.05227] Carl Merrigan, Cristiano Nisoli, Yair Shokef: Topological Memory and Hysteresis in Ice-like Mechanical Metamaterials
[2010.05235] Jan Heyda, Halil I. Okur, Jana Hladílková et al.: Guanidinium can both Cause and Prevent the Hydrophobic Collapse of Biomacromolecules
[2010.05239] E. N. Tsiok, Yu. D. Fomin, E. A. Gaiduk et al.: Influence of random pinning on the phase diagram of 2D Hertzian spheres
[2010.05262] Jens Bickmann, Stephan Bröker, Julian Jeggle et al.: Analytical approach to chiral active systems: suppressed phase separation of interacting Brownian circle swimmers
[2010.05277] Gad Koren, Anna Eyal, Leonid Iomin et al.: Observation of Josephson-like tunneling junction characteristics and positive magnetoresistance in Oxygen deficient Nickelate films of $Nd_{0.8}Sr_{...
[2010.05279] Simon Becker, Mark Embree, Jens Wittsten et al.: Spectral characterization of magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene
[2010.05291] Sumantra Sarkar, Sandeep Choubey: Efficacy of information transmission in cellular communication
[2010.05301] Aaram J. Kim, Nikolay V. Prokof'ev, Boris V. Svistunov et al.: Homotopic Action: A Pathway to Convergent Diagrammatic Theories
[2010.05308] Yanan Li, Ziqiao Wang, Run Xiao et al.: Capping layer influence and isotropic in-plane upper critical field of the superconductivity at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface
[2010.05310] Aanjaneya Kumar, Deepak Dhar: Chase-Escape Percolation on the 2D Square Lattice
[2010.05325] Connor L. Box, Yaolong Zhang, Rongrong Yin et al.: Quantifying the breakdown of electronic friction theory for molecular scattering at metal surfaces
[2010.05347] C. E. Whittaker, T. Dowling, A. V. Nalitov et al.: Optical analogue of Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction in photonic graphene
[2010.05362] Chao Xu, Wang Yang, Congjun Wu: Superconducting junction with tri-component gap functions
[2010.05367] Tom Banks, Bingnan Zhang: On the Colloidal Phase of the Homogeneous Electron Fluid
[2010.05372] Jie Qiu, Junsoo Han, Ryan Schoell et al.: Electrical properties of thermal oxide scales on pure iron in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic
[2010.05383] Pengjie Wang, Guo Yu, Yanyu Jia et al.: Landau Quantization and Highly Mobile Fermions in an Insulator
[2010.05390] Yanyu Jia, Pengjie Wang, Cheng-Li Chiu et al.: Evidence for a Monolayer Excitonic Insulator
[2010.05400] Sandeep Sharma, Gregory Beylkin: Efficient evaluation of Gaussian integrals in periodic systems
[2010.05402] Jiaojiao Guo, Junsong Sun, Xingchuan Zhu et al.: Quantum Monte Carlo study of higher-order topological spin phases
[2010.05409] A. Camacho de la Rosa, D. Becerril, G. Gómez-Farfán et al.: Band Structure for Thermal Conduction in Multilayered Systems. Thermal Crystals
[2010.05410] Yu Li, Xin Gui, Mojammel A Khan et al.: Topological Hall effect and the magnetic states of Nowotney chimney ladder compound Cr$_{11}$Ge$_{19}$}
[2010.05424] Tongshuai Zhu, Huaiqiang Wang, Haijun Zhang et al.: Tunable dynamical magnetoelectric effect in antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ films
[2010.05460] Maksim Belyaev, Andrei Velichko, Vadim Putrolaynen et al.: Electron beam modification of vanadium dioxide oscillators
[2010.05477] Z. C. Tu: Abstract models for heat engines
[2010.05506] Viktor Holubec, Rahul Marathe: Underdamped Active Brownian Heat Engine
[2010.05515] Tahar Azib, Nicolas Bibent, Michel Latroche et al.: Ni-Sn intermetallics as efficient buffering matrix of Si anodes in Li-ion batteries
[2010.05524] L Mauro, K Caicedo, G Jonusauskas et al.: Charge-Transfer Chemical Reactions in Nanofluidic Fabry-P{é}rot Cavities
[2010.05536] Avraham Moriel: Internally-stressed and positionally-disordered minimal complexes yield glasslike nonphononic excitations
[2010.05539] S. Yoshida, T. Koyama, H. Yamada et al.: Nonmagnetic-Magnetic Transition and Magnetically Ordered Structure in SmS
[2010.05543] Hugues Meyer, Fabian Glatzel, Wilkin Wöhler et al.: Evaluation of memory effects at phase transitions and during relaxation processes
[2010.05556] Yudong Peng, Jianyun Cao, Jie Yang et al.: Laser Assisted Solution Synthesis of High Performance Graphene Supported Electrocatalysts
[2010.05566] Vicente Garzó, Ricardo Brito, Rodrigo Soto: Navier--Stokes transport coefficients for a model of a confined quasi-two-dimensional granular binary mixture
[2010.05568] E.A. Zvereva, G.V. Raganyan, T.M. Vasilchikova et al.: Hidden Magnetic Order in Triangular-Lattice Magnet Li2MnTeO6
[2010.05580] Jing Wang, Bingcheng Luo: Optical and electronic properties in amorphous BaSnO3 thin films
[2010.05598] Hui Yang, Fa Wang: Optical response and nonlinear Hall response of twisted bilayer graphene in the insulating state
[2010.05632] Chris A. Brackley, Davide Marenduzzo: Bridging-induced microphase separation: photobleaching experiments, chromatin domains, and the need for active reactions
[2010.05634] K. Li, P. E. Seiler, V. S. Deshpande et al.: Regulation of notch sensitivity of lattice materials by strut topology
[2010.05642] M. J. P. Hodgson, J. Wetherell, Emmanuel Fromager: Exact exchange-correlation potentials for calculating the fundamental gap with a fixed number of electrons
[2010.05653] Tatyana Vasilchikova, Vladimir Nalbandyan, Igor Shukaev et al.: Peculiarities of magnetic ordering in the S = 5/2 two-dimensional square-lattice antimonate NaMnSbO4
[2010.05679] Jie Xu, Jun Xi, Hua Dong et al.: Impermeable Inorganic Walls Sandwiching Photoactive Layer toward Inverted Perovskite Solar and Indoor-Photovoltaic Devices
[2010.05688] Yiming Pan, Zhaopin Chen, Bing Wang et al.: Signatures of the $π$-mode anomaly in (1+1) dimensional periodically-driven topological/normal insulator heterostructures
[2010.05699] Martin Hasenbusch: Two- and three-point functions at criticality: Monte Carlo simulations of the three-dimensional $(q+1)$-state clock model
[2010.05703] Jui-Hui Chung, Ying-Jer Kao: Neural Monte Carlo Renormalization Group
[2010.05705] Simon Fichtner, Georg Schönweger, Tom-Niklas Kreutzer et al.: Ferroelectricity in AlScN: Switching, Imprint and sub-150 nm Films
[2010.05709] Eviatar B. Procaccia, Itamar Procaccia: The dimension of Diffusion Limited Aggregates grown on a line
[2010.05718] Guylaine Poulin-Vittrant, Kevin Nadaud, Chandrakanth Reddy Chandraiahgari et al.: Strategies to Enhance ZnO Nanogenerator Performance via Thermal-Annealing and Cryo-Cooling
[2010.05737] Xiaolei Liu, Zhenhai Yu, Qifeng Liang et al.: High-Pressure Crystal Growth, Superconducting Properties, and Electronic Band Structure of Nb2P5
[2010.05764] Fabian Schrodi, Alex Aperis, Peter M. Oppeneer: Influence of phonon renormalization in Eliashberg theory for superconductivity in 2D and 3D systems
[2010.05786] Lorenzo A. Mariano, Roberta Poloni: Electric field-induced oxygen vacancies in YBa2Cu3O7
[2010.05787] Chao Lei, Lukas Linhart, Wei Qin et al.: Mirror Symmetry Breaking and Stacking-Shift Dependence in Twisted Trilayer Graphene
[2010.05793] John W. Villanova, Salvador Barraza-Lopez: Thermoelectricity of Tin Selenide Monolayers Across a Structural Phase Transition
[2010.05802] Biye Xie, Hai-Xiao Wang, Xiujuan Zhang et al.: Classical higher-order topological insulators
[2010.05803] Virginia Carnevali, Ilaria Siloi, Rosa Di Felice et al.: Vacancies in graphene: an application of adiabatic quantum optimization
[2010.05815] Liemao Cao, Guanghui Zhou, L. K. Ang et al.: Two-dimensional van der Waals electrical contact to monolayer MoSi$_2$N$_4$
[2010.05835] Akira Sone, Sebastian Deffner: Jarzynski equality for conditional stochastic work
[2010.05839] Daan M. Arroo, Steven T. Bramwell: Experimental Measures of Topological Sector Fluctuations in the F-Model
[2010.05851] Minyi Dai, Mehmet F. Demirel, Yingyu Liang et al.: Graph Neural Networks for an Accurate and Interpretable Prediction of the Properties of Polycrystalline Materials
[2010.05871] Elmer Guardado-Sanchez, Benjamin Spar, Peter Schauss et al.: Quench Dynamics of a Fermi Gas with Strong Long-Range Interactions
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