Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 20 Oct 20
[2010.08561] Shi-Xin Zhang, Chang-Yu Hsieh, Shengyu Zhang et al.: Differentiable Quantum Architecture Search
[2010.08588] Sarah Brandsen, Kevin D. Stubbs, Henry D. Pfister: Reinforcement Learning with Neural Networks for Quantum Multiple Hypothesis Testing
[2010.08665] King Lun Ng, Bogdan Opanchuk, Manushan Thenabadu et al.: The fate of the false vacuum: Finite temperature, entropy and topological phase in quantum simulations of the early universe
[2010.08699] W. Cai, Y. Ma, W. Wang et al.: Bosonic quantum error correction codes in superconducting quantum circuits
[2010.08702] Ziqi Ma, Pranav Gokhale, Tian-Xing Zheng et al.: Adaptive Circuit Learning for Quantum Metrology
[2010.08731] Pavel Fadeev, Chris Timberlake, Tao Wang et al.: Ferromagnetic Gyroscopes for Tests of Fundamental Physics
[2010.08826] Hartmut Wachter: Schrödinger field on the q-deformed Euclidean quantum space
[2010.08934] Alex Arash Sand Kalaee, Andreas Wacker: Positivity of entropy production for the three-level maser
[2010.08971] Jeong Ryeol Choi: Classical limit of quantum mechanics for damped driven oscillatory systems: Quantum-classical correspondence
[2010.08975] Yu.P. Kunashenko: Spin rotation of the planar channeled antiproton in bent crystal
[2010.09036] Samuel A. Stein, Betis Baheri, Ray Marie Tischio et al.: QuGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network Through Quantum States
[2010.09038] Will McCutcheon: Gaussian Nonlinear Optics In Coupled Cavity Systems: Back-scattering in Micro-ring Resonators
[2010.09050] Utkarsh Mishra, Abolfazl Bayat: Driving enhanced quantum sensing in partially accessible many-body systems
[2010.09070] Ivan Henao, Raam Uzdin: Catalytic transformations with finite-size environments: applications to cooling and thermometry
[2010.09075] Valentin Gebhart, Augusto Smerzi, Luca Pezzè: Heisenberg-limited Bayesian multiphase estimation algorithm
[2010.09104] Todd A. Brun, Leonard Mlodinow: Quantum cellular automata and quantum field theory in two spatial dimensions
[2010.09118] Daniel Cano: Sub-Poissonian atom-number distributions by means of Rydberg dressing and electromagnetically induced transparency
[2010.09136] N. L. Diaz, J. M. Matera, R. Rossignoli: Space-time Quantum Actions
[2010.09156] Mark Bradshaw, Lorcan O. Conlon, Spyros Tserkis et al.: Optimal probes for continuous variable quantum illumination
[2010.09168] Stuart S. Szigeti, Onur Hosten, Simon A. Haine: Will quantum-enhanced atom interferometry ever be useful? Prospects for improving cold-atom sensors with quantum entanglement
[2010.09188] Muqing Zheng, Ang Li, Tamás Terlaky et al.: A Bayesian Approach for Characterizing and Mitigating Gate and Measurement Errors
[2010.09201] Patrick Lee Orman, Ryoichi Kawai: A qubit strongly interacting with a bosonic environment: Geometry of thermal states
[2010.09223] Shashank Gupta, Debarshi Das, A. S. Majumdar: Distillation of genuine tripartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering
[2010.09296] Monika Leibscher, Eugenio Pozzoli, Cristobal Pérez et al.: Complete Controllability Despite Degeneracy: Quantum Control of Enantiomer-Specific State Transfer in Chiral Molecules
[2010.09368] U. Boscain, M. Sigalotti, D. Sugny: Introduction to the Foundations of Quantum Optimal Control
[2010.09372] O. I. Hryhorchak: Effective technique of numerical investigation of systems with complicated geometry of a potential
[2010.09399] Sebastian Kish, Eduardo Villaseñor, Robert Malaney et al.: Use of a Local Local Oscillator for the Satellite-to-Earth Channel
[2010.09442] Yu Guo, Lijinzhi Lin, Huan Cao et al.: Experimental Entanglement Quantification for Unknown Quantum States in a Semi-Device-Independent Manner
[2010.09450] Jakob Hinney, Adarsh S. Prasad, Sahand Mahmoodian et al.: Unraveling two-photon entanglement via the squeezing spectrum of light traveling through nanofiber-coupled atoms
[2010.09506] Hans Havlicek, Karl Svozil: Decomposability versus entanglement of quantum states in four dimensions bound by pre-selection of two-dimensional subspaces
[2010.09519] Rocco Duvenhage: Optimal quantum channels
[2010.09604] Xun-Wei Xu, Hai-Quan Shi, Ai-Xi Chen: Nonreciprocal transition with cyclic four-level transition
[2010.09626] Oscar Higgott, Nikolas P. Breuckmann: Subsystem codes with high thresholds by gauge fixing and reduced qubit overhead
[2010.09669] Yimin Li: Geometric Constraints on Two-electron Reduced Density Matrices
[2010.09681] Brennan de Neeve, Thanh Long Nguyen, Tanja Behrle et al.: Error correction of a logical grid state qubit by dissipative pumping
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 20 Oct 20","img":""}
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