Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 9 Mar 21
[2103.03879] Thomas Connor, Eduardo Bañados, Daniel Stern et al.: Enhanced X-ray Emission from the Most Radio-Powerful Quasar in the Universe's First Billion Years
[2103.03880] Dainis Dravins, Hans-Günter Ludwig, Bernd Freytag: Spatially resolved spectroscopy across stellar surfaces. IV. F, G, & K-stars: Synthetic 3D spectra at hyper-high resolution
[2103.03881] Alice Zurlo, Antonio Garufi, Sebastián Pérez et al.: Near-IR observations of the young star [BHB2007]-1: A sub-stellar companion opening the gap in the disk
[2103.03882] Yun-Ting Cheng, Toshiaki Arai, Priyadarshini Bangale et al.: Probing Intra-Halo Light with Galaxy Stacking in CIBER Images
[2103.03884] Tobias Buck, Jan Rybizki, Sven Buder et al.: The challenge of simultaneously matching the observed diversity of chemical abundance patterns in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
[2103.03887] Lindsay DeMarchi, J.R. Sanders, Emily M. Levesque: Prospects for Multimessenger Observations of Thorne-Żytkow Objects
[2103.03888] Sijie Yu, James S. Bullock, Courtney Klein et al.: The bursty origin of the Milky Way thick disc
[2103.03889] Chia-Yu Hu, Amiel Sternberg, Ewine F. van Dishoeck: Metallicity dependence of the H/H$_2$ and C$^+$/C/CO distributions in a resolved self-regulating interstellar medium
[2103.03890] Alexandre Marciniak, Christine Joblin, Giacomo Mulas et al.: Photodissociation of aliphatic PAH derivatives under relevant astrophysical conditions
[2103.03917] Pablo Gómez Toribio, Tony Mroczkowski, Anna Cabré et al.: Two decades of km-resolution satellite- and ground-based measurements of the precipitable water vapor in the Atacama Desert
[2103.03919] J. Hernández-Bernal, A. Sánchez-Lavega, T. del Río-Gaztelurrutia et al.: An Extremely Elongated Cloud over Arsia Mons Volcano on Mars: I. Life Cycle
[2103.03933] Fulvio Melia: Thermodynamics of the R_h=ct Universe: A Simplification of Cosmic Entropy
[2103.03950] T. J. Haworth: Warm millimetre dust in protoplanetary discs near massive stars
[2103.03957] Jeffrey W. Reep, Will T. Barnes: Forecasting the Remaining Duration of an Ongoing Solar Flare
[2103.03972] Myron A. Smith, G. W. Henry: Automated photometry of $γ$ Cassiopeiae:the last roundup
[2103.03976] M. Langlois, R. Gratton, A.-M. Lagrange et al.: The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE) -- II. Observations, Data reduction and analysis Detection performances and early-results
[2103.03989] Manuel Pichardo Marcano, L.E. Rivera Sandoval, Thomas J. Maccarone et al.: A 2 day orbital period for a redback millisecond pulsar candidate in the globular cluster NGC 6397
[2103.04001] Zoheyr Doctor, Ben Farr, Daniel E. Holz: Black Hole Leftovers: The Remnant Population from Binary Black Hole Mergers
[2103.04045] G. Alestas, L. Perivolaropoulos: Late time approaches to the Hubble tension deforming $H(z)$, worsen the growth tension
[2103.04065] A. de Vicente, T. del Pino Alemán, J. Trujillo Bueno: Long characteristics vs. Short characteristics in 3D radiative transfer simulations of polarized radiation
[2103.04108] Yoann Génolini, Mathieu Boudaud, Marco Cirelli et al.: New minimal, median, and maximal propagation models for dark matter searches with Galactic cosmic rays
[2103.04126] Fei Li, Junzhi Wang, Feng Gao et al.: Dense gas in local galaxies revealed by multiple tracers
[2103.04137] Massimo Giovannini: Baryogenesis, magnetogenesis and the strength of anomalous interactions
[2103.04148] R. Ramesh, A. Kumari, C. Kathiravan et al.: New results on the direct observations of thermal radio emission from a solar coronal mass ejection
[2103.04158] Florent Leclercq, Alan Heavens: On the accuracy and precision of correlation functions and field-level inference in cosmology
[2103.04160] J. C. Trelles Arjona, B. Ruiz Cobo, M. J. Martínez González: Empirical determination of atomic line parameters of the 1.5 $μ$m spectral region
[2103.04165] Jin-Jun Geng, Bing Li, Yong-Feng Huang: Repeating Fast Radio Bursts from Collapse of Strange Star Crust
[2103.04241] Fulvio Melia: The Anomalous 21-cm Absorption at High Redshifts
[2103.04291] Rhythm Shimakawa, Yuichi Higuchi, Masato Shirasaki et al.: Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam excavates colossal over- and under-dense structures over 360 deg2 out to z=1
[2103.04309] Jun Yang, Zsolt Paragi, Robert J. Beswick et al.: A compact core-jet structure in the changing-look Seyfert NGC 2617
[2103.04342] Yuichi Ito, Quentin Changeat, Billy Edwards et al.: Detectability of Rocky-Vapour Atmospheres on Super-Earths with Ariel
[2103.04366] S. Desidera, G. Chauvin, M. Bonavita et al.: The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE)- I Sample definition and target characterization
[2103.04381] Guang-Guang Xin, Yu-Hua Yao, Xiang-Li Qian et al.: Prospects of γ-ray bursts detecting at very high energy with the High Altitude Detection of Astronomical Radiation experiment
[2103.04403] Igor Volkov, Oleg Kargaltsev, George Younes et al.: NuSTAR observation of LS 5039
[2103.04418] Shuo Kong, Héctor G. Arce, John M. Carpenter et al.: High-resolution CARMA Observation of Molecular Gas in the North America and Pelican Nebulae
[2103.04438] Robert Gryncewicz, Heidi Jo Newberg, Charles Martin et al.: Mapping Milky Way Halo Substructure using Stars in the Extended Blue Tail of the Horizontal Branch
[2103.04440] Heidi Jo Newberg: Introduction to Tidal Streams
[2103.04476] Natalie Raettig, Wladimir Lyra, Hubert Klahr: Pebble trapping in vortices: three-dimensional simulations
[2103.04585] J-S. Huang, Y.-S Dai, S. Willner et al.: A Complete 16 micron-Selected Galaxy Sample at $z\sim1$: Mid-infrared Spectral Energy Distributions
[2103.04596] D. Bisht, Qingfeng Zhu, R. K. S. Yadav et al.: Multi-colour photometry and Gaia EDR3 astrometry of two couples of binary clusters (NGC 5617 and Trumpler 22) and (NGC 3293 and NGC 3324)
[2103.04601] P.-O. Petrucci, S. Bianchi, G. Ponti et al.: Expected wind properties evolution along an X-ray Binary outburst
[2103.04631] Xiaozhi Lin, Guanwen Fang, Yongquan Xue et al.: Estimating lifetimes of uv-selected massive galaxies at $0.5 \le z \le 2.5$ in the cosmos/ultravista field through clustering analyses
[2103.04669] Elena Mason, Steven N. Shore, Jeremy Drake et al.: The aftermath of nova Cen 2013 (V1369 Cen)
[2103.04713] Weikai Zong, Stéphane Charpinet: Amplitude and frequency modulation of super-Nyquist frequency from Kepler photometric sampling
[2103.04716] N. N. Chugai, A. D. Kudryashov: Annihilation of positrons from $^{22}$Na in novae
[2103.04739] Chen Yuan, Qing-Guo Huang: A topic review on probing primordial black hole dark matter with scalar induced gravitational waves
[2103.04740] Xiaolei Li, Yuming Wang, Jingnan Guo et al.: Radial velocity map of solar wind transients in the field of view of STEREO/HI1 on 3 and 4 April 2010
[2103.04800] A. Ridolfi, T. Gautam, P. C. C. Freire et al.: Eight new millisecond pulsars from the first MeerKAT globular cluster census
[2103.04803] Daniel Cs. Molnar, Mark T. Sargent, Sarah Leslie et al.: The non-linear infrared-radio correlation of low-z galaxies: implications for redshift evolution, a new radio SFR recipe, and how to minimiz...
[2103.04806] Yeva Gevorgyan: Homogeneous model for the TRAPPIST-1e planet with an icy layer
[2103.04819] Robert Brunngräber, Sebastian Wolf: Self-scattering on large, porous grains in protoplanetary disks with dust settling
[2103.04821] Arvind Balasubramanian, Alessandra Corsi, Kunal P. Mooley et al.: Continued radio observations of GW170817 3.5 years post-merger
[2103.04848] Pedro Sarmento, Bárbara Rojas-Ayala, Elisa Delgado Mena et al.: Determination of spectroscopic parameters for 313 M dwarf stars from their APOGEE Data Release 16 H-band spectra
[2103.04855] Arif Solmaz, Nazım Aksaker, Aysun Akyüz et al.: Çukurova University Space Sciences and Solar Energy Research and Application Center (UZAYMER): I. Observing Conditions and Ongoing Projects
[2103.04892] E. S. Kammoun, I. E. Papadakis, M. Dovciak: Modeling the UV/optical continuum time-lags in AGN
[2103.04895] A. Kawachi, Y. Moritani, A.T. Okazaki et al.: Near-infrared Brightening around the Periastron Passages of the Gamma-ray Binary PSR B1259$-$63 /LS 2883
[2103.04928] Emmanuel Dartois, François Langlet: Ethane clathrate hydrate infrared signatures for solar system remote sensing
[2103.04935] Raphael Blumenfeld: Collision-driven emergence of the cosmic web
[2103.04950] T. Trifonov, J. A. Caballero, J. C. Morales et al.: A nearby transiting rocky exoplanet that is suitable for atmospheric investigation
[2103.04953] M. T. Beltrán, V. M. Rivilla, R. Cesaroni et al.: Fragmentation in the massive G31.41+0.31 protocluster
[2103.04965] N. L. Isequilla, M. E. Ortega, M. B. Areal et al.: Multiple molecular outflows and fragmentation in the IRDC core G34.43+00.24 MM1
[2103.04977] Tim D. Pearce, Hervé Beust, Virginie Faramaz et al.: Fomalhaut b could be massive and sculpting the narrow, eccentric debris disc, if in mean-motion resonance with it
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 9 Mar 21","img":""}
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