Are you smarter than a Pretty Little Liar?

You have a thumb drive containing evidence that should go right to the police. Do you…
Make (at least) one copy of it, just in case anything happens to the original?
Take it to a police officer, and hope you can trust them?
Keep it in your house and wait for AD to come and steal it?
You have a phone that can incriminate someone for murder. You arrange to meet him, but what do you do with the phone?
Take a photograph of the phone as proof that you have it, but leave it behind in your kidnap lair?
Keep it on your person but don’t let him know?
Fucking show him the phone so that he can take it off you by force?
There’s a video camera containing a tape that possibly incriminates you for kidnapping and assault. Do you…
Never make a tape in the first place, because that would be self-incrimination and totally stupid?
Destroy it?
Leave it in a room with your kidnap victim?
Your boyfriend hasn’t exactly treated you well over the years. What was the final straw?
When he knowingly stalked you and your friends from the age of 15, and got with you underage, because he was ‘writing a book’?
When he put your wedding on hold to go hug & kiss his ex-girlfriend on national television?
Nothing. You stay with him because he was your first love?
Your ex is leaving town to start a family with his new fiancée, Yvonne. Do you…
Just let him go? You already kind of said your goodbyes, and he made it clear he loves Yvonne.
Go to his house and stir up some unresolved feelings? He does not deserve to be happy.
Ask to kiss him? Because fuck Yvonne and her feelings.
You accidentally hit your best friend’s psycho husband with a car and kill him. Do you…?
Go to the police and explain it was an accident?
Bury him and make it look like he skipped town?
You’re in this creepy ass old school for the blind that has axes and pig foetuses. Where do you keep your phone?
In your hand, to make sure it doesn’t leave your sight & to use as a flashlight?
In your back pocket where the blind girl will probably steal it? (because this is PLL)
This guy you went to school with is trapped in a house with you and suddenly trying to kill you. Do you…
Lock him in a cupboard or something until you can alert the police?
Knock him unconscious and hope he doesn't wake up?
Decapitate him?
There is a blind girl walking around with a gun threatening to shoot you. Do you…
Stay silent and don’t move? Maybe she won’t hear you, because she certainly can’t see you to aim at.
Move into another room so she can’t shoot you?
Make really heavy thumping footsteps to alert her of your presence?
{"name":"Are you smarter than a Pretty Little Liar?", "url":"","txt":"You have a thumb drive containing evidence that should go right to the police. Do you…, You have a phone that can incriminate someone for murder. You arrange to meet him, but what do you do with the phone?, There’s a video camera containing a tape that possibly incriminates you for kidnapping and assault. Do you…","img":""}
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