Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 18 Jan 21
[2101.05811] Gaia Collaboration, T. Antoja, P. McMillan et al.: Gaia Early Data Release 3: The Galactic anticentre
[2101.05814] Angelo Pidatella, Sergio Cristallo, Alessio Galatà et al.: In-plasma study of opacity relevant for compact binary ejecta
[2101.05818] Kelley M. Hess, H. Roberts, H. Dénes et al.: Apertif view of the OH Megamaser IRAS 10597+5926: OH 18 cm satellite lines in wide-area HI surveys
[2101.05820] Katherine A. Suess, Mariska Kriek, Sedona H. Price et al.: Dissecting the size-mass and $Σ_1$-mass relations at 1.0 < z < 2.5: galaxy mass profiles and color gradients as a function of spectral shape
[2101.05821] Philip Mocz, Aaron Szasz: Towards Cosmological Simulations of Dark Matter on Quantum Computers
[2101.05822] Ferah Munshi, Alyson Brooks, Elaad Applebaum et al.: Quantifying scatter in galaxy formation at the lowest masses
[2101.05824] Anagha Raj, Chris Nixon, Suzan Dogan: Disc tearing: numerical investigation of warped disc instability
[2101.05825] Anagha Raj, Chris Nixon: Disc tearing: implications for black hole accretion and AGN variability
[2101.05836] Dongzi Li, J. J. Zanazzi: Emission Properties of Periodic Fast Radio Bursts from the Motion of Magnetars: Testing Dynamical Models
[2101.05837] Oleksandr Ivanova, Serhi Borysenko, Evgenij Zubko et al.: Comet C/2011 J2 (LINEAR): Photometry and Stellar transit
[2101.05838] Jamila Pegues, Ian Czekala, Sean M. Andrews et al.: Dynamical Masses and Stellar Evolutionary Model Predictions of M-Stars
[2101.05858] Kin Long Kelvin Lee, Ryan A. Loomis, Andrew M. Burkhardt et al.: Discovery of Interstellar trans-cyanovinylacetylene (HCCCH=CCHCN) and vinylcyanoacetylene (H$_2$C=CHC$_3$N) in GOTHAM Observations o...
[2101.05897] Jian-Chen Zhang, Kang Jiao, Tong-Jie Zhang: Model-independent measurement of the Hubble Constant and the absolute magnitude of Type Ia Supernovae
[2101.05898] Sergio Pintaldi, Adam Stewart, Andrew O'Brien et al.: A scalable transient detection pipeline for the Australian SKA Pathfinder VAST survey
[2101.05926] Eunmi Chae, Eiji Kambe, Kentaro Motohara et al.: A compact green Ti:Sapphire astro-comb with 43-GHz repetition frequency
[2101.05934] M.S.Fujii, T. R. Saitoh, L. Wang et al.: SIRIUS project II: a new tree-direct hybrid code for smoothed particle hydrodynamics/N-body simulations of star clusters
[2101.05945] Victor Afanasiev, Elena Shablovinskaya, Roman Uklein et al.: Stokes-polarimeter for 1-meter telescope
[2101.05947] Zhenghao Zhu, Haiguang Xu, Dan Hu et al.: A Study of Gas Entropy Profiles of 47 Galaxy Clusters and Groups Out to the Virial Radius
[2101.05977] Zhongli Zhang, Alok C. Gupta, Haritma Gaur et al.: X-ray Intraday Variability of the TeV Blazar PKS 2155-304 with Suzaku During 2005-2014
[2101.05979] Masanori Ohno, Norbert Werner, Andras Pal et al.: The simulation framework of the timing-based localization for future all-sky gamma-ray observations with a fleet of Cubesats
[2101.06010] M. Bilicki, A. Dvornik, H. Hoekstra et al.: Bright galaxy sample in the Kilo-Degree Survey Data Release 4: selection, photometric redshifts, and physical properties
[2101.06014] Frank M. Rieger, Peter Duffy: Turbulence and Particle Acceleration in Shearing Flows
[2101.06018] Cosimo Nigro, Tarek Hassan: Standardisation of Data Formats in Gamma-ray Astronomy
[2101.06048] Yuanming Wang, Artem Tuntsov, Tara Murphy et al.: ASKAP observations of multiple rapid scintillators reveal a degrees-long plasma filament
[2101.06051] Nicola Locatelli, Franco Vazza, Annalisa Bonafede et al.: New constraints on the magnetic field in filaments of the cosmic web
[2101.06065] K. Belkacem, F. Kupka, J. Philidet et al.: Surface effects and turbulent pressure. Assessing the Gas-$Γ_1$ and Reduced-$Γ_1$ empirical models
[2101.06145] Michele Ronchi, Vanessa Graber, Alberto Garcia-Garcia et al.: Analyzing the Galactic pulsar distribution with machine learning
[2101.06158] M. Ave, P. Bauleo, A. Castellina et al.: The accuracy of signal measurement with the water-Cherenkov detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory
[2101.06164] Belén Maté, Ricardo Carrasco-Herrera, Vicente Timón et al.: 2-aminooxazole in astrophysical environments: IR spectra and destruction cross sections for energetic processing
[2101.06174] P. Lampens, L. Vermeylen, Y. Frémat et al.: Orbital solutions derived from radial velocities and time delays for four {\it Kepler} systems with A/F-type (candidate) hybrid pulsators
[2101.06179] R. Basalgète, R. Dupuy, G. Féraud et al.: Complex organic molecules in protoplanetary disks : X-ray photodesorption from methanol-containing ices. Part I -- Pure methanol ices
[2101.06216] Heidi B. Thiemann, Andrew J. Norton, Hugh J. Dickinson et al.: SuperWASP Variable Stars: Classifying Light Curves Using Citizen Science
[2101.06218] H Sreehari, Anuj Nandi: A Machine Learning approach for classification of accretion states of Black hole binaries
[2101.06229] J. Bayer, S. Huber, C. Vogl et al.: HOLISMOKES -- V. Microlensing of type II supernovae and time-delay inference through spectroscopic phase retrieval
[2101.06242] Xingzhuo Chen, Lei Hu, Lifan Wang: Constraining Type Ia Supernova Delay Time with Spatially Resolved Star Formation Histories
[2101.06254] Jan-Vincent Harre, René Heller: Digital color codes of stars
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 18 Jan 21","img":""}
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