Rush Quiz Fall 2019

An inviting sorority setting with smiling sisters interacting with potential new members, colorful decorations, and a warm atmosphere.

Kappa Rush Guidelines Quiz

Test your knowledge on the best practices for rushing and engaging with potential new members (rushes) of Kappa! This quiz will help you understand what to say, what to avoid, and how to create a welcoming atmosphere.

Key Highlights:

  • Learn the dos and don’ts of rushing
  • Understand effective conversation starters
  • Gauge your readiness for the Kappa recruitment process
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by EngagingSister42
Which of these choices is something you should NEVER talk about in front of/with rushes?
Your interests and hobbies.
Your major.
The PNM process.
Your favorite tv shows.
List all the choices you should DO for rush:
Ask for their social media.
Be enthusiastic when you meet them.
Talk bad about other sororities.
Talk about the PNM process
Remember their names.
Bring another sister into the conversation.
Make awkward eye contact.
Hype them up during parties.
Take care of them.
Ask open ended questions.
List all the choices you should NOT DO for rush:
Ask them to hang out and eat.
Talk about drugs and alcohol to rushes you just met.
Say hi when you see them.
Offer your chaser to a rush.
Exclude a rush's friend that you're not interested in talking to.
Do all the talking in the conversation.
Talk to rushes in circles.
Put a bad image on Kappas as a chapter.
A rush comes up to you and starts talking bad about another sorority. What do you do next?
Talk bad about the sorority with the rush.
Just laugh it off.
Leave the conversation.
Change the topic immediately.
You're at pickups and a rush you're talking to is really shy and doesn't want to talk. What do you do next?
Just leave the conversation.
Go on your phone.
Bring another sister into the conversation.
Just stare at them.
You're at a party that we're hosting and you see a rush throwing up. What do you do next?
Just keep partying.
Look away.
Offer them water/pat their back.
Just put it in GroupMe.
A rush asks you questions about internal affairs (ex: How much are dues? How much do you have to pay rent for the Kappa house?). What do you say?
Just answer their questions.
"Don't worry about it!"
"That's confidential information because it also concerns our National Board. Sorry!"
"It changes every year"
You're at a party that we're hosting and you have a bottle. You offer it to a rush and she really doesn't want to drink. What do you do next?
Just pour it down her mouth.
Offer it to her friends that would want.
Walk away.
Try to make her drink.
What is something you can do to get closer to a rush?
Invite them to your place.
Avoid them.
Talk bad about them.
Don't talk to them.
What are some conversation topics you can talk about with a rush?
Personal problems/stress they're dealing with.
Outfit style.
Music taste.
The weather.
What are some things you can do with a rush you just met at a party?
Ask for their social media.
Take a picture with them.
Bring them into the bathroom to do drugs.
Dance with them
Go outside to get some air.
Let the other sorority girls steal them.
Which one of these choices is incorrect?
A rush is just as nervous as us when we talk to them.
If you're not that into a conversation, a rush won't be either.
Keep asking questions repetitively in a conversation so you have different topics to talk about.
A rush can tell when you don't like them or you like their friend more.
Which one of these choices is incorrect?
You should see a rush as your friend and not a rush.
Doing small things (buying them fundraiser treats, getting lunch, having a snap streak, etc) can help you get closer to a rush.
You should wave or smile when you see them on campus.
If a rush doesn't message you back after multiple tries, you should keep trying because
A rush that is extremely excited about rushing Kappas comes up to you and starts rushing you. What do you do next?
Still be nice to her.
Walk away.
Give her the impression that you're turned off.
Leave the conversation.
You see a girl you're interested in rushing but another sorority girl is talking to her. What do you do next?
Go up to her and try to take her away.
Join the conversation.
Go up to her later when she's free.
Tag team with another sister to steal the rush.
{"name":"Rush Quiz Fall 2019", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the best practices for rushing and engaging with potential new members (rushes) of Kappa! This quiz will help you understand what to say, what to avoid, and how to create a welcoming atmosphere.Key Highlights:Learn the dos and don’ts of rushingUnderstand effective conversation startersGauge your readiness for the Kappa recruitment process","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}

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