Human Flourishing in Web3
What is the major concern that comes with using experimental economic practices in the crypto space?
Experimental economic practices can bring about huge economic gains, which can, in turn, destabilise the market.
The fiat market will get affected by these practices.
It will cause political leaders to consider further regulating the crypto space.
There is not enough history or testing to know with confidence how these practices will function.
What is decentralization?
Distribution of power throughout the globe.
Distribution of power throughout all races and genders.
Distribution of power throughout all social classes.
All of the above
What moral responsibility do developers owe to their userbase when building decentralized tools?
The developers have a responsibility to ensure that the only way people use their tools is in a way that is morally good and sound.
The developers have a responsibility to ensure their tools can be used in a morally sound and positive way, but they do not have a responsibility to enforce this in any way that compromises its decentralization.
No responsibility, the way people interact with a decentralized tool lies entirely with the end-user.
The developers have a responsibility to only ensure the decentralized tools are running smoothly and as advertised.
If a project fails due to users voting for unsafe or problematic ideas/protocols, where does culpability lie?
It depends on how informed the userbase was, and what involvement the devs had in their decision-making.
Firmly with the voters. It was their decision, with autonomy comes accountability.
The devs who implemented it. They do not need to listen to the votes of the userbase, they have free choice.
Nobody. Culpability is so far distributed that nobody can truly be identified as a figure of blame.
Can traditional consensus algorithms be used to build a democratic voting system?
Proof-of-work can be used, as power can be fairly distributed, so long as there are hardware restrictions that prevent “power creeping” (which eventually leads to ASIC-style scenarios)
Proof-of-work and proof-of-stake are both suitable for democratic voting as they let anybody vote.
No consensus algorithm that allows more votes to be acquired through money or processing power can be considered truly democratic.
Proof-of-stake is suitable for democratic voting as it allows anybody to vote, even those without access to powerful machines.
Consider the following: imagine a blockchain that allows people to vote on crucial decisions with the use of governance tokens. The more tokens somebody uses, the more weighted their votes are. Is this a democratic system?
Yes, everybody has an equal opportunity to vote.
Yes, but only if governance tokens are not rare or hard to come by.
It can be, but it relies on the devs following the results of these votes.
No, any system which offers more weighted voting options is undemocratic as it reduces the significance of other lesser-weighted votes.
What is a proof-of-personhood blockchain?
A type of blockchain that uses human kinetic energy as processing power.
A type of blockchain that is designed to validate users based on features that anybody can possess, verified via decentralized means.
A type of blockchain that is created with the specific aim to bring about social change.
A type of blockchain that stores citizenship documents within a public ledger.
What is a plutocracy?
A system where those with the most money have the most voting power.
A system of governance related to Pluto’s orbit
A system where people agree on how votes are distributed.
A system where electronic processing power is used to produce and validate votes.
Are plutocratic voting methods avoidable in the blockchain industry?
No, there is no way to validate votes in a decentralized setting without money having influence.
Yes, blockchains exist that can validate voters by having them prove they exist in a decentralized setting (although their scalability is questionable).
No, all voting systems are influenced by money.
In part, but this would require voters to be verified in a centralized manner.
Are the environmental concerns regarding cryptocurrency and blockchain justified?
Yes, traditional finance and tech use more energy than blockchain tech, and is more damaging to the environment.
No, blockchain technology uses significant quantities of power, which we should strive to change.
Yes, the blockchain and crypto industry uses significant amounts of energy, which is harmful to the environment. This should be reduced wherever possible, but this does not discredit the social good that the industry has done (such as allowing money to move in and out of wartorn countries and dictatorships and help citizens survive).
No, the blockchain and crypto industry is essentially useless, and has undone all the environmental good the world has been doing within the last few decades.
Why is blockchain technology discussed in relation to the metaverse?
The metaverse is a type of immersive blockchain.
Blockchain technology ensures that ownership of the metaverse would be distributed and decentralized among its userbase.
The metaverse is an aspect of web3, much like blockchain technology.
The metaverse cannot exist without blockchain technology, as it would need a distributed server to function on a large scale.
What are the negative implications of blockchain developers/founders hiding their identities?
Developers who hide their identity are inherently shady, because if you have nothing to fear you would have nothing to hide.
Developers with hidden identities will struggle to become thought-leaders as they cannot appear at physical conferences.
Developers who hide their identity are depriving their userbase of essential information needed to research a project.
Without knowledge of who a developer is, that developer can never be held fully accountable.
What are the positive implications of blockchain developers/founders hiding their identity?
Developers who hide their identities are more digitally integrated, as they have abandoned their physical identity.
Developers who hide their identities can act with freedom and confidence.
Developers who hide their identities allow the project to shine on its own merits, rather than have it defamed or influenced by their own character.
Developers who hide their identities avoid being idolised.
What is digital feudalism?
A state of affairs where a select few people (or organisations) have ownership over practically all aspects of digital life, having the ability to undemocratically decide how people work, socialise, and spend their online time. Those at the top of this hierarchy often have powers that do not get distilled or distributed to their userbase.
An online dictatorship where the ruling class of digital creators have all the control, in which users have no choice but to comply.
A digital political system that employs hackers and covert actors to control the state of the internet, acting as a military of sorts. The end goal is to ensure everybody complies with the state of affairs created by the overlords at the top.
A forum with strict moderators.
What is the Need for Uniqueness?
The unique selling point that a blockchain or web3 project needs to stand out.
The human desire to both feel unique and have other people recognise that they are unique.
The human urge to visually look different than anybody else.
The craving to prove that you are separate from all other living beings, a symptom of an unhealthy ego.
Is Web3 an Ideology?
No, because web3 is practical and not conceptual.
Yes, because it contains social and philosophical ideas that underpin its technology.
No, because it is not an organised system of thought, but rather just a collection of people working together in a decentralized setting.
Yes, because it is a concept.
What does “sociotechnological” mean?
A political system that uses technology to solve social issues.
A collection of technologies that are designed to make people socialise more.
The intersection between social and technological ideas.
The academic term used to describe social media.
Is on-chain algorithmic digital art actually art?
Yes. It is not about the tools you use, it is about the ideas that underpin it.
No. Once a machine is helping construct the designs it no longer becomes purely the endeavour of the (human) artist.
It can be, but it needs to be especially unique and outstanding.
No. There is too little human involvement, and art can only be created by humans.
What is the role of a blockchain ethicist?
To police the web3 space and stop/report/scare people who are doing dubious activities.
To discourage unfair behaviour.
To ensure a blockchain is running smoothly and cannot be easily exploited.
To educate people on the social impact of blockchain tech, whilst preventing moral injustices.
Is blockchain privacy a human right?
No. Privacy on the Blockchain is a luxury only afforded by a select few chains.
It is not a human right as open ledgers are an important part of blockchain accountability.
Yes. Under Art. 8 we are afforded the right to a private life. And human rights still extend to the blockchain as we are still humans when we are online. The fact it is not commonly found on the blockchain is a different matter.
The blockchain space is self-governed and so no article under the UN Human Rights Declaration (or any human rights documentation) can have an effect on it as they are all centralized.
What happened in the case of “Lavinia Osbourne v. Persons Unknown and OpenSea?”
NFTs were found to be a type of property in the UK, and so property laws apply to them.
It is technologically possible for NFTs to be retrieved through OpenSea.
NFTs have been proven to be their own distinct category of property.
Stolen NFTs are not covered by any UK laws.
Why is interoperability important?
The chain that can connect with the most other chains will be the winner of the blockchain-ecosystem war as they will have the most resources.
Opposed fan-bases can share resources and tools, making communities less tribalistic.
Blockchain connectivity means no new chains need to be built.
It will create one mega-ecosystem.
Is it unethical to blindly tell people to "hodl"?
No. It is a solid piece of advice in the crypto space and it helps keep more blockchains alive and active.
Yes, but it depends on the circumstances of the people being told. If they can afford to hold, then it does not affect them. But not everybody can afford this.
No. They don't have to listen to my advice.
Yes. Some coins are best sold fast for a profit.
Why is Yue Xin important?
She is a Chinese student and activist who broadcasted via the Ethereum blockchain that the Chinese government had been trying to cover up a historical account of sexual misconduct.
She is a Chinese activist who helped popularise Ethereum as a decentralized payment protocol.
She is a Chinese university professor who opposed Ethereum due to its immutability.
She is a Chinese student who worked on developing a new protocol for the Ethereum blockchain that made it more suitable for broadcasting documents.
Can a meritocracy exist in a truly decentralized setting?
No, as meritocracies are hierarchical in nature, and so power would not be fairly distributed.
Yes, meritocracies can be decentralized, at least in part, so long as knowledgable individuals understand their duties lie with the general population involved in a project.
If those in positions of power reach that state through both being knowledgable, plus being favoured/voted on by the public, then such a system could still be considered decentralized.
So long as equal educational opportunities are distributed, then a meritocratic system could exist via decentralized means, but it requires proof of a person’s knowledge to also be verified via decentralized means.
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