
A detailed diagram of various cell types, highlighting cell structures such as cell membranes, ribosomes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts, in a vibrant and educational style.

Cell Biology Basics Quiz

Test your knowledge of cell biology with this engaging and informative quiz! Dive into the definitions and functions of various cellular components essential for life.

Challenge yourself with questions about:

  • Cell membranes and walls
  • Organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts
  • Cytoplasm, ribosomes, and vacuoles
  • Unique structures in animal and plant cells
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by LearningCell567
What is the definition of a cell membrane
Boundary between extracellular fluid (outside the cell) and the cytoplasm- it is very selective in what is passes through and is made mostly of phosphpolids, with some proteins and carbohydrates serving many purposes, in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Small storage site for water, ions, and food, in only eukaryotes
What is the definition of a cell wall
Found in bacteria, plants, fungus, some protists, but never animal cells, rigid structure outside of cell wall, composition depends on kingdom, peptidoglycan in bacteria, cellulose wall in plants, chitin wall in fungus
Stores genetic info in eukaryotes, controls cell activities
What is the definition of a cytoplasm
Cytosol- (gel like fluid inside the cell) plus the organelles (except for the nucleus), basically everything from the cell membrane to the nucleus, found in pro and eu cells
Boundary between extracellular fluid (outside the cell) and the cytoplasm- it is very selective in what is passes through and is made mostly of phosphpolids, with some proteins and carbohydrates serving many purposes, in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
What is the definition of the animal cell vacuole
Found in eu cells, small storage site for water, ions and food
Structure & function change for cell types, very large and central in the cell, stores excess water and controls plant wilting, found in eu cells
What is the definition of ribosomes
Found in ALL CELLS, site of protein synthesis, made of rRNA with two subunits, can be free floating or bound to the Rough ER/nucleus
Found in bacteria, plants, fungus, some protists, but never animal cells, rigid structure outside of cell wall, composition depends on kingdom, peptidoglycan in bacteria, cellulose wall in plants, chitin wall in fungus
What is the definition of a plant cell vacuole
Structure & function change for cell types, very large and central in the cell, stores excess water and controls plant wilting, found in eu cells
Found in eu cells, small storage site for water, ions and food
What is the definition of rough endoplasmic reticulum
"rough" because ribosomes are bound, transports proteins synthesized by the ribosome, typically proteins transported will be secreted by the cells
No ribosomes present, synthesizes membrane lipids, detoxifies the cells, stores calcium
What is the definition of a smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Found in eu cells, no ribosomes present, synthesizes membrane lipids, detoxifies the cells, stores calcium
found in eu cells, "rough" because ribosomes are bound, transports proteins synthesized by the ribosome, typically proteins transported will be secreted by the cells
What is the definition of the mitochondria
Found in eu cells, generates ATP using glucose by a process called cellular respiration, inner membrane increases surface area to increase sites for ATP synthesis
Found in eu cells, found within eukaryotic nucleus, synthesizes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) to make ribosomes
What is the definition of the Golgi apparatus or golgi body
Found in eu cells, modifies proteins and large molecules that will be secreted (exported) by the cells, creates vesicles for the transport, and nicknamed the "post office" of the cell
Found in animal cells, anchor cytoskeleton fibers during cell division in animal cells
What is the definition of a nucleus
Stores genetic info in eukaryotes, controls cell activities, found in eu cells
Found in eu cells, found within eukaryotic nucleus, synthesizes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) to make ribosomes
What is the definition of a nucleolus
Found in eu cells, found within eukaryotic nucleus, synthesizes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) to make ribosomes
Stores genetic info in eukaryotes, controls cell activities, found in eu cells
What is the definition of a lysosome
Found in eu cells, contains hydrolytic (remember hydrolysis) enzymes that break down waste products of the cells
Found in eu cells, no ribosomes present, synthesizes membrane lipids, detoxifies the cells, stores calcium
What is the definition of a chloroplast
Found in plant cells and plant like protists, site of photosynthesis (captures light energy and converts to glucose) in plant cells, thylakoids increase surface area to increase light absorption (and increase photosynthesis)
Found in ALL CELLS, site of protein synthesis, made of rRNA with two subunits, can be free floating or bound to the Rough ER/nucleus
What is the definition of a centrioles
Found in animal cells, anchor cytoskeleton fibers during cell division in animal cells
Found in bacteria, plants, fungus, some protists, but never animal cells, rigid structure outside of cell wall, composition depends on kingdom, peptidoglycan in bacteria, cellulose wall in plants, chitin wall in fungus
{"name":"Cells", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge of cell biology with this engaging and informative quiz! Dive into the definitions and functions of various cellular components essential for life. Challenge yourself with questions about: Cell membranes and wallsOrganelles like mitochondria and chloroplastsCytoplasm, ribosomes, and vacuolesUnique structures in animal and plant cells","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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