Which Misfits and Magic character are you?

A whimsical, colorful fantasy landscape featuring characters like witches, creatures, and magical beings in a vibrant, enchanting style.

Discover Your Misfits and Magic Character

Are you ready to unveil your inner magical character from Misfits and Magic? This engaging quiz will take you on a journey through various personality traits, preferences, and fears to help you discover which character resonates with you the most.

  • Answer fun and thought-provoking questions
  • Get an accurate reflection of your personality
  • Share your results with friends
19 Questions5 MinutesCreated by CuriousWizard42
Where would you prefer to live?
In a large, bustling city
In a small, quiet village
In the forest
In the mountains
On a remote, isolated island
By the ocean
What's your personal clothing style?
Black. Everything is black.
Pretty, coordinated, feminine
Comfy, casual
Sturdy, durable, practical
My job dictates what I wear most of the time.
Wait, I'm supposed to wear clothes? Eww.
Do you wear jewelry?
Yes! All the shiny things.
No, it gets in my way.
One or two pieces that have sentimental value.
I like jewelry, but I don't wear it often.
A watch or other practical/useful jewelry.
Obligatory color question:
I don't care about colors.
I love all the colors.
You have something important and possibly confrontational to tell someone. Do you:
Text them
Email them
Call them
Write a letter
Speak face-to-face
You are at a party. What are you doing?
I was dragged here against my will and I am sitting in the corner sulking so you know I don't want to be here.
I am sitting in a corner with my beverage of choice, silently judging everyone.
I am sitting against the wall, out of the way, enjoying the fact that others are having fun.
I am dancing like no one is watching.
I am the center of attention, and I love it.
I am standing awkwardly in everyone's way, in spite of my best efforts to be unobtrusive.
I am not at a party.
What is the ideal number of friends?
Many acquaintances to admire me.
1-2 close friends
A handful of close friends that know me well
I don't do friends.
A few close friends and a larger circle of acquaintances I don't mind hanging out with.
Are you:
An introvert
An extrovert
An outgoing introvert
A shy/quiet extrovert
What are your thoughts on pets?
I'm a cat person.
I'm a dog person.
I'm a horse person.
All the pets! Especially if they're fluffy.
I get along with the animals I meet, but I don't want one of my own.
How do you solve problems?
Hit things!
Hit things, then use brain.
I use my brain to come up with a solution that makes everyone happy.
I use my brain to come up with a solution that makes me happy.
I try to use my brain, then I hit things.
I don't solve problems.
Your friend is injured. What do you do?
I am the injured person.
Call 911.
Perform first-aid myself.
Offer moral support.
Scream at the sight of blood and run away.
I probably did the injuring.
What is your greatest fear?
Being forgotten.
Forgetting my happy memories.
Betraying someone I love.
Being betrayed by someone I love.
Living forever.
Never finding love.
Failing in my duties.
What is your beverage of choice?
Fruit juice
What's your favorite kind of food?
I literally do not care.
All the health food.
All the sugary desserts!
All the salty, greasy food.
Meat and potatoes.
Fruits and veggies.
What is/was your best subject in school?
English/Creative writing
A stranger is being bullied by several people. What do you do?
Charge in boldly and save them.
Wait until it's over and then comfort them.
Stop to watch and laugh at their misfortune.
Put your head down, be glad it isn't you, and keep going.
Attack the bullies sneakily from behind.
Move on because you don't care enough to involve yourself in trouble over a stranger.
What's your moral compass like?
Black and white, good and evil, nothing in between.
Everything is various shades of grey.
Depends on the moment. I'm pretty flexible.
There is no good or evil. Things just are.
Do you:
Believe it's ok to lie.
Always tell the truth because you should never lie.
Only lie if you feel you must.
Only tell the truth if you feel you must.
Which would you choose?
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