Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in physics on Wed, 6 Oct 21
[2110.01610] Levi O. de A. Azevedo, Orlando S. Ribeiro, Natanael C. Costa et al.: Revisitando o Experimento de Eratóstenes: medida do raio de Terra
[2110.01651] Joseph Toombs, Manuel Luitz, Caitlyn Cook et al.: Volumetric Additive Manufacturing of Silica Glass with Microscale Computed Axial Lithography
[2110.01666] Christopher A. Walsh: Magnetized Ablative Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in 3-D
[2110.01706] Yves Auad, Michael Walls, Jean-Denis Blazit et al.: Event-based hyperspectral EELS: towards nanosecond temporal resolution
[2110.01716] Paul Fischer, Elia Merzari, Misun Min et al.: Highly Optimized Full-Core Reactor Simulations on Summit
[2110.01721] Satyajit Ghosh, Pragya Das: Image reconstruction from tissue scattered events for $β^{+}γ$ coincidences in Compton-PET
[2110.01738] Krishna Narayan, Mark C. Harrison: Implementing commercial inverse design tools for compact, phase-encoded, plasmonic digital logic devices
[2110.01745] Benjamin M. Goldsberry, Samuel P. Wallen, Michael R. Haberman: Nonreciprocity and mode conversion in a spatiotemporally modulated elastic wave circulator
[2110.01796] Dali Zhang, Xinqiao Li, Shaolin Xiong et al.: Gain stabilization and adjustment method of multiple SiPM based gamma-ray detectors on GECAM
[2110.01807] Saima A. Sumaiya, Mehmet Z. Baykara: True Atomic-Resolution Imaging under Ambient Conditions via Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy
[2110.01816] Junhwi Bak, Rei Kawashima, Jacob Simmonds et al.: Evolution of electron cross-field transport induced by an equilibrium azimuthal electric field in an $\mathrm{E}\times\mathrm{B}$ Hall thruste...
[2110.01860] Kasra Rouhi, Alireza Nikzamir, Alexander Figotin et al.: Enhanced Sensitivity of Degenerate System Made of Two Unstable Resonators Coupled by Gyrator Operating at an Exceptional Point
[2110.01866] Marko Jusup, Petter Holme, Kiyoshi Kanazawa et al.: Social physics
[2110.01875] Rohit Singhal, S. Ravichandran, Sourabh S. Diwan: Direct numerical simulation of a moist cough flow using Eulerian approximation for liquid droplets
[2110.01884] Yuto Moritake, Masaya Notomi: Exceptional point induced unidirectional radiation from non-Hermitian plasmonic structures
[2110.01891] Chengmei Jiang, Chengxin He, Qi Zhang et al.: Plant-Protein-Enabled Biodegradable Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Sustainable Agriculture
[2110.01920] M. Abdelrashied, H. Yousery, M. Roshdy et al.: Investigating the effects of nanoparticles and surfactants on heat transfer performance of water in nucleate pool boiling experiment
[2110.01937] Mehdi Habibi, Yunus Dawji, Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh et al.: Nanopore-Based DNA Sequencing Sensors and CMOS Readout Approaches
[2110.01941] Qifan Zhu, Yi Cai, Xuanke Zeng et al.: Single-shot framing integration photography with high spatial resolution at 5.3*1012 frames per second by an inversed 4f system
[2110.01944] Kiran S R: Convectively-coupled High-frequency Atmospheric waves triggered Kerala floods in 2018 and 2019
[2110.01953] Alberto Saa, Roberto Venegeroles: A simple derivation of the Henon's isochrone potentials
[2110.01975] Noemie Globus, Roger D. Blandford, Anatoli Fedynitch: Polarized muons and the origin of biological homochirality
[2110.01976] Dean Buonomano, Carlo Rovelli: Bridging the neuroscience and physics of time
[2110.01988] M. Lee, A. Shelke, S. Singh et al.: Numerical Simulation of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticle Motion in Blood Vesselsfor Magnetic Drug Delivery
[2110.01991] Laura E. Angeles Gantes, Horacio Olivares-Pilón: HF, DF, TF: Approximating potential curves, calculating rovibrational states
[2110.01992] M. Yoshino, T. Iida, K. Mizukoshi et al.: Comparative pulse shape discrimination study for Ca(Br, I)$_2$ scintillators using machine learning and conventional methods
[2110.01993] Giulio Terrasanta, Timo Sommer, Manuel Müller et al.: Aluminum nitride integration on silicon nitride photonic circuits: a new hybrid approach towards on-chip nonlinear optics
[2110.02002] Nicolas Perez, Pierre Delplace, Antoine Venaille: Unidirectional modes induced by nontraditional Coriolis force in stratified fluids
[2110.02004] Matteo Straccamore, Luciano Pietronero, Andrea Zaccaria: Which will be your firm's next technology? Comparison between machine learning and network-based algorithms
[2110.02017] Oleg V. Minin, Shuo-Chih Chien, Wei-Yu Chen et al.: In-plane subwavelength near field optical capsule for lab-on-a-chip optical nano-tweezer
[2110.02033] Yan-Chao Hu, Gang Wang, Wen-Feng Zhou et al.: Existence of bistable states in curved compression ramp flows
[2110.02036] Moritz von Witzleben, Stefan Wiefels, Andreas Kindsmüller et al.: Intrinsic RESET speed limit of valence change memories
[2110.02041] Hideaki Takahashi: Development of Kinetic Density Functional Using Response Function Defined on the Energy Coordinate
[2110.02049] L. Qiu, J. Zhang, Y. Yang et al.: In Vivo Assessment of Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis Using Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
[2110.02061] C. Huang, Yong-Chang Huang, Xinfei Li: Solutions to the Puzzles of Quantum Gravity and General Theory of Quantum Gravity and Quantum Gravity of the Universe and General Black Hole
[2110.02062] Tejinder P. Singh: Quantum theory without classical time: a route to quantum gravity and unification
[2110.02071] G.G.L. Nashed, A. Sheykhi: New black hole solutions in three-dimensional $\mathit{f(R)}$ gravity
[2110.02072] John D. Carter, Henrik Kalisch, Christian Kharif et al.: The Cubic Vortical Whitham Equation
[2110.02078] Oliver Consa: Something is wrong in the state of QED
[2110.02082] Henry Klest: Overview and Design of the sPHENIX TPC
[2110.02083] Steven L. Brunton: Applying Machine Learning to Study Fluid Mechanics
[2110.02085] Ricardo Vinuesa, Steven L. Brunton: The Potential of Machine Learning to Enhance Computational Fluid Dynamics
[2110.02106] Mats Gustafsson, Lukas Jelinek, Kurt Schab et al.: Unified Theory of Characteristic Modes: Part II -- Tracking, Losses, and FEM Evaluation
[2110.02109] Clément Majorel, Christian Girard, Arnaud Arbouet et al.: Deep learning enabled strategies for modelling of complex aperiodic plasmonic metasurfaces of arbitrary size
[2110.02119] Yves Auad, Cyrille Hamon, Marcel Tencé et al.: Unveiling the coupling of single metallic nanoparticles to whispering-gallery microcavities
[2110.02123] Dragutin T. Mihailovic, Darko Kapor, Sinisa Crvenkovic et al.: Physics of complex systems: Discovery in the age of Goedel
[2110.02146] Eymana Maria, Ajanta Saha, M. Ryyan Khan et al.: Carrier transport and performance limit of semi-transparent photovoltaics: CuIn$_{1-x}$Ga$_x$Se$_2$ as a case study
[2110.02153] John Donaghy, Kai Germaschewski: Inference and De-Noising of Non-Gaussian Particle Distribution Functions: A Generative Modeling Approach
[2110.02171] S. Thakur, V. Nanal, P.P. Singh et al.: Simulation studies for source optimization in $^{96}$Zr $β$ decay
[2110.02173] Clàudia Climent, David Casanova, Johannes Feist et al.: Not dark yet: strong light-matter coupling can accelerate singlet fission dynamics
[2110.02202] Paolo Celli, Ilaria Nunzi, Andrea Calabrese et al.: Sparse metapiles for shear wave attenuation in half-spaces
[2110.02208] Bryan Kaiser, Lawrence Pratt, Jörn Callies: Direct numerical simulation of low Reynoldsnumber oscillating boundary layers on adiabatic slopes
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Wed, 6 Oct 21","img":""}
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