Indpeth Sustainability Week Quiz!

What department are you answering this for? (Talk and discuss answers, but only submit one quiz!)
What is Sustainability?
Making sure the carbon emissions of the planet reach zero as fast as possible.
Fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations.
Reducing the amount of one-use plastics and upscaling recycling, as well as reducing carbon emissions.
Making sacrifices today to try to lower our carbon emissions, it'll be worth it in the future.
Why do greenhouse gasses, like CO2, cause global warming?
They are hot, so the more greenhouse gas there is, the hotter the planet is.
They make the sun hotter, making the atmosphere hotter in turn.
They trap heat in the atmosphere.
They naturally come from volcanos, and volcanos are hot.
Global climate agreements are all trying to keep the temperature below what °C?
The UK has set a target for Net Zero emissions by 2050. What is Indepth's target year for Net Zero emissions?
Emissions are broken down into categories: Scope 1, 2, and 3. Scope 1 is currently Indepth's biggest source of measured emissions at 80.3%. What is it?
Indepth's Suppliers
Indepth Vehicles
Indepth Energy Use
What's the best thing you can do to make the biggest difference as we try to stop climate change?
Lobby your workplace to be more green
Reduce the amount of meat you eat
Get an electric car and use public transport more
Recycle more
Vote for people with green policies
According to the IPCC, how many years left do we have to save the planet from climate change?
What % of energy is saved by turning your monitor's brightness from 100 to 70?
The average carbon footprint for one person in the UK is 9.3 tonnes of CO2 per year. What is Indepth's carbon footprint per year?
436.2 tonnes
223.8 tonnes
167.7 tonnes
92.0 tonnes
Who does Indepth have a sustainability certification with that verifies and measures carbon and social data?
Planet Mark
ISO 14005
Net Zero
How many sheets of paper does Indepth use per day?
Business travel on trains, planes, and taxis is used constantly to travel to sites and visit clients. All of it counts towards our emissions, but under which scope?
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
None, it doesn't count
What does Net Zero mean?
Balancing the carbon dioxide you release into the atmosphere with the amount they absorb or remove from the atmosphere
Reducing your emissions as much as you can without going out of your way (just hope for the best)
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere, by oceans and forests
Recycling everything you possible can so there is zero waste
When looking at all the direct emissions ever emitted, how high does the UK rank as the worst carbon polluter?
The highest
5th highest
10th highest
2nd to last
What is the big threat caused by climate change?
Food shortages and famine
Water scarcity
Freak storms and flooding
Mass migration
Ecosystem collapse
All of the above
Tiebreaker: What number of people in your department have kept their screens on a brightness of 70?
{"name":"Indpeth Sustainability Week Quiz!", "url":"","txt":"What department are you answering this for? (Talk and discuss answers, but only submit one quiz!), What is Sustainability?, Why do greenhouse gasses, like CO2, cause global warming?","img":""}
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