TOEFL Vocabulary Exercise 30

Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1)multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each.
Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process.
When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning.
√ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on.
For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction.
Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1)multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each.
Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process.
When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning.
√ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on.
For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction.
Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. 
Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. 
founder (n)
One who starts a venture
One who is lost and found
One who finds things
One who breeds dogs
iconic (adj)
Symbol of
Sign of
Representation of
All of the above
garage (n)
Enclosed space for food
Open space for a horse
Enclosed space for a car
Enclosed space for studying
genesis (n)
The end of
The middle of
The climax of
The beginning of
arguably (adv)
That which can be argued
That which was argued
That which will be argued
That which will discombobulate
incorporate (v)
To go bankrupt
To become a public company
To become a private company
To target a specific market
take root (v)
To end
To begin to grow
To quest
To take the bull by the horns
crucible (n)
Place where forces meet
Place of great heat
Bowl used for melting objects
All of the above
inventiveness (n)
Good at creating
Ability to invent
Talent for making new things
All of the above
moreover (adv)
In addition
In contrast
It goes with saying
You will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
You will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Word List:
• founder • iconic • garage • genesis • arguably
• incorporate • take root • crucible • inventiveness • moreover
The seeds that Birgit germinated and planted have _______________ .
Word List:
• founder • iconic • garage • genesis • arguably
• incorporate • take root • crucible • inventiveness • moreover
American universities, such as Cal Tech and M.I.T., are _______________ of seminal thought.
Word List:
• founder • iconic • garage • genesis • arguably
• incorporate • take root • crucible • inventiveness • moreover
Thomas Edison was the _______________ of the present-day conglomerate, General Electric.
Word List:
• founder • iconic • garage • genesis • arguably
• incorporate • take root • crucible • inventiveness • moreover
TOEFL is , _______________ , the most challenging English-language proficiency test in the world.
Word List:
• founder • iconic • garage • genesis • arguably
• incorporate • take root • crucible • inventiveness • moreover
Some opulent houses in California have ten _______________ .
Word List:
• founder • iconic • garage • genesis • arguably
• incorporate • take root • crucible • inventiveness • moreover
The _______________ of that novel was the manifestation of a ghost the author saw while reading about the Titanic.
Word List:
• founder • iconic • garage • genesis • arguably
• incorporate • take root • crucible • inventiveness • moreover
American corporations place a high value on employee _______________ .
Word List:
• founder • iconic • garage • genesis • arguably
• incorporate • take root • crucible • inventiveness • moreover
If the founders of a private company do not want to be personally sued for a breach of contract, they should _______________ .
Word List:
• founder • iconic • garage • genesis • arguably
• incorporate • take root • crucible • inventiveness • moreover
Nick was not at school today. _______________ , he did not come home last night.
Word List:
• founder • iconic • garage • genesis • arguably
• incorporate • take root • crucible • inventiveness • moreover
Pele is an _______________ sports figure.
You have 60 seconds to type the following passage. 
If you made one mistake on the 60-word diagnostic typing test, you can type 59 wpm (60 – 1 = 59 words per minute), two mistakes, 58 wpm, etc.
Note: A letter not capitalized is a mistake. A comma in the wrong place is a
mistake. A missing comma is a mistake.
You have 60 seconds to type the following passage. 
If you made one mistake on the 60-word diagnostic typing test, you can type 59 wpm (60 – 1 = 59 words per minute), two mistakes, 58 wpm, etc.
Note: A letter not capitalized is a mistake. A comma in the wrong place is a
mistake. A missing comma is a mistake.
Great things happen in American garages. Apple had its genesis in a
garage in the late 1970s while Google co-founders Larry Page and
Sergei Brin incorporated Google in a garage in 1998. Moreover,
almost every iconic American rock band has taken root in a garage, acreative crucible in which, arguably, American inventiveness is born and flourishes to this day.
{"name":"TOEFL Vocabulary Exercise 30", "url":"","txt":"Directions: √ Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1) multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each. √Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process. √ When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. √ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on. √ For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence. √ Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction., Quiz#1   Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer., carnivore (n)","img":""}
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