How well do you know about the Anglican Church?

An intricately designed church interior showcasing Anglican architecture, with stained glass windows and a central altar, conveying a sense of reverence and history.

Discover Your Knowledge of the Anglican Church

Test your understanding of the Anglican Church with our engaging quiz! From historical events to significant figures and practices, this quiz is designed to challenge your knowledge and expand your appreciation for this rich tradition.

Explore topics such as:

  • The English Reformation
  • Key theological concepts
  • Influential movements and figures
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by EngagingFaith123
This won't be true of the pre-Reformation Catholic Church:
Christian Life progress around a penitential cycle
Purgatory is the place where Divine Satisfaction is finally completed
The Christian is only saved through the imputed merits of Christ's death
Original Sin is only removed through baptism
"On this the main hinge of our religion turns" - whose life and work triggered the English Reformation?
King Henry the 8th
Thomas Cranmer
Martin Luther
John Calvin
If Cranmer were to walk into our 8 am SAC Service today, he may be most disturbed to see this:
Our singing of the liturgy
Our use of the Epiclesis (prayer of consecration)
Our Clergy Vestments
Giving of Wine During Communion
After the Book of Common Prayer, this source was most influential in christianising England in the 16th Century
39 Articles
Daily Office
One of these emphases in the 16thC English Reformation will not be considered a strong Calvinist emphasis:
Visible and invisible Church of the elect
Godly discipline amongst clergy
The Supremacy of the State
Real Presence in Communion
This has been considered an early Anglican fore-runner of the idea of Small Groups:
Wesley's Class Meetings
Andrew Horneck's Religious Society
The Clapham Sect
The Moravian Bohemian Brethren
If John Henry Newman (in his latter years) has his way in our Diocese today, he would have:
Force very parish to adopt Anglo-Catholic liturgy and practices
Force Clergy to make the sign of the cross
Close down the Anglican Church and move all of us to the Roman Catholic Church
Change our Clergy Vestments
This is definitely an Anglican distinctive
Gothic and Neo-gothic architecture
Having Kneelers in Services
The use of a Prayer Book
Centrality of Scripture
Daily Prayer
Singing Chants
The use of Vestments in Services
The Office of bishops
Which you think is the best answer? "Anglican moderation ("via media") is a determined policy of ..".
Finding a middle path between Rome and Geneva
Finding a way to keep everyone in the Church
Choosing a moderate position when they are disagreements
Separating the essentials of faith and order from adiaphora,
"Clergy discipline is too lax and the Church is too worldly." This is one of the major concerns that led to these renewals:
English Reformation
Evangelical Revival
Puritan Movement
Anglo-Catholic Movement
Wesleyan Movement
All the above is true
These are Renewals Movements which originated from within the Church of England
The Evangelical Revival
The Wesleyan Revival
The Charismatic Renewal
The Anglo-Catholic Revival
The Holiness Movement
The Parish Communion Movement (Communion as central focus of Sunday Service) started in the
16th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
In the end, all my positions were empty. When you’re at the very height of power and you discover that you’re powerless, what do you do?” Who said this?
Bishop Leonard Wilson
Rev William Gomez
Bishop Chiu Ban It
Bishop Rennis Ponniah
As Clergy, we should be more rooted in our Anglican identity that we may:
Lead our parishes with greater confidence
Know our place within the wider Body fo Christ and know how we may contribute
Relate better with other Anglican Churches in our Communion
Be convicted of our uniqueness compared to other denominations
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