Kako provodimo vrijeme na internetu?

A vibrant illustration depicting young people using the internet across various devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops in a dynamic environment, showing both social interactions and individuals lost in their screens.

Understanding Internet Usage Among Youth

Join us in exploring the intricacies of how young people engage with the internet. This quiz examines various aspects of internet usage, its potential impacts, and the signs of internet addiction.

  • Assess your knowledge on youth internet habits.
  • Learn about the significance of internet addiction.
  • Reflect on the consequences of excessive internet use.
6 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ConnectingYouth11
Koliki je otprilike postotak mladih u svijetu koji zadovoljavaju kriterije za ovisnost o internetu?
Taj problem uopće ne postoji
Manje od 1%
1 do 3%
Više od 10%
Na koji naĝin mladi u Hrvatskoj najĝešće provode slobodno vrijeme?
Druženje s prijateljima
Igranje videoigara
Vrijeme na internetu
Hobiji (sportovi, glazba I sliĝno)
Koliko prosjeĝno vremena dnevno mladi u Hrvatskoj provedu na internetu, a da nije vezano uz izvršavanje školskih obveza?
Oko pola sata dnevno
Između 1 sat I 2 sata dnevno
Između 2 I 3 sata dnevno
Više od 5 sati dnevno
Što sve MOŽE UTJECATI na prekomjerno korištenje interneta I mogući razvoj ovisnosti o njemu?
Kako biste definirali „granicu”? Kada korištenje interneta postaje rizik za razvoj ovisnosti?
Navedite barem ĝetiri posljedice ovisnosti o internetu kod mladih.
{"name":"Kako provodimo vrijeme na internetu?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Join us in exploring the intricacies of how young people engage with the internet. This quiz examines various aspects of internet usage, its potential impacts, and the signs of internet addiction.Assess your knowledge on youth internet habits.Learn about the significance of internet addiction.Reflect on the consequences of excessive internet use.","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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