Which of the following statements about trauma are correct?
Trauma is a medical disorder
Trauma is an event
Even when the event is over, the trauma experience can continue, producing an altered state of mind that negatively affects a person’s thinking, behaviour, psychological, and physiological well-being
Trauma is a subjective experience precipitated by life-threatening, or life-altering events
Trauma overwhelms the individual and is characterized by a loss of control
From the perspective of trauma sensitive yoga, what is the difference between the clinical population and the general population? (More than one answer may be correct)
The clinical population has a diagnosed trauma condition
The general population may or may not have trauma and may or may not have a diagnosed condition
There is no difference
For the clinical population - TSY can help clients learn how to self regulate. This can support the treatment of the trauma condition.
For the general population - yoga delivered in a trauma sensitive style is safer, it can minimize the risk of exacerbating the trauma condition.
What happens when the rational mind is overwhelmed, when it is unable to regulate the mind body response to a threat?
The mind-body responds by fighting, fleeing, freezing, or fawning.
The mind-body activates the para-sympathetic nervous system.
Which of the following trauma symptoms includes: persistent and distorted blame of self or others; a persistent negative emotional state; perceptions of ineffectiveness of being permanently damaged, feelings of guilt, responsibility, and shame; the sense that nobody understands; and efforts to minimize?
Negative alterations in cognition and mood
What are the four main symptoms of trauma?
Negative alterations in cognition and mood
Hyper-arousal and hyper-reactivity
Split personality
Intrusion, flashbacks and re-imaging
Chronic trauma describes trauma that is the result of more than a single event. It happens when an individual experiences multiple traumatic instances, such as reoccurring physical or sexual abuse, neglect or combat experience or a buildup of multiple traumatic experiences throughout one’s life.
What is the correct term for trauma caused by a single traumatic event that triggers extreme emotional or physical stress?
When does a trauma condition develop?
When the mind body is unable to return to a normal range of nervous system regulation
When a person has been repeatedly exposed to an event most people would find traumatic
In any situation where the person feels they have lost control
What are the three stages of trauma recovery?
Safety and stabilization
Coming to terms with the trauma experience
Full recovery
What are the three major parts of the brain?
Primitive or reptilian
Emotional (limbic system)
The amygdala
The hippocampus
This part of the brain is the monitor of danger, and the arbiter of what is important for survival. Its main purpose is attachment or social connection. It manages our social interactions and records memories of agreeable and disagreeable experiences.
This part of the brain governs language, abstract thought, imagination, consciousness, and the ability to learn. This part of the brain makes choice possible and is the seat of empathy. It helps regulate the trauma response. It gives humans an awareness of self.
The thalamus
This part of the brain is responsible for our basic fun ctions and for survival. It initiates flight, fight or freeze.
Primitive or reptilian
What are the two parts of the autonomic nervous system?
Sympathetic nervous system
Parasympathetic nervous system
Inverse response regulator
The vagus nerve complex
There is compelling evidence that traumatic memory is stored in the emotional brain and can therefore be accessed through the body.
Which of the following are physiological impacts of trauma?
Decreased cognitive ability
Impaired interoception
Impaired communication
Increased tendency to dysregulate
Physical illness and Injury
Which of the following are psychological impacts of trauma?
Feeling unsafe
Resisting the trauma state
Feeling euphoric
What are the three main groupings of vicarious trauma risk factors?
The sociocultural context the caregiver is working in
Aspects of the work situation
Aspects of the caregiver
Age and gender
According to Patanjali what is the purpose of yoga
To bring about a state of mind that is free of turbulence and ultimately results in union with all that is.
To perfect the physical body
To relax
Yoga helps trauma in three main ways. What are they?
It takes our awareness away from a past event experience, and into an experience of an event that is happening in the present moment.
It teaches us how to expand our window of tolerance to regulate physical, emotional, and intellectual sensation.
It encourages us to explore the concept that we are connected to something greater than ourselves
It allows us to dissociate from unpleasant thoughts or feelings
In what stage of trauma recovery is yoga most helpful?
Safety and stabilization
Coming to terms
What are the koshas?
According to yoga philosophy the koshas represent the layers of self and include the physical layer, the energetic layer, the layer of thoughts and emotions, the rational layer, and the centre of consciousness.
The koshas include, ego, attachment, aversion, and fear
The koshas are a system for attaining spiritual purity
What are three guiding principles that can help keep yoga trauma sensitive
Needs adaptive
Body based
Safe and supportive
Disciplined and regimented
Which of the following are components of a TSY Framework?
Guiding principles
Core elements
Appropriate techniques
Repeatable process
All of the above
What are the core elements of TSY?
Mindful movement
Focused awareness
Somatic practices
Yoga nidra
How can we interrupt the trauma experience
By creating awareness of present moment experience
By talking the person through the experience
By waiting for it to pass on its own
Which of the following are part of a trauma sensitive approach to any yoga pose?
Start simple
Accept not expect
Perfect alignment
What is the most important factor to be considered when planning a TSY offering
How to make it safe
How to make it inclusive
How to create a friendly environment
The number of people we will be teaching
Which of the following planning activities can help you create a safe TSY offering
Gather as much information as you can about participants
Make the experience as predictable as possilbe
Create a safe space
True or False. The language you employ when teaching TSY should be invitational.
True or False. Trauma sensitive language encourages value judgement.
Which of the following is not a quality we would normally associate with a TSY teacher?
Facilitative approach
Authority figure
Kind and compassionate
Respects personal boundaries
Practices self-care
Check any of the following that could make a TSY practice feel unsafe
Certain poses
The teacher unexpectedly moves about the room
Physical assists
A graduated response to dysregulation
Which of the following statements best describes the role of the yoga teacher in a clinical setting
Works to help the person with trauma come to terms with the subjective experience
Fosters the development of skills to find, stay present with, and accept present-moment experience
In a clinical setting the yoga teacher -
Works independently
Works under the supervision and guidance of a licensed clincial professional
You must be a Yoga teacher to teach TSY
When working with clients in a clinical setting it is best to:
Start with large groups
Start one on one then eventually group clients based on similar needs
In a clinical setting you would never disclose anything a client tells you
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