Discover Your Skin Type

Your skin feels _________ at the end of the day
Occasionally dry or oily, but usually feels pretty even
Tight and itchy/flaky
Your t-zone feels oilier than other parts of your face
Your face appears _________ a few hours after applying foundation
Your pores are _________
Not that noticeable (unless you’re looking closely at a mirror!)
Quite visible throughout your face
Enlarged on certain areas of the face, particularly around the cheek area
Your skin feels _________ after putting on moisturiser
I don’t put on moisturiser - it makes my skin look like I applied grease all over my face
Cool and comfortable
Still feels pretty dry!
{"name":"Discover Your Skin Type", "url":"","emurl":1,"txt":"Understanding our skin type can help us to choose the most suitable products for our skin. Take this simple quiz to identify your skin type.","img":"","accounts":"@chezmoisg","hash":"#skintype #skin #quiz #beauty #skincare"}
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