Davidson_10, Exam 03

1.Typical symptoms of asthma don't include -
Chest tightness
2.Not a feature of acute severe asthma -
HR> 110 b/min
RR> 25 b/min
PEF < 300 L/min
3. COPD risk factor doesn’t include -
Alpha-1 anti trypsin deficiency
Alcohol intake
Cannabis smoking
Low birth weight
4.Which of the following antibody is closely related to the pathogenesis of asthma?
Ig A
Ig D
Ig M
Ig E
5.Not a life threatening feature of acute severe asthma-
Feeble respiratory effort
Silent chest
Normal or low PaCO₂
. 6.Along with compatible clinical history which of the following is not required to diagnose asthma?
FEV₁ ≥12% increase following administration of a bronchodilator/trial of glucocorticoids
>20% diurnal variation on ≥ 3 days in a week for 2 weeks on PEF diary
FEV₁ ≥15% increase after 6 mins of exercise
7.The most common cause of chronic type II respiratory failure is __
Severe asthma
Severe COPD
Sleep apnea
8.Which of the following is not a feature of COPD?
Morning headache
Quiet breath sound
Pitting oedema
Finger clubbing
9. Not true -
Doxapram is a respiratory stimulant drug
Cystic fibrosis is an absolute indication for single lung transplantation
Bounding pulse is a physical sign of CO₂ retention
1 pack= 20 cigarettes/day/year
10. A young female patient of 17 years came to you with a history of sneezing when exposed to her pet dog. She has mild intermittent symptoms of cough and breathing which usually worsens in the morning. She had only a single nocturnal episode in the last 2 months . Which one of the following you’ll prefer to prescribe her?
Inhaled budesonide
Inhaled terbutaline
Inhaled formoterol
Oral montelukast
{"name":"Davidson_10, Exam 03", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1.Typical symptoms of asthma don't include -, 2.Not a feature of acute severe asthma -, 3. COPD risk factor doesn’t include -","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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