A vibrant scene showing two people engaging in a deep conversation with expressive body language and non-verbal cues in a friendly environment.

Master the Art of Conversation

Discover your communication skills with our engaging quiz! This quiz will test your understanding of essential communication concepts and techniques.

  • Improve your conversations
  • Understand non-verbal cues
  • Learn about conversation dynamics
70 Questions18 MinutesCreated by EngagingTalks527
(1) Communications is the process of .........
speaking & listening
creating shared understanding
explaining your self
(2) What is the most used method in communication?
(3) The quality of a conversation depends mainly on. .. . ... .. ..
how good do you speak
how long it takes
how good do you listen
how good is the objective
(4) To perform a good conversation means .......
to achieve a shared thinking with the other person
to take the lead in the conversation
to convince the other person
to listen all the time to the other person
(5) Performing a good conversation is a ....
life skill
none of that
(6) A conversation context includes. ... . .
your clothing
the place
the relation to the other person
your good behavior
(7) To solve the problem of having some assumptions before starting a conversation
Ignore it
Make a counter assumption
Question it
None of that
(8) Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between a conversation parties?
Not important
Depends on the conversation time
(9) Our relationship defines the . . .. Of our conversation.
(10) It is good for your conversation to success to assume that you are ... To the other person
higher in power
easier person
with no assumption regarding power
close in power
(11) Your statues in a conversation is the ......... We grant to another person in relation to us
(12) People often give permission in code, for example to give permission we may
stop talking
keep talking
(13) The reward power is the ability to. . ..
punish people
inspire people
prize people
None of that
(14) Coercive power is the ability to. . .. . ..
punish people
inspire people
prize people
None of that
(15) Referent power is the ability to .... . .
punish people
inspire people
prize people
teach people
(16) A role is a set of . . .. ... .. That people expect of us
power actions
inspiration acts
(17) Being a mediator is a.. . ..
informal role
formal role
none of that
(18) According to Belbin's list of roles for management which role is equivalent to shaper
Critical thinker
Team leader
(19) Which of the following is considered a second stage thinking?
Why are we interested in this?
What do we want to achieve? See it?
What might it mean?
How would someone else
(20) First stage thinking outcome is. . .. ... .
project plan
transforming reality into language
(2 1) A sample first stage thinking question is . . ..
What are we are looking at?
What shall we do?
How do evaluate it?
What is the next step?
(22) Which is true about non-verbal communication?
A bad way of communication
Can be practiced easily
Try to avoid
More honest than verbal ones
(23) Which of the following is a non-verbal language?
The music of our voice
The gestures we use
The way we move our eyes
All of them
(24) Depersonalizing a critical message . . ..
emphasizes your brilliance
reduces the negative impact of your critical comments
Helps assess your own emotional control
all of that
(25) Non-verbal messages are ambiguous because. ...
it is continuous
it has no fixed dictionary
everything is happening at once
Concentrating is hard
(26) The most important things to manage in non-verbal communication .... . ..
talking speed
head movement
eye contact
Hands movements
(27) Rubbing hands as a non-verbal move means . . .. ..... .
Negative evaluation
(28) Why people ignore first stage thinking?
Because they are smart
Because problems are frightening of facing problems
Because they are lazy
Because they are in a hurry
(29) The S in the WASP conversation model stands for
(30) In the WASP conversation model. Answering the question "why us?" is performed in which phase
(31) In the WASP conversation model, information gathering is performed in which phase?
(32) A conversation for possibility, in equivalent to ... .... In the WASP conversation model?
(33) A conversation for relationship: key questions
ls this a good idea?
How we can solve it?
What do you see that I can ' t see?
All of them
(34) To handle a conversation for possibility we may . . .. . .
watch non-verbal actions
talk friendly
ask how can we understand each other?
break the problem into parts.
(35) In a conversation for possibility. It will be good to
criticize the other person
challenge what the other person says.
show that it is decision time
All of that
(36) The bridge from possibility to opportunity is ......
conversation skills
working hard
(37) A conversation for action is where we ....
explore the problem
set a road map
introduce our selves
collect data
(38) You know that a conversation is going too slow ....
when parallel conversations start
feelings take over
people stop asking questions
when one person is talking most of the time
(39) You know that a conversation is going too fast ....
when questions dry up
when parallel conversations start
when people show signs of weakness
when one person starts to dominate the conversation
(40) Conversations can go too fast because ....
too much analysis is going on
questions dry up
people get tired
assumptions are not clarified
(41) If you feel that the conversation is going fast you can
Ask open questions
give a summary
ask for new ideas
ask for a time plan
(42) If you are asking permission to move into new territory, you might
talk very slow
silence before speaking
speak in a polite way
talk very fast
(43) Non-verbal behavior that indicate refusal could be .......
leaning forward
evading eye contact
(44) Opinions are .......
things that are always true
ideas got cold
hot ideas
what I see
(45) Arguing . . ..... You finding new ideas
(46) The ladder of inference is used to. . ..
win a conversation
know people better
avoid arguing
express your power
(47) The second rung of the ladder of inference is used to ....
Take actions
make assumptions
understand data
select data
(48) The fourth rung of the ladder of inference is used to. ....
take actions
infer meaning
understand data
make a belief
(49) To climb down the ladder of inference from doing an action we may. ... . .
start nodding
leave the meeting
argue the action
How would this affect?
(50) Metaphors means. . .. . .
(51) The quality of your conversation depends mainly on the quality of your .... . ..
(52) Real listening means .... . .
stop talking
shut down your own thinking for a while
acting politely
Replying to the other person points
(53) Listening well means.
to advice others
to stop talking of the above
helping the other person to realize their ideas
(54) Mostly, people interrupt because they . . ..
like deep analysis
like talking
think the answer is more important than the Problem
None of that
(55) It is better if you don't value somebody's ideas ........
don't hold conversations with them
hold conversations with them
pay attention to them
encourage them
(56) The best questions are a question that
create an argument
criticize in hidden way
opens up the other person's thinking
find faults to solve it
(57) Leading questions is a question that .... . .
Put the answer into the other person's mouth
Help you to take the lead in the conversation.
Build on an earlier question
Cannot be answered 'yes' or ' no '.
(58) you discuss an issue with your employee, a good question will be ....
why you don't work well?
what if you are in my position?
what if you do it in a scientific way?
what if you listen to me from the beginning?
(59) One good thing to do during the interview
recording your comments
answer the unsaid questions
ask about the salary
criticize your old employer
(60) the second code in the IEEE code of ethics concerns with
conflict of interest
rejecting bribery
(6 1) It is better in the presentation to ... ....
ask the audience
keep saying jokes
give the details
focus on few ideas
(62) You decide to make a presentation if ........
you are a good speaker
you are selling something
you want to inspire your audience
you have important information to say
(63) The R in the SPQR model stands for
(64) Rehearsal could be considered as a. ....
reality check
form of acting
waste of time
(65) Your employee makes a mistake
I will ignore that
I will fire him
I will ask him to explain
I will punish him
(66) As part of being tactful
Keep eye contact
Never ask question
Never blame in public
Always forgive
(67) You are not happy with your employee idea, you may say. . ..
I don't agree
f think this is wrong
You looks like you did 't understand the problem
I will be silent
(68) Critical comments. ...
should be said with positive comments
will provide correction
better to avoid
must be said
(69) your kid broke a glass you better say .... . .
you always make this mistake
Why did you do this?
What can I do with you
Please clean it
(70) Assuming that everything you do is perfect
help me being confident
make me feel better
halt career
help others respect you
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