A detailed infographic showing various road signs, traffic safety measures, and road markings in a vibrant, educational layout.

Road Safety Awareness Quiz

Test your knowledge on road safety with this comprehensive quiz designed for all road users. Whether you’re a driver, pedestrian, or a cycling enthusiast, understanding road signs and safety regulations is crucial for safe travel.

  • 33 Multiple Choice Questions
  • Improve your understanding of traffic control devices
  • Learn about regulatory and warning signs
33 Questions8 MinutesCreated by DrivingGuide202
It qualitatively estimates and reports on potential road safety issues and identifies opportunities for improvements in safety for all road users.
Road Safety Audit
Risk Category
Road Traffic System
Traffic Control Devices
Devices that help provide safe and orderly movements of traffic on a highway by offering guidance and navigation information to drivers
Road Safety Audit
Risk Category
Road Traffic System
Traffic Control Devices
Used to communicate through shape, color, symbols, and texts
Traffic Marker
Road Marker
Road Traffic Signs
Road Control Signs
Signs that inform road users of traffic laws and regulations
Priority Signs
Regulatory Signs
Directional Signs
Prohibitive Signs
These signs indicate the directions in which the motorist is obliged to follow.
Priority Signs
Regulatory Signs
Directional Signs
Prohibitive Signs
"No entry, no tricycles, no pedestrian crossing, and no u-turn are examples of _________."
Priority Signs
Regulatory Signs
Directional Signs
Prohibitive Signs
"Stop sign, Give way sign, and Left turner must give way sign, are examples of _________."
Priority Signs
Regulatory Signs
Directional Signs
Placement of Warning Signs in Urban Areas
30 - 100 meters
75 - 225 meters
60 - 120 meters
50 - 175 meters
Placement of Warning Signs in Rural Areas
30 - 100 meters
75 - 225 meters
60 - 120 meters
50 - 175 meters
These are signs used to indicate the type of road curve ahead of the motorist.
Intersection Signs
Horizontal Signs
Advance Warning
Road Obstacle Signs
Signs when one approaches an intersection or junction.
Intersection Signs
Horizontal Signs
Advance Warning
Road Obstacle Signs
Inform or advise on directions, distances, routes, location of services and points of interest
Guide Sign
Warning Sign
Advance Warning
Miscellaneous Signs
Provides direction to towns, tourist spots, geographic interests at less important intersections.
Tourist Information & Tourist Destinations Signs
Advance Direction Signs
Fingerboard Direction Signs
Street Name Signs
€� Informs the road users the names of roads and streets they are passing or entering.
Reassurance Direction Signs
Town Names & Geographical Feature Signs
Street Name Signs
Advance Direction Signs
These signs indicate the direction(s) in which the motorist is obliged to follow
Advance Direction Signs
Intersection Direction Signs
Tourist Information & Tourist Destinations Signs
Service Signs
Approximate distance of a particular exit.
Intersection Direction Signs
Advance Direction Signs
Street Name Signs
Reassurance Direction Signs
€� Identification route number of arterial and national highway and direction of the route.
Route Markers
Expressway Signs
Asian Highway Route Markers
Expressway Approach Signs
Installed in advance or at the nearest intersection or interchange leading to the expressway.
Route Markers
Expressway Information Signs
Asian Highway Route Markers
Expressway Approach Signs
Exit signs posted overhead before the exit ramp of the interchange.
Expressway Information Signs
Expressway Exit Direction Signs
Expressway Approach Signs
Advance Exit Signs
Placed in advance of an exit toll
Expressway Information Signs
Expressway Exit Direction Signs
Expressway Approach Signs
Advance Exit Signs
Consist of 9 yellow retroreflectors, each with a minimum diameter of 75mm, mounted symmetrically on a yellow or black diamond panel 450 mm or more on a side
Object Maker Type 1
Object Maker Type 2
Object Maker Type 3
Object Maker Type 4
A striped marker, 300 x 900mm consisting of a vertical rectangle with alternating black and retroreflective yellow stripes sloping downward at an angle of 45 degrees
Object Maker Type 1
Object Maker Type 2
Object Maker Type 3
Object Maker Type 4
Consist of 3 yellow retroreflectors, each with a minimum diameter of 75mm, arranged either horizontally or vertically on a white panel or on an all yellow retroreflective panel measuring at least 150mm x 300mm
Object Maker Type 1
Object Maker Type 2
Object Maker Type 3
Object Maker Type 4
Where clearance to bridge curb from the edge of the running lane is less than the shoulder or curb width of the approach road
Raised Pavement Markings
Obstruction Marker
Width Maker
Guide Posts
Delineate obstructions within or above the road
Raised Pavement Markings
Obstruction Marker
Width Maker
Guide Posts
Placed at regular intervals along center lines or edge line for easier distinction.
Raised Pavement Markings
Obstruction Marker
Width Maker
Guide Posts
Indicates the alignment of the road ahead especially at horizontal and vertical curves
Raised Pavement Markings
Obstruction Marker
Width Maker
Guide Posts
Raised Pavement markings, spacings for streetlighting
6 m
9 m
12 m
15 m
Raised Pavement markings, spacing for foggy ares and rain
6 m
9 m
12 m
15 m
Crossing of solid white lines requires special care and is discouraged.
Center Line or Separation Line
Lane Line
Edge Line
Barrier Line Double Solid Yellow Lines
Never cross to pass another vehicle unless permitted.
Center Line or Separation Line
Lane Line
Edge Line
Barrier Line Double Solid Yellow Lines
Changing of lane is allowed provided that it is safe to do so and will not result to obstruction.
Center Line or Separation Line
Lane Line
Edge Line
Barrier Line Double Solid Yellow Lines
Used to outline separate the outside edge of the pavement from the shoulder
Center Line or Separation Line
Lane Line
Edge Line
Barrier Line Double Solid Yellow Lines
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