Are You Loving Yourself? Quiz

A serene and uplifting scene depicting a person smiling at their reflection in a mirror, surrounded by elements of self-care like plants, a cozy setting, and soft light.

Are You Loving Yourself?

Discover how well you nurture and love yourself with our insightful quiz. By reflecting on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you’ll gain valuable insights into your self-esteem and personal well-being.

  • Learn to identify your strengths and growth areas.
  • Understand the impact of self-love on your overall happiness.
  • Empower yourself with knowledge for a healthier mindset.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CaringHeart215
I can give myself three compliments right now.
I can list more than three.
I can only come up with one.
I will have to think about it.
When I receive compliments from others, I tend to
Say thanks sincerely and confidently.
Accept the compliments but feel embarrassed about receiving it.
Brush the compliments aside because I feel completely undeserving.
If someone criticises me, I tend to
Brush it off as I am pretty much happy with myself and I am always improving.
Take it personally and evaluate if there is any truth about the feedback.
Collapse immediately as if it is the end of the world.
When I look in the mirror, I tend to
Smile and feel good about myself.
Notice some nice features but focus on the flaws.
Look away as I resent my appearance.
I am comfortable in my own skin.
I am confident of who I am.
I am not very confident.
I have low self-confidence.
When I make a mistake, I tend to
Reflect and forgive myself unconditionally.
Pretend I have not made the mistake.
Criticise myself severely.
When I feel down/ stressed, I tend to
Find positive ways to lift my spirit/ heal myself
Play computer and/or mobile games to distract myself.
Drinking alcohol and/or undertake self-destructive habits.
Complain to everyone I meet and make sure no one around has a good time either.
I am able to set clear personal boundaries.
It is important that I protect my energy and well-being
I find it hard to say no.
I let others take advantage of my good nature.
I feel I am a lovable person.
I believe I am lovable and there is a lot about me that is attractive.
I don't feel that way when I am with my friends.
I don't feel that way.
I enjoy my own company.
I enjoy spending some alone time doing what I love.
I don't know what to do when I am alone.
I can't stand being alone.
For my well-being, I tend to
Focus on good physical health and positive connections.
Binge eat.
Go on a shopping spree.
I would rank self-care as
My priority. Nothing is as important as my own well-being.
Less important. I need to attend to the needs of others first.
Not important. I don't have the time or money.
I am unhappy with myself and I view myself as a failure in life.
I agree.
I am unhappy because I have not achieved success but I am not a failure.
I am unhappy with myself and I view myself as a failure in life.
"I am not good enough" is what I frequently tell myself.
Very rare. I am happy and accept myself for who I am.
Sometimes, when I start to compare myself with others.
Most of the time.
Loving myself is
Easy because I accept all my flaws, imperfections and mistakes and I am always improving.
Somewhat challenging because I am not successful and I am not good enough.
Difficult because there is nothing to love about me, everyone is better than me.
{"name":"Are You Loving Yourself? Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Discover how well you nurture and love yourself with our insightful quiz. By reflecting on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you’ll gain valuable insights into your self-esteem and personal well-being.Learn to identify your strengths and growth areas.Understand the impact of self-love on your overall happiness.Empower yourself with knowledge for a healthier mindset.","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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