How Streamlined Bank Connectivity Enhances Business Performance for the Office of the CFO

Blackline is a cloud software to automate accounting and finance processes.
Bank information should be stored and used in silos.
RSM was one of the presenters and what kind of firm is RSM?
A TMS Platform
A Consulting Firm
A FinTech Start-up
All of the Above
Treasury demands continue to evolve. Which one was mentioned in the session as one of such demands?
Economic Uncertainty
Global Warming
Social Media Ads
None of the Above
Why is bank connectivity important across finance?
Bank Agnostic
Tap into Idle Cash
All of the Above
{"name":"How Streamlined Bank Connectivity Enhances Business Performance for the Office of the CFO", "url":"","txt":"Blackline is a cloud software to automate accounting and finance processes., Bank information should be stored and used in silos., RSM was one of the presenters and what kind of firm is RSM?","img":""}
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