Still I Rise, by Maya Angelou - Larissa, Nicole and Ricardo

Why the choice of using the pronoun "you" as the first word of the poem is important?
Explain briefly who is Maya Angelou.
Who is the persona of the poem?
Explain the verse "Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear", with the help of the image.
"You may trod me in the very dirt" - Explain the metaphor present in this verse.
"You may write me down in history" - show two sides of why the word 'down' was chosen in this verse.
Explain the choice of the word 'dust' in this verse "But still, like dust, I’ll rise."
"Why are you beset with gloom?" knowing that "beset with gloom" means to set upon by gloom, analyze this verse
The verses "‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells / Pumping in my living room." show us something about the persona, what is it?
The title of the poem, "Still I rise", is easy to interpret: still, even with all she has gone through, she rises... Now, come up with a different analysis.
What is the theme of the poem?
Explain this verse: "You may write me down in history / With your bitter, twisted lies,"
In the verses "You may trod me in the very dirt / But still, like dust, I’ll rise." there is a literary device, what is it and what can we infer from it?
"Just like moons and like suns," - identify the literary device used.
"Shoulders falling down like teardrops," - identify the literary device used. What does it mean?
Explain the verses: "Did you want to see me broken? / Bowed head and lowered eyes?"
A literary device is used in the verses "‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines / Diggin’ in my own backyard." identify it and explain it.
Analyze the rime pattern in the poem.
Explain the idiomatic expression present in the verse "You may shoot me with your words,".
Explain the idiomatic expression present in the verse "You may cut me with your eyes,".
Explain the literary device present in the verse "But still, like air, I’ll rise."
What does the word sexiness presented in this verse " Does my sexiness upset you?" shows about the persona?
Explain the purpose of the words 'history shame' being mentioned in this verse:"Out of the huts of history’s shame"
What does the metaphor "I am a black ocean" means?
What can we infer in this verse: "leaving behind nights of terror and fear".
"Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave." What does this shows about the personas point of view?
At the end of the poem the phrase "I rise" is repeated 3 times. What was Maya Angelou's strategy by doing this?
It is important to notice words like gold, diamonds and silver are often used in the poem. What can we infer about that?
{"name":"Still I Rise, by Maya Angelou - Larissa, Nicole and Ricardo", "url":"","txt":"Why the choice of using the pronoun 'you' as the first word of the poem is important?, Why the choice of using the pronoun \"you\" as the first word of the poem is important?, Explain briefly who is Maya Angelou.","img":""}
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