Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Wed, 8 Jul 20
[2007.02937] Yuhan Hu, Xinlin Zhang, Li Feng et al.: Spatiotemporal Flexible Sparse Reconstruction for Rapid Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI
[2007.02982] Sridhar Balasubramanian, Vamsi K Chalamalla: Super Cyclone Amphan: A Dynamical Case Study
[2007.02992] Alexandre Tkatchenko, Dmitry V. Fedorov: Fine-Structure Constant Connects the Polarizability of Atoms and Vacuum
[2007.02996] R.J.Tesarek, E.Hahn, A.Pla-Dalmau et al.: A study of radiation tolerance in optical cements
[2007.02997] Nicholas J. Derr, David C. Fronk, Christoph A. Weber et al.: Flow-driven branching in a frangible porous medium
[2007.02999] I. Madshaven, O. L. Hestad, P.-O. Åstrand: Cerman: Software for simulating streamer propagation in dielectric liquids based on the Townsend-Meek criterion
[2007.03008] Shaolin Liao: Beam-Shaping PEC Mirror Phase Corrector Design
[2007.03013] Shaolin Liao: On the Validity of Physical Optics for Narrow-band Beam Scattering and Diffraction from the Open Cylindrical Surface
[2007.03027] Robert A. McCutcheon, Susanne F. Yelin: Limits and possibilities of refractive index in atomic systems
[2007.03030] Bryan W. Roberts, Jeremy Butterfield: Time-energy uncertainty does not create particles
[2007.03035] Maxim Grigoriev, Anvar Khafizov, Vladislav Kokhan et al.: Robust Technique for Representative Volume Element Identification in Noisy Microtomography Images of Porous Materials Based on Pores Mo...
[2007.03036] Daniel R. Ladiges, Sean P. Carney, Andrew Nonaka et al.: A Discrete Ion Stochastic Continuum Overdamped Solvent Algorithm for Modeling Electrolytes
[2007.03041] Andrew J. Christlieb, Pierson T. Guthrey, William A. Sands et al.: Parallel Algorithms for Successive Convolution
[2007.03044] Simone Schuler, Jakob E. Muench, Alfonso Ruocco et al.: High-responsivity graphene photodetectors integrated on silicon microring resonators
[2007.03054] Zhou Shen, Colin Zhi Wei Teo, Kartik Ayyer et al.: Revealing the limits of single-particle imaging with orientation disconcurrence
[2007.03055] Michele Invernizzi, Pablo Miguel Piaggi, Michele Parrinello: A Unified Approach to Enhanced Sampling
[2007.03058] N. Bondar, D. Ilin, O. Maev: Proposal on Application of the Multi-Wire Proportional Chambers of the LHCb MUON Detector at Very High Rates for the Future Upgrades
[2007.03077] Vishal Anand, Ivan C. Christov: Transient compressible flow in a compliant viscoelastic tube
[2007.03084] Marco A. Fontelos, Qiming Wang: Discrete self-similarity in the formation of satellites for viscous cavity break-up
[2007.03087] Jiamin Jiang, Xian-Huan Wen: Smooth Formulation for Multi-component Compositional Simulation with Superior Nonlinear Convergence
[2007.03090] Arthur A. B. Pessa, Haroldo V. Ribeiro: Mapping images into ordinal networks
[2007.03093] Chaoxian Qi, Neil Jerome A. Egarguin, Daniel Onofrei et al.: Feasibility Analysis for the Problem of Active Near Field/Far Field Acoustic Pattern Synthesis in Free Space and Shallow Water Envir...
[2007.03095] Qiming Wang, Demetrios T. Papageorgiou, Jean-Marc Vanden-Broeck: Kortweg de-Vries solitons on electrified liquid jets
[2007.03097] Julien Loiseau, Hyun Lim, Mark Alexander Kaltenborn et al.: FleCSPH: The Next Generation FleCSIble Parallel Computational Infrastructure for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
[2007.03104] Jay W. Grate, Isaac J. Arnquist, Eric W. Hoppe et al.: Mass spectrometric analyses of high performance polymers to assess radiopurity as ultra low background materials for rare event physics de...
[2007.03119] Mengzhou Li, David S. Rundle, Ge Wang: X-ray Photon-Counting Data Correction through Deep Learning
[2007.03120] Qiming Wang, Demetrios T. Papageorgiou: Using electric fields to induce patterning in leaky dielectric fluids in a rod-annular geometry
[2007.03125] Xiaoying Han, Lingxiao Li, Zhensheng Dai et al.: MAICRM : A general model for rapid simulation of hot dense plasmas
[2007.03143] David B. Williams-Young, Wibe A. de Jong, Hubertus J.J. van Dam et al.: On the Efficient Evaluation of the Exchange Correlation Potential on Graphics Processing Unit Clusters
[2007.03145] Qiming Wang: Stability and breakup of liquid threads and annular layers in a corrugated tube
[2007.03160] Rasoul Alaee, Yaswant Vaddi, Robert W. Boyd: Dynamic coherent perfect absorption in nonlinear metasurfaces
[2007.03163] Ru Xu, Peng Chen, Menghan Liu et al.: 2.5-kV AlGaN/GaN Schottky Barrier Diode on Silicon Substrate with Recessed-anode Structure
[2007.03178] Xiang Yang, Zhenhua Xia: Bifurcation and multiple states in plane Couette flow with spanwise rotation
[2007.03194] Mona Ghassemi: Accelerated Insulation Aging Due to Fast, Repetitive Voltages: A Review Identifying Challenges and Future Research Needs
[2007.03223] G. Bencivenni, G. Cibinetto, R. de Oliveira et al.: On the space resolution of the $μ$-RWELL
[2007.03231] B. M. Hare, O. Scholten, J. Dwyer et al.: Radio emission from negative lightning leader steps reveals inner meter-scale structure
[2007.03233] Jhen-Hong Yang, Dmitrii N. Maksimov, Zhen-Ting Huang et al.: Low Threshold Bound State in the Continuum Lasers in Hybrid Lattice Resonance Metasurfaces
[2007.03252] Sarveshwar Sharma, Nishant Sirse, Animesh Kuley et al.: Driving frequency effect on discharge parameters and higher harmonic generation in capacitive discharges at constant power densities
[2007.03287] Peter Mann, V. Anne Smith, John B. O. Mitchell et al.: Two-pathogen model with competition on clustered networks
[2007.03296] L. Caldwell, M. R. Tarbutt: Enhancing dipolar interactions between molecules using state-dependent optical tweezer traps
[2007.03299] Obulkasim Olugh, Zi-Liang Li, Bai-Song Xie: Asymmetric pulse effects on pair production in polarized electric fields
[2007.03314] Giada Varra, Veronica Pepe, Luigi Cimorelli et al.: The exact solution to the Shallow water Equations Riemann problem at width jumps in rectangular channels
[2007.03324] N.T. Henthorn, O. Sokol, M. Durante et al.: Mapping the Future of Particle Radiobiology in Europe: The INSPIRE Project
[2007.03341] Samim Ahmadi, Julien Lecompagnon, Philipp Daniel Hirsch et al.: Laser excited super resolution thermal imaging for nondestructive inspection of internal defects
[2007.03342] M Shinohara, K Fujii, D Kato et al.: Visible emission spectroscopy of highly charged tungsten ions in LHD: I. Survey of new visible emission lines
[2007.03343] K Fujii, Y Takahashi, Y Nakai et al.: Visible emission spectroscopy of highly charged tungsten ions in LHD: II. Evaluation of tungsten ion temperature
[2007.03371] Michael Peper, Johannes Deiglmayr: Photodissociation of long-range Rydberg molecules
[2007.03372] Hongyan Jiang, Xuecheng Tao, Marvin Kammler et al.: Nuclear Quantum Effects in Scattering of H and D from Graphene
[2007.03379] Michael Hesse, Cecilia Norgren, Paul Tenfjord et al.: A new Look at the Electron Diffusion Region in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection
[2007.03395] Uttara Chakraborty, Jacques Carolan, Genevieve Clark et al.: Cryogenic operation of silicon photonic modulators based on DC Kerr effect
[2007.03407] Jigyasa Nigam, Sergey Pozdnyakov, Michele Ceriotti: Recursive evaluation and iterative contraction of $N$-body equivariant features
[2007.03412] László Csató: A simulation analysis of the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification
[2007.03421] Ieng-Wai Un, Yonatan Sivan: Parametric study of temperature distribution in plasmon-assisted photocatalysis
[2007.03422] Ferran Garcia, Martin Seilmayer, André Giesecke et al.: Four-tori solution in a magnetohydrodynamic Couette flow as a consequence of azimuthal symmetry breaking
[2007.03428] Gabriel R. Bengochea: On the quantum description of the early universe
[2007.03431] Luca Nanni: Dynamics of Neutrino Wave Packet in the Tachyon-like Dirac Equation
[2007.03439] Faizuddin Ahmed: Quantum influence of topological defects on a relativistic scalar particle with Cornell-type potential in cosmic string space-time with a spacelike dislocation
[2007.03442] Mir Hameeda, Behnam Pourhassan, Syed Masood et al.: The large scale structure formation in an expanding universe
[2007.03454] Sarai D. Folkestad, Henrik Koch: Equation-of-motion MLCCSD and CCSD-in-HF oscillator strengths and their application to core excitations
[2007.03460] A. Attiaoui, É. Bouthillier, G. Daligou et al.: Extended Short-Wave Infrared Absorption in Group IV Nanowire Arrays
[2007.03468] V. B. Morozov: On the question of the electromagnetic momentum of a charged body
[2007.03473] C. D. Parmee, J. Ruostekoski: Signatures of optical phase transitions in super- and subradiant arrays of atoms
[2007.03503] Ming Lyu, Claire Gmachl: Correction to the Effective Refractive Index and the Confinement Factor in Waveguide Modeling for Quantum Cascade Lasers
[2007.03516] N.S. Mankoc Borstnik, H.B.F. Nielsen: Understanding the second quantization of fermions in Clifford and in Grassmann space -- New way of second quantization of fermions, Part II
[2007.03517] N.S. Mankoc Borstnik, H.B.F. Nielsen: Understanding the second quantization of fermions in Clifford and in Grassmann space -- New way of second quantization of fermions, Part I
[2007.03518] Ricard Borrell, Guillermo Oyarzun, Damien Dosimont et al.: Parallel SFC-based mesh partitioning and load balancing
[2007.03526] Dan Li: Grover search with smaller oracles
[2007.03529] T. Byvank, D. A. Endrizzi, C. B. Forest et al.: Formation of Transient High-$β$ Plasmas in a Magnetized, Weakly Collisional Regime
[2007.03530] Andre Fuzfa, Williams Dhelonga-Biarufu, Olivier Welcomme: Sailing Towards the Stars Close to the Speed of Light
[2007.03553] J. Bahreini, M. Monfared, H. Razmi: An Analytical and Philosophical Investigation of the Concept of Determinism in Physics
[2007.03559] Rfaqat Ali, R. S. Dutra, F. A. Pinheiro et al.: Theory of optical tweezing of dielectric microspheres in chiral host media and its applications
[2007.03577] Eduardo Rodrigues, Benjamin Krikler, Chris Burr et al.: The Scikit HEP Project -- overview and prospects
[2007.03597] Marcelo Lares, José Funes, Luciana Gramajo: Monte Carlo estimation of the probability of causal contacts between communicating civilisations
[2007.03607] Bryan Eastwood, Edward A. Rietman: Acoustic Bandgaps of Phononic Penrose and Quasicrystals
[2007.03611] Joshua T. Vogelstein: P-Values in a Post-Truth World
[2007.03612] Varghese Mathai, Asimanshu Das, Jeffrey A. Bailey et al.: Airflows inside passenger cars and implications for airborne disease transmission
[2007.03614] Pavan Yedavalli, Krishna Kumar, Paul Waddell: Microsimulation Analysis for Network Traffic Assignment (MANTA) at Metropolitan-Scale for Agile Transportation Planning
[2007.03625] Ramachandrarao Yalla, Kohzo Hakuta: Design and implementation of a tunable composite photonic crystal cavity on an optical nanofiber
[2007.03628] Ritabrata Thakur, Arjun Sharma, Rama Govindarajan: Early evolution of optimal perturbations in a viscosity-stratified channel
[2007.03642] V. Laporta, I.F. Schneider, J. Tennyson: Dissociative electron attachment cross sections for ro-vibrationally excited NO molecule and N- anion formation
[2007.03645] Siyao Shao, Dezhi Zhou, Ruichen He et al.: Assessment of airborne transmission potential of COVID-19 by asymptomatic individuals under different practical settings
[2007.03671] Thomas M. Henderson, Gustavo E. Scuseria: Correlating the Antisymmetrized Geminal Power Wave Function
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