FTCE Professional Practice Test

How can a student be assessed by direct observation?
When reading a book
The amount of student time on task
Reviewing test examples
Discussing ways to combat pollution
A teacher action most likely to help develop students divergent thinking abilities?
Analyzing a political cartoon
The amount of students time on task
Ask students to discuss ways to combat pollution
The best procedure for preparing a class of high achieving students to take a standardized aptitude test?
Review examples of the types of questions used on the test
If you don't know an answer skip the question
Don't leave any blank questions
Develop analytical skills
To best help 10th grade students studying American Revolution develop analytical skills, the teacher should ask students to discuss?
How different with responses, the same event could have changed the outcome of the American Revolutionary was
Analytical skills
the beginning of the great depression
How the American Revolutionary war beginned
A teacher willing to introduce a new unit provided ideas of novel instructional materials and activities to encourage students to do some exploring. What is this intrinsic instructional activity?
What techniques most effectively establish a 9th grade teachers expectations for assignments?
Giving a rubric with assignments
Turning in the assignments at the end of the quater
Keeping a list of due dates for each assignment for the grading period
Writing all due dates for the assignments on the board
An activity that will provide the best feed-back for a teacher who isn't sure his instructional method is effective.
Analyzing his professional development
Video taping a lesson to review and analyze strategies
Peer teacher evalution
An activity to provide the best information in developing a new curriculum unit to a high school teacher teaching Chemistry, who wants to add a forensic science unit?
Team teaching with a peer science teacher
Teach the lesson to the best of his ability
Reading an article about forensic science
Showing a video on forensic science
Which activity will aim to enhance an individual teachers growth and performance in the classroom?
Self evaluation
Creating a professional development plan
What skill is the teacher developing when he asks students to explain how different British responded to some events that change the outcome of the American Revolutionary war
Intelligence skills
Sensory motor skills
Reading skills
Analytical skills
Which activity would best foster critical thinking in high school students?
Illustrating cartoons
Writing an essay
Having a group discussion about animations
Analyzing a political cartoon
What age does a teacher expects to find the greatest fluctuations in the physical, social, and intellectual development?
What's a useful strategy for helping students accept and follow classroom rules an standards for behaving?
Enforce the rules
Display rules around the class
Request that a list of procedures be developed by student groups
Which lesson would be best for critical thinking skills for middle school science students as they review the concepts of friction?
Illustrating a source of friction
Having a class discussion on how friction works
Providing students a summary on friction
Write a paragraph to describe the source of friction and ways it affects motion
To have 4th grade students creatively demonstrate their understanding of the interdependence of ocean life, a teacher should ask the students to?
Write a play that illustrates the inter relationship
Draw a picture describing the relationship
Create a funny comic strip
Summarize the inter relationships
A high school mathematics teacher would like his students to explore geometric shapes, forms, functions, and uses of daily life. What Activity would best promote students clear thinking of how to accomplish the teachers goal?
Reading books on geometric shapes and functions
Creating a political comic strip
Use multimedia resources to identify and analyze geometric shapes found in daily life
As it relates to students performance and instructional ability: self-fulfilling prophecy means:
Students perform when its beneficial
Students perform according to the teachers perception of the students abilities
Students performance is based on their self esteem
Students perform to gain a reward
Which accommodation is most appropriate for a student with a visual impairment?
Speech to text computer
Seating the student in the back of the classroom
Seating the student in a well lit area away from a light source to help reduce glare
Providing the student with high lighters
The first step in selecting a new arrangement for a classroom where students often bump into each other when they are going to the pencil sharpener, trash can or the water fountain is?
Check for traffic pattern in the room
Consider the physical environment requirements for different types of teaching strategies
Ignore that the students are bumping into things in the classroom
Tell the students to watch where they're walking
After a presentation of information about an assignment a teacher realizes that the students do not understand how to complete the handout. What should the teacher do?
Tell the students to complete the activity to the best of their ability
Reteach the lesson
Ignore that she notice the students don't understand the handout
Work through one example from the handout with the students
A mother insists that her child is gifted and should be placed in the gifted program. When the placement is denied, the mother asked the teacher for the scores of the other children in the gifted class so that she can compare her child's scores with the others. Which is the best explanation?
Allow the parent to see the scores
Ignore the parent an not give her any explaination
Explain to the mother that the law of privacy provides confidentiality of students records
Show the parent the scores and allow the student to be placed in the gifted program
What is the most efficient use of computer laboratory time for an elementary class orientation when each student has access to a computer?
Allow individual students structured hands on experience
Allow the students to work on unstructured activities
Have students explore the internet
Have students work individually on a variety of programs to reinforce what was taught in the class
All of the following are purposes of today's public schools EXCEPT
Ensuring the continuity of cultural homogeneity
Reinforcing social structure
Serving one students needs
Foster students critical thinking
Which practice does the most to perpetuate educational inequality?
Report cards
Anecdotal reocords
Students who have acquired Basic Interpersonal Skills (BICS) willbe able to use English in?
Describing the characteristics or animals or giving an oral presentation on mammals
Doing a short word problems, mathematics, and answering phones
Ordering lunch in the school cafeteria, greeting the principal, and playing a game with classmates
What's the best activity for linking American history and American literature for high school students?
Assign students to illustrate a picture of great Britian
Assign the students a written report on the great depression
Assign the students to give an oral presentation
Assign the students to have a group discussion on the revolutionary war
A student scored at the 80th percentile on a standardized reading achievement test. This indicates that the students scored...
80 percent above her class
Above 80 percent of the norm group
As well as or better than 80 percent of the norming group
Below 80 percent of the class
A teacher introduces new vocabulary words for a selected reading story. After reading the selected story, the next activities the teacher should use for checking comprehension of the vocabulary words is?
Semantic mapping
Drill and practice
Word wall
A teacher works with his students who are reading a novel together. Several students struggle with the science fiction aspect of the novel,so the teacher reads a chapter aloud and stops frequently to tell students what thoughts and questions he is having as he reads. Whats is this strategy called?
Guided discovery
Choral reading
Group discussion
A student makes disruptive comments on the average of 4 to 5 times daily. Which behavioral strategy should the teacher initiate to deal with the problem?
Ignore the students behavior
Send the student to administration
Call the students parents and inform them of their child's behavior
Develop a plan to change the behavior
The day after a replacement teacher began work, a fire drill was held. The students seemed confused and ill prepared for emergencies. What should the new teacher do?
Wit for the next drill and give specific instructions
Instruct students in the necessary procedures; provide repeated practice
Explain the procedure to the students before evacuating the classroom for the drill
Assume that the students will respond appropriately to the emergency
What's the most important criteria to be applied in the formulation of short range objective for a given subject area?
Objectives should be measurable
Objectives should be specific in explaining the lesson
Objectives should include items that will be at the end of the unit
When a teacher suspects child abuse of student, the teacher should...
Contact the students parents to gather more information
Tell a peer teacher
Contact the Florida abuse hotline and advice the principal of the action
Ask the student id anyone is harming her
A teacher has ask for a computer laboratory during a regular scheduled class period. What is the best procedure for integrating use of the computer into the course?
Have students explore the internet
Have students work in groups to find a variety of activities
Have students work individually on a variety of programs to reinforce what was taught in class
Allow students to play games
According to the National Board of Teacher certification, higher student achievement rates are attributed to...
Self evaluation
Which activity would best foster the creative thinking of 10th grade mathematics students?
Completing a handout on equations
Creating equations
Participating in a group discussion on the lesson equations
Participating in an oral quiz on equations
After a unit on the circulatory system, a middle school teacher wants to assess students knowledge of different blood cells and their function. Which method would be most appropriate to measure comprehension while fostering creative thinking?
Students design a blood cell comic strip depicting blood cells as hero's performing their functions within the body
Analyze the circulatory system
Students illustrate blood cells using multimedia resources
What's the most appropriate method for helping 12th grade students understand the interaction of gender,economic, and political life?
Study how men and women function with their families and commuities
Study how both genders live in the world
Study the roles that men and women play as they provide for their families and working communities
Which is the best method of using art to enrich understanding of cultural differences?
Study how mask are made and used in different cultures throughout the world
Study pottery
Create a rain forest inside of the classroom out of different colors
At the beginning of the school year a teacher would like to determine if her students have had problems that may affect their classroom performance. To gain this information, which of the following sources would be most useful?
Anecdotal record
Cumulative records
Report cards
During a class discussion, a teacher wants to emphasize significant concepts and information. Which strategy will best achieve this goal?
Underscoring and repetition
Self evaluation
Choral reading
If a teacher wants to know the students performance in another teachers class, the latter can refuse to let them know if?
Report is required last
Other teacher refuse the request
Results in none specifiable professional purpose
School doesn't make the ordinary decision
All of the following instructional practices are effective in promoting and ESOL students self esteem EXCEPT?
Providing extra assignments to the students who sometimes use their Native language in the ESOL classroom
Learning a few words in the students native language
Modeling the correct pronunciation when a student mispronounce a word
Inviting guest speakers in the classroom to share cultural information
Two children from foreign culture have joined a 4th grade class int he middle of the semester, and the other students are making fun of them. What should the teacher do to change the situation?
Have the students bring pictures of them selves and place it on the bulletin board in front of the class
Work separately with your favorite students
Create a learning center based on the foreign cultural and follow with a group discussion
Explain to the class that differential treatment isn't tolerated
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