I am sure of my salvation according to 1 John 5:11,12,13
No, I am unfamiliar with this concept
I'm still learning more about my salvation
I understand this concept but I need help in implementing it
My conviction is getting stronger in relation to my salvation
I am fully convinced of my salvation
I can trust God to answer my prayers according to John 16:24
No, He has not always answered my prayers
I'm still learning to trust God in relation to answered prayers and I am open to learning more about this
I totally understand that He answers my prayers but there are days that my actions don't depict this
My belief in relation to answered prayers is growing stronger daily
I am totally convinced that He answers prayers
God will help me with temptations according to 1 Corinthians 10:13
I feel I'm on my own when I get tempted
I'm still learning to trust that God is with me when I get tempted
I understand that God helps me when I'm tempted
I am getting a stronger understanding of the help of the Father when I get tempted
I know and I have experiential evidence of God helping me when I'm tempted and providing a way of escape when I can not bear it
I know that I am forgiven according to 1 John 1:9
I don't believe I am forgiven when I sin/err
I'm learning and I am open to learning more about His forgiveness and how he removes sin from me
I understand that God forgives me when I confess my sins to Him but there are days when I feel He doesn't
I'm getting stronger understanding daily of how He forgives me when I confess my sins
I am totally convinced that when I err and I confess my sins, He forgives me
I know that God will guide me in life
No, I have not heard or received guidance from God
I am learning the way that he leads and guides me
I have learnt and I understand that he directs my steps
My understanding of how He leads me is growing stronger daily
I am fully convinced of His leading and I consistently lean on the His leading daily
The scriptures have been given to me and I am committed to understanding the word
I am not committed to understanding the scriptures
I am learning to study the word and listen to the HolySpirit explain the scriptures to me
I understand the scriptures to a fair degree
I understand the scriptures to a fair degree and my understanding grows daily
I am fully convinced that the scriptures have been given to me for growth and edification and I am committed to daily studying the scriptures and listening to the HolySpirit expand the word in my heart
I have a daily reading plan for the scriptures
No, I don't have a structure that enables me study the word
I am learning to build a structure that enables me study the word daily and I am open to learning more about how to build a structure for my devotion
I understand that I need a structure for the scriptures but I struggle with consistently implementing the structure
I am actively implementing my reading plan daily
I consistently utilise my reading plan and I also have the room for God to interrupt my structure
I am convinced that the Bible is true
I don't believe the Bible is true
I am open to learning more about this concept
I know that the Bible is true but there are days that my actions does not depict this regularly
I am actively working on strengthening my belief in the Bible
I am fully convinced that the Bible is true and there is evidence in the way I live that I believe in the Bible
The commitment Jesus is asking of me is clear [Matthew 4:19]
I’m unclear as to the commitment that He is asking me
I’d like to grow in understanding of the commitment he is asking of me
I understand the commitment but I have difficulty in going out and implementing this commitment
I understand the commitment being asked of me and I’m actively working on preaching the word daily
I am convinced about the commitment and I consistently live a life that’s committed to soul winning
I love to listen to God and respond. [Romans 8:16]
I don’t know how to hear from God and I don't listen to Him
I’d love to learn more about hearing from God and speaking to him
I understand that God speaks to me but I rarely listen or respond to Him
I am actively working on hearing and responding to God
I am convinced God speaks to me and I respond. We have an ongoing communication daily
I committed to fellowship with other believers. [Hebrews 10:24]
I don’t see a need to fellowship with other believers
I’d like to learn more about the importance of fellowshipping with other believers
I understand the importance of fellowshipping with believers but I find it hard to implement it i.e. fellowship with others
I am actively working on fellowshipping with other believers daily and I can see improvements in this daily
I am committed to fellowshipping with other believers and I do this regularly
I am committed to deepening my love for God? [Psalm 16:1-11]
I don’t see a need to deepen my love for God
I’d like to learn more about the importance of deepening my love for God and also how to do this
I understand the importance of deepening my love for God but I find it hard to implement
I am actively working on deepening my love for God daily however there are aspects of my life that don’t show the proof of this walk
This is my life - I consistently have avenues that facilitates a deepened love for the Father regularly
I understand and can share the good news of Jesus. [Ephesians 2:1-10]
I don’t see a need to share the good news of Jesus and I don’t understand the good news
I’d like to learn more about the good news of Jesus and how to share the good news with unbelievers
I understand the importance of sharing the goodnews however I find it challenging to implement personally
I am actively working on sharing the good news of Jesus everywhere I go
I consistently share the good news of Christ every where I go
I have made my commitment to follow Jesus. [Luke 9:23; 10:27]
I have not made a commitment to follow Jesus
I'd like to learn more about how to make a commitment to following Jesus and what it means
I understand the importance of following Jesus but there are aspects of my life that shows that I'm not committed to following Him
This is work in progress however I am actively working on following closely daily
I am committed to following daily and this is how I live my life as a child who is led by the Father
I understand how to build convictions in my life. [II Timothy 3:10-16]
I don't fully understand how to do this
I would like to learn more about building convictions in my life
I have an understanding of how to build convictions however I am weak in implementing it or taking action
This is work in progress in that I understand and I'm actively working on building convictions in my life
I consistently hold on to the truths that I have learned and I don't sway from them
I know how to hate evil [Proverbs 4:25-27]
I don't know how to hate evil
I am open to learning more on hating evil
I know how to hate evil however I'm weak in following through on implementation
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on my knowledge on hating evil and I am implementing this in my life
I know without a doubt how to hate evil and this is how I live daily. I hate evil
I am convinced about the authority of the Bible [2 Timothy 3:16]
I am not convinced about the authority of the Bible
I am open to learning more on the authority of the Bible
I know about the authority of the Bible however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working understanding more on the authority of the Bible
I am convinced about the authority of the Bible and my life is reflective of what I believe
I have growing experience in explaining the Trinity [Ephesians 2:18]
I don't know what the Trinity means and I don't know how to explain the concept
I am open to learning more on the Trinity
I know about the Trinity however I find it hard to explain it
I am actively working on understanding more on the Trinity and also being able to communicate what I understand to others
I am convinced about the concept of the Trinity and I can explain this concept to anyone
I understand what it means to Lay down my life [Romans 5:8]
I don't understand what it means to lay down my life
I am open to learning more on the concept of laying down my life
I understand what it means to lay down my life however I rarely do it (I find it hard to implement)
This is work in progress i.e. I understand what it means to lay down my life and I am actively working on implementing this daily
I consistently lay down my life and I fully understand this concept
I have embraced the Centrality of Christ [Colossians 1:15-20]
I don't know what it means to embrace the centrality of Christ
I am open to learning more on the centrality of Christ
I know about the centrality of Christ however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on my understanding of the centrality of Christ and implementing it in my life
I have fully embraced the Centrality of Christ
I have a Life Purpose statement [2 Timothy 3:10]
I don't have a life purpose statement and I don't know what it is
I am open to learning more on what a life purpose statement is and how to create one
I know about having a life purpose statement however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working towards creating a life purpose statement
I live life based on my life purpose statement
I have developed a Life Plan. [Proverbs 16:9]
I don't know what a life plan is and I don't have one
I am open to learning more about developing a life plan
I know what a life plan is however I have not developed one
This is work in progress i.e. I know what a life plan is and I am actively working on developing one
I have developed a life plan and I live my life based on it
I know my part and God’s part in life planning [Proverbs 16:9]
I don't know the difference between my part and God's part in life planning
I am open to learning more on my roles and responsibilities and God's part in life planning
I know my part and God's part in life planning however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I know my part and God's part and I am actively carrying out my responsibilities and believing God to keep His part
I know with no iota of doubt God's part in life planning and I understand my responsibilities and I live my life based on this principle
I understand how to have a Sabbath rest [Exodus 20:8-11]
I don't know how to have a Sabbath rest
I am open to learning more about a Sabbath rest
I know about the the Sabbath rest however, I find it hard to implement in my life
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on implementing the Sabbath rest based on the understanding that I have
I live a life of consistently implementing the Sabbath rest
I can explain the major Doctrines in the Bible [2 Timothy 3:16]
I don't know or understand the major doctrines in the Bible
I am open to learning more about the major doctrines in the Bible
I know about the major doctrines in the Bible however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on increasing my understanding of the major doctrines in the Bible
I fully understand the major doctrines of the Bible
I am consistently putting Christ first in my life. [Gal 2:20]
I don't know how to put Christ first in my life
I am open to learning more on how to put Christ first in my life
I understand the concept of putting Christ first however I find it hard to implement in my life
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on putting Christ first in my life
I consistently put Christ first in my life irrespective of the extenuating circumstances
I have disciplines to grasp the Word of God based on the Hand illustration - Hear the word, Read the Word, Study the Word, Memorise the Word, and Meditate on the Word [Ps. 119:9,11]
I don't have disciplines that help me grasp the Word of God
I am open to learning more on the disciplines that help in grasping the word of God
I understand the disciplines required to grasp the Word of God however I find it hard to implement
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on studying the word, hearing the word, meditating on the word, memorising the word and reading the word but this is not a perfect walk
I live my life based on the disciplines that enables me to grasp the Word of God
I have prayer disciplines and habits. [I Thessalonians 5:16-18]
I don't have prayer disciplines and habits
I am open to learning more on effective prayer disciplines and habits
I know about the prayer disciplines and habits but I find it hard to stick to the routine
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on improving my prayer disciplines and habits
I have prayer disciplines and habits and I consistently live my life based on them
I have relationships in my church family. [Hebrews 10:24,25]
I don't have any meaningful relationships in my church family
I am open to learning more on how to build relationships with my church family
I have a few relationships in my church family however I find it hard maintaining these associations
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on strengthening the relationships that I have in my church family
I have solid relationships in my church family
I am equipped to tell my story and share my faith. [Romans 1:16]
I don't believe that I am equipped to share faith and tell my story
I am open to learning more about how to tell my story and share my faith
I know why it's important to share my stories and my faith however I find it hard to implement
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on sharing my story and sharing my faith with others
Sharing my faith and my story is a regular occurrence for me
I am obeying the Word of God in my life. [James 1:22]
I don't think I am obeying the word of God
I am open to learning more on how to obey the word of God
I know I should fully obey the Word of God however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on obeying the Word of God daily
I live my life based on the word of God and I consistently obey His word
I need and have a plan to grow stronger in character. [2 Peter 1:3-11]
I don't have a plan to grow stronger in character or I don't believe I need a plan to grow stronger in character
I am open to learning more on how to grow stronger in character
I have the knowledge on what to do to grow stronger in character however I rarely implement it
This is work in progress i.e. I have the knowledge on how to grow stronger in character and I am actively working on implementing it daily
I am consistently growing stronger in character daily. I know what to do and I implement it every time
I have learned the secret of contentment. [Philippians 4:11-13]
I have not learnt the secret of contentment
I am open to learning more on the secret of contentment
I know about the secret of contentment however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I understand the secret of contentment and I am actively working to ensure my life aligns with this concept
I know the secret of contentment and I am consistently living a godly and content life
I see the quality of excellence in my life. [1Thessalonians 3:11-13]
I can't see the quality of excellence in my life
I am open to learning more on the quality of excellence
I know about the quality of excellence however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on being excellent in all that I do in life and I am beginning to see the quality of excellence in my life
This is the way I live. I can consistently see the qualities of excellence in my life
I have seen God build honesty in my character. [Ephesians 4:25]
Honesty has not been built into my character
I am open to learning more on how God builds honesty into our character
I know God builds honesty into our character however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on speaking the truth in love and being honest daily
I consistently speak the truth in love and I can see how God has built honesty in my character
I am strengthening my heart to greater love. [I John 4:7-11]
I am doing nothing in relation to strengthening my heart to greater love
I am open to learning more on how to strengthen my heart to greater love
I have the knowledge of how to strengthen my heart in greater love however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on strengthening my heart in greater love
A love walk is my daily way of life
I display in my home and life the quality of patience. [James 5:7-11]
I don't have the quality of patience most times
I am open to learning more on being patient irrespective of the circumstances
I have the knowledge on how to be patient with others however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on being patient with others at home and in my life
I consistently display the quality of patience in my home and life
I am growing in humility as I rid myself of pride. [James 4:6-11]
I am not growing in humility and I can still see traces of pride in my life
I am open to learning more on how to grow in humility and how to rid my life of pride
I have a good knowledge on how to live in humility and rid my life of pride however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on growing in humility and banishing pride in my life
I consistently walk in humility and I have tried processes in place that enables me identify pride in my life and nip it in the bud
I am learning to hate evil and pursue purity in my life [Col 3:1-11, I Thes 4:1-8]
I have not learnt how to hate evil and pursue purity
I am open to learning more on how to pursue purity and rid my life of evil
I have a good knowledge about the pursuit of purity in life and hating evil however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on the pursuit of purity in my life daily and learning to hate evil
I consistently live a life in pursuit of purity and I hate evil
I am deepening in God centred faith. [Hebrews 11:6, Colossians 3:1,2]
I don't think I have faith and I don't know how to grow in faith
I am open to learning more on the God centred faith
I have a good knowledge on what faith is and how to grow in the God centred faith however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on growing my God centred faith
I daily walk in faith and I see my faith growing daily
When I have trials, I embrace them as good. [James 1:2-4]
I don't believe trials are good
I am open to learning more on trials and how it can be good for my walk with God
I have a good knowledge of how the trials in my life can work for my good but I find it hard embracing trials as good
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on embracing trials as good for me and my growth
I know that all things work for my good so when I face trials, I embrace them. I consistently live this way
I do all I do with a wholehearted attitude [Psalms 86:11, Luke 10:27,28]
There are so many things that I do with a half hearted attitude
I am open to learning more on how to do things wholeheartedly irrespective of the circumstances
I know that I am meant to do things with a wholehearted attitude however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on doing things with a wholehearted attitude
I consistently do all that I do wholeheartedly
I have the peace of God in the challenges of life. [Philippians 4-4-8]
When I go through challenges in life, I don't have peace and I don't know what the peace of God is
I am open to learning more on accessing the peace of God when I go through challenges in life
I know that I should be careful for nothing however I find this hard to implement in my life
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on accessing God's peace during challenging times in my life
I am consistently at peace, God's peace acts as an umpire over my heart during challenging seasons
I am confident in Heart [Ps. 37:4], Vision [Prov. 29:18], and Knowhow in making disciples.[Matthew 9:36-38]
I don't know how to make disciples neither am I confident in doing it
I am open to learning more on how to make disciples and how to be confident whilst doing it
I have a good knowledge on how to make disciples however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on being confident in heart, vision and knowhow in making disciples
I am daily making disciples and I am confident in heart, vision and the knowledge of doing this
I am strong in Planning and Decision Making. [Proverbs 24:3,4]
I find it hard to plan and make decisions
I am open to learning more on effective planning and decision making in the scriptural way
I have the knowledge on how to plan and make decisions however I find it hard to implement this in my life
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on effective scripture-based decision making and planning daily
I daily make scripture-based decisions and plans. It is my way of life
My leadership skills and working with a Team is strong [Philippians 2:2]
I don't have leadership skills and I can't work with a team
I am open to learning more on scriptural leadership skills and working effectively with a team
I have a good knowledge of strong leadership skills and how to effectively work with teams however there are areas in my life that shows that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on growing my leadership skills and collaboration with teams daily
I have strong leadership skills and I am excellent when it comes to working with a team
I know how to have "life to life" relationships. [2 Timothy 3:10-16]
I am not good at building relationships
I am open to learning more on how to have life to life relationships
I have a good knowledge of how to build good relationships however I find it hard to implement the knowledge that I have
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on building life to life relationships daily
I have life to life relationships and I am consistently building on them
I love to parent and follow up with New Believers [I Thessalonians 1:1-5]
I don't know how to parent or follow up on New Believers
I am open to learning more on how to parent and follow up on New Believers
I have a good knowledge of how to parent and follow up on new believers however, I find it hard to implement
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on parenting new believers and following up on them
I regularly parent new believers and follow up on them
I love being with the lost and I love being a Spiritual Parent [I Thessalonians 2:1-11]
I don't enjoy interacting with the lost and I am not good at Spiritual Parenting
I am open to learning more on how to interact with the lost and how to be a spiritual parent
I have a good knowledge of how to interact with the lost and how to be a Spiritual parent however I find it hard to implement this knowledge
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on my interactions with the lost and how to be a good Spiritual parent
I regularly interact with the lost and I am happy doing this. I am also a spiritual parent
I am convinced and I practice disciple making [Matthew 28:18-20]
I don't practice disciple making
I am open to learning more on how to make disciples
I have a good knowledge on how to make disciples but I find it hard to implement
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on disciple making
I regularly practice disciple making - it is my way of life
I want to be a part of raising up a New Generation of Leaders [2 Timothy 2:2]
I don't want to raise up a new generation of leaders. I am still building myself
I am open to learning more on how to raise up a new generation of leaders
I have a good knowledge of how to raise a new generation of leaders and how to be a part of it however I find it hard to implement
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on raising a new generation of leaders
I am convinced that I am a key part in raising a new generation of leaders. I also regularly raise leaders in the body
I love Shepherding people. [Matthew 9:35-39, I Peter 5:1-5]
I don't understand how to shepherd people and I am not interested in doing this
I am open to learning more on how to shepherd people
I have a good knowledge of how to shepherd people however I don't particularly love doing it. I also do not implement the knowledge that I have in this area
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on shepherding people and I love doing it
I consistently shepherd people and I love doing it. Shepherding people is my way of life
I am comfortable coaching by the Holy Spirit. [Romans 8:14]
I am not comfortable coaching as led by the Holy Spirit
I am open to learning how to coach as led by the Holy Spirit
I have a good knowledge of how to coach as led by the Holy Spirit however I find it hard to implement when the situation presents itself
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on yielding to the Holy Spirit's leading when I coach others
I consistently coach others as led by the Holy Spirit
I am able to get God’s perspective on life, politics, and the future. [Isaiah 46:10, Ephesians 1:10]
I don't know how to get God's perspective on life, politics and the future
I am open to learning more on how to get God's perspective on life, politics and the future
I know how to get God's perspective on life, politics and the future however I hardly implement this knowledge when a situation requires it
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on regularly getting God's perspective on life, politics and the future
I consistently know God's perspective on life, politics and the future
I am able to see beyond worries. [Philippians 4:6-7]
I can't see beyond worries and anxious thoughts
I am open to learning more on how to let the peace of God reign when I am facing a stormy season in life
I have a good knowledge of how to access God's peace in a stormy season however when I face a situation that requires this, I fall back to being worried or anxious
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on accessing God's peace instead of worrying over circumstances
I consistently walk in the peace of God and I see beyond worries at all times
I know how to deepen my contemplative time with God. [Daniel 6:10, Exodus 20:8]
I don't know how to deepen my contemplative time with God
I am open to learning more on how to deepen my contemplative time with God
I have a good knowledge of how to deepen my contemplative time with God but I rarely implement it
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on deepening my contemplative time with God
I regularly deepen my contemplative time with God. It is my way of life
I can spend solitude and silence with God. [I Kings 19:11-13]
I am uncomfortable when it's silent. I don't know how to spend solitude and silence with God
I am open to learning more on how to spend solitude and silence with God
I have a good knowledge of how to spend solitude and silence with God but I rarely do it
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on regularly spending solitude and silence with God
I consistently spend my days in solitude and silence with God
I know how to spend a day with the Lord. [Mark 1:35]
I can't squeeze out a whole day for the Lord
I am open to learning more on how to spend a day with the Lord
I have a good knowledge of how to spend a day with the Lord but I rarely implement it
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on improving the time I spend with the Lord
I consistently spend days with the Lord. I host His presence consistently
I am familiar with an "hour of power". [Matthew 26:40]
I don't know what an "hour of power" is
I am open to learning more on what an "hour of power" is
I have a good knowledge of what the hour of power means however there are aspects of my life that shows that I am not aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on improving my understanding of the hour of power
I I fully understand what an hour of power is and I implement it in my life consistently
I regularly experience the joy of journaling. [Revelation 1:1-3]
I don't have the time to journal and I don't enjoy it when I journal
I am open to learning more on how to be effective in journaling
I have a good knowledge of how to be effective in journaling but I rarely journal
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on effectively journaling consistently
I consistently journal daily. It is my way of life and I enjoy the process of journaling
I know God and allow Him to transform me. [Philippians 3:10]
I don't think God is transforming me and I don't think I know God
I am open to learning more about God and how to yield to His transformation
I have a good knowledge of God and how to yield to His transformation but I can't implement this knowledge
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on getting to know God better and yielding to His transformation
I am a fully yielded vessel in the hands of the Father and I know Him
I can coach the ways of the Holy Spirit. [I Corinthians 3:16]
I don't know how to coach the ways of the Holy Spirit
I am open to learning more on how to coach the ways of the Holy Spirit
I have a good knowledge of how to coach the ways of the Holy Spirit but I rarely implement this knowledge when the opportunity presents itself
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on regularly coaching the ways of the Holy Spirit
I consistently coach the ways of the Holy Spirit
I am comfortable coaching "Beauty and Creation". [Psalm 19]
I don't know how to coach on Beauty and Creation
I am open to learning more on how to coach on Beauty and Creation
I have a good knowledge of how to coach on Beauty and Creation however I rarely implement this knowledge
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on regularly coaching on Beauty and Creation
I consistently coach on beauty and creation
I know why I am here. [Jeremiah 29:11]
I really do not understand God's plans for me
I am open to learning more on my purpose and why I am here
I have a good knowledge of my purpose but there are aspects of my life that indicates that I am not fully aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. there are times that I am certain I know my purpose and other times that I'm not sure. However, I am constantly working on this
I know my purpose, the plans He has for me and why I am here
I know I am forgiven. [Psalms 25]
I don't think I am forgiven
I am open to learning more on God's forgiveness
I have a good knowledge of God's love and forgiveness however there are aspects of my life that indicates that I don't fully understand this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on increasing my knowledge of God's forgiveness
I am fully convinced that I am forgiven of all my sins and He has removed them from me as far as the east is from the west
I see the path to maturity in scripture. [John 1:35-39, Matthew 4:19, John 15:5]
I can't see the path to maturity in the scriptures
I am open to learning more on the path to spiritual maturity
I have a good knowledge of the path to spiritual maturity but I rarely implement this knowledge to facilitate my own spiritual maturity
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on my spiritual growth daily as shown in the scriptures but this isn't a perfect walk
I can see the path to spiritual maturity in the scriptures and I consistently implement this in my life to facilitate spiritual growth
I know how to get more power in my life. [2 Timothy 1:7]
I don't know how to get more power in my life
I am open to learning more on how to get power in my life
I have a good knowledge of how to get power in my life but I don't implement this knowledge
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on implementing the knowledge that I have in getting more power but this is not a perfect walk
I know how to get more power in my life and I consistently implement it
I am able to apply scripture to my life. [James 1:19-27]
I don't know how to apply the scriptures in my life
I am open to learning more on applying the scriptures in my life
I have a good knowledge of how to apply scriptures in my life however there are certain aspects of my life that indicates that I am not aligned to this concept
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on applying scriptures in my life, however this is not a perfect walk
I consistently apply the scriptures to my life. This is my way of life
I am able to constantly put Christ first in my life. [Colossians 1:10-20]
I rarely put Christ first in my life
I am open to learning more on how to put Christ first in my life
I have a good knowledge of how to put Christ first in my life but in reality, I rarely put Him first
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on putting Christ first in every aspect of my life but this is not a perfect walk
I consistently put Christ first in all that I do
I am strong in the area of obedience to God's word. [Matthew 5:1-11]
I am not strong in obeying God's word
I am open to learning more on how to consistently obey God's word
I have a good knowledge of the importance of obeying God's word but I rarely obey God's word in my life
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on obeying God's word in my life daily however this is not a perfect walk
I consistently obey God's word in every area of my life. This is my way of life
I know how to help someone grow spiritually. [Colossians 1:28-29]
I don't know how to help others to grow spiritually
I am open to learning more on how to help others grow spiritually
I have a good knowledge of how to help others grow spiritually but I rarely help others who are in need of this support
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on helping others grow spiritually but this is not a perfect walk
I consistently help others grow spiritually. This is my way of life
I regularly practice claiming God's promises. [2 Peter 1:3-5, 2 Corinthians 1:20]
I rarely claim God's promises
I am open to learning more on how to claim God's promises over me
I have a good knowledge of how to claim God's promises but I don't practice claiming His promises
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on claiming God's promises regularly however this is not a perfect walk
I regularly claim God's promises
I am able to find the will of God for my life. [Romans 12:1-2]
I don't know the will of God for my life or I don't know how to discover His will for my life
I am open to learning more on how to discover God's will for my life
I have a good knowledge of how to discover God's will for my life but I have never attempted to find out what His will for my life is
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on finding God's will for my life but I don't fully know His will at this stage
I know God's will for my life and I know how to find out what His 'now' will is per time
I am able to experience God's love, even when I mess up.[Luke 3:21-22]
I don't know how to experience God's love when I mess up
I am open to learning more on how to experience God's love at all times even when I mess up
I have a good knowledge of how to experience God's love at all times however when I mess up, I feel He does not love me
This is work in progress i.e. I am actively working on experiencing God's love at all times even when I mess up but this is not a perfect walk
I consistently experience His love even when I mess up, I run back to Him
{"name":"SPIRITUAL STAGE ASSESSMENT", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QSEBGW15F","txt":"I am sure of my salvation according to 1 John 5:11,12,13, I can trust God to answer my prayers according to John 16:24, God will help me with temptations according to 1 Corinthians 10:13","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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