Pyq's - patho (tess)

Breast and Reproductive Pathology Quiz
Test your knowledge on breast and reproductive pathology with our comprehensive quiz. Covering a range of topics from common tumors to hormonal changes, this quiz is designed for students and professionals alike.
Challenge yourself with questions on:
- Malignant tumors
- Hormonal imbalances
- Histological changes
- Cervical carcinoma risk factors
- Endometrial conditions
Most common malignant tumor in the breast?
Invasive Duct CA
Medullary carcinoma
(colloid) carcinoma
Tubular carcinoma
A 24 year old female that has had her first menses at 14 years of age presented to the clinic with amenorrhea. She is of short stature and has a webbed neck. The physician has diagnosed her with premature ovarian failure. Which of the following is the likely hormonal change seen?
High LH and high estrogen
High LH and low estrogen
Low LH and high estrogen
A 75 year old woman presents with a pruritic vulvar lesion. Physical examination reveals irregular white, rough area involving her vulva. Which of the following histologic changes is most consistent with the diagnosis of lichen sclerosis?
Hyperkeratosis with Thick grey skin
Atrophy of the epidermis with dermal fibrosis
Increased mitotic activity with no epithelial atypia
Multiple small mucinous cysts of endocervix that result from blockage of the endocervical glands by overlying metaplastic epithelium are found in?
Carcinoma of the cervix
Chronic cervicitis
Lichen sclerosus most commonly occurs in?
Postmenopausal women
Prepubertal girls
Premenopausal women
postmenopausal women and prepubertal girls
True about condyloma acuminatam?
The presence of koilocytes
Benign papillary neoplasm
HPV 6 and 11 are found in most cases
All are true
All of these are risk factors for cervical carcinoma except?
Early age at first intercourse
HSV-2 infection, HIV infection
Cigarette smoking
Multiple pregnancies (Multiparity)
Which of the following is false about lichen sclerosis?
50% of the cases progress to carcinoma
Associated with pruritus
20% of females that have it have other autoimmune diseases
40% of women with carcinoma have associated lichen sclerosus
All are true about complete mole except?
All villi are edematous
Elevation in serum hCG
Absent of atypia
2%-3% risk of choriocarcinoma
What is elevated in Choriocarcinoma?
Alpha hCG
Beta hCG
Complications of PID include all of the following EXCEPT:
ectopic pregnancy
Chronic pelvic pain
Main difference between fibroadenoma and phyllodes:
Excessive and more stromal overgrowth projecting into clefts in phyllodes
Fibroadenmoa is encapsulated unlike phyllodes
Young women in phyllodes unlike fiboadenoma
The breast invasive cancer that carries the BEST prognosis ?
Colloid carcinoma
Tubular carcinoma
A 35 year old women present for her routine check up, found to have lumpy breast ,reassured that she is mostly having fibrocystic changes. Which of the following finding is a false about Non- proliferative fibrocystic change?
White soft tissue surrounding cysts
Lue Domed Cysts
Cysts lined by flat or cuboidal epithelium
Apocrine metaplasia
A tumor that forms cysts lined by tall columnar epithelium, ciliated is ?
Mucinous tumor
All are true about Chronic mastitis, except?
Fibrosis around dilated ducts
Plasma cells infiltrate
Hard mass with thick cheesy secretion
Sheets of neutrophils
The most common invasive carcinoma of the female genital tract is?
Endometrial adenocarcinoma
Mature cystic teratoma
NOT associated with placental infection:
maternal sepsis
Acute chorioamnionitis
All of the following are causes of ectopic pregnancy are true except?
chronic inflammatory changes
Intrauterine tumors
regarding mammography, all of the following statement are true except :
Screening recommended to start after puberty
O detect small, non-palpable breast carcinomas
The sensitivity and specificity of mammography increase with age
In the grading of invasive ductal carcinoma we depend on:
Tubular formation
All of above
Results from unopposed Estrogen except ?
Endometrial hyperplasia
Endometrial adenocarcinoma
Serous, clear cell adenocarcinoma
the commonest MALIGNANT carcinoma of the uterus and ovaries respectively?
Leiomyoma and Serous carcnioma
Endometroid adenocarcinoma and Serous carcinoma
What is wrong statement about breast cancer?
Fibrocystic changes in breast are mostly bilateral
Lobular carcinoma in situ are 70% bilateral
Ductal Carcinoma is more commonly to be seen bilaterally
Invasive lobular carcinoma is 20% bilateral
Which of the following doesn't have a Chorionic villi?
Complete hydatidiform mole
Partial mole
a Female patient with a history of unopposed estrogen therapy and histological examination show endometrial hyperplasia , this means that she has a high risk of
Serous enodmetrial carcinoma
having (HNPCC) increase the risk, except r?
Endometrial adenocarcinoma
Colon cancer
Phyllodes tumor of breast has similar histology to:
How to confirm leiomyosarcom?
tumor necrosis
cytologic atypia
Mitotic activity
Non of the above
All of the above
All of the following are causes of chronic endometritis except?
Chronic gonorrheal pelvic disease
Postpartal or postabortal endometrial cavities
Adenomyosis means:
Presence of fun ctional endometrial tissue (stroma & glands) in remote sites
Growth of basal cell layer of endometrium down into the myometrium
Condyloma acuminatum is caused by?
HSV -2
HPV 16
HPV 6,11
Leukoplakia is seen in all except?
Condyloma accuminatum
Vulvar dystrophy
The transformation zone in cervical epithelium in "Postmenopausal=old" women is:
Contains glands and secretes mucin
Unstable region
Invisible to the naked eye.
All are correct (?)
Which of the following is false about sarcoma boytroides?
It is the most common vaginal tumor of adulthood
polypoid grape like mass
. It is characterized by the presence of rhabdomyloblasts
Presence of Cambium layer
Which of the following isn’t true about carcinoma of the cervix?
Microinvasive carcinoma is where the depth of the lesion is <3 c
SCC 80%
. It can present with renal failure due to direct spread
common presentation is adenocarcinoma of the cervix
Two of the following are false about paget’s disease of the vulva?
Associated with underlying adenocarcinoma in 1/3 cases
Presents with red, scaly, crusted plaques
Arises from multipotential epithelum
Prognosis is poor even if there is no invasion
It is frequently associated with an underlying carcinoma
Which of the following is true about mucinous tumors of the ovary?
Firm circumscribed mass
Metastatic from a primary in gastrointestinal tract
Bad prognosis
Which of the following isn’t correct about gestational choriocarcinoma?
It most often follows a complete mole
High risk below 20Y and above 40Y
Hemorrhagic tumor with chorionic villi
A breast lesion that mimics carcinoma of the breast in mammography, FNA and examination (palpable mass presentation) is ?
All of the following is part of fibrocystic changes except ?
Sclerosing adenosis
Ductal/lobular hyperplasia
All of the following are true about leiomyomas except ?
Growth is stimulated by pregnancy and hormones
Single, multiple
Well circumscribed, round
They are a pre-cursor lesion for leiomyosarcomas
The best test for the cervical carcinoma screening is :
Pap smear
A lady with breast tumor that has leaf like appearance?
Medullary carcinoma
Psammoma bodies are CCC of:
Serous Adenocarcinoma
Mucinous tumor
false about pap smear?
Reported according to Bethesda system
HPV infection
differentiate the STAGE of cervical cancer
One of the following will NOT affect the prognosis of breast cancer?
Size & edge of tumor
Presence of Estrogen & Progesteron receptors
activated oncogene
Paget's disease
{"name":"Pyq's - patho (tess)", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on breast and reproductive pathology with our comprehensive quiz. Covering a range of topics from common tumors to hormonal changes, this quiz is designed for students and professionals alike.Challenge yourself with questions on:Malignant tumorsHormonal imbalancesHistological changesCervical carcinoma risk factorsEndometrial conditions","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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